The Bahamas are bracing for unimaginable news. This Hurricane has been unprecedented in its fury and destruction. There are 70,000 people in need of food and shelter and there are 6,600 persons still missing.

                When you look at the endless piles of rubble and the flooding and such it is easy to see why they haven’t found many of the victims yet. In the summer’s heat it is going to be a gruesome task to gather up and identify the bodies… and how does one begin when the entire infrastructure of a place including businesses and homes and churches and utility companies and police and fire and construction crews are all in the same boat? I have friends that live there, or used to. Where are they now?

                The chaos of the last days is going to come from every angle… nature… politics…religion …  …factions of all types… divisions and strife… along with the formation of a global government that promises to heal all of our wounds and build a kingdom that will last forever.

                If ever there was a time to place our full faith in God and in His Word that time is now. It is the only train out of this mess and yet it is going to be contested at every turn.

                One doesn’t need to be a fear monger nowadays. Everything is happening right before our eyes. To miss it one has to be miserable and poor and blind and naked… and yet, just like the Bible says… people are eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage as if nothing has changed.

                Interestingly, there is nothing wrong with eating and drinking or marrying and giving in marriage. The whole point of that is that people adjust to the times and they go on living as if nothing new is happening… much less that we are facing the end of the world as we have known it and the return of Jesus Christ.  We have this uncanny way of making everything fit into our beliefs so that we can go on living in a “normal” world even when it is turned upside down.

                None of us knows everything there is to know about these last days. And so we seek God’s face and we pray for understanding and wisdom. We probe the Scriptures for clues. We review over and over again our previous interpretations. Have they stood the test of time or do they need adjustment or even re-thinking?

                More importantly, we need to know that our soul is ready for whatever may come. We need to live as though today is our last day on earth. How would we live this day if we knew that it was to be our last one? That is the way we need to live in this uncertain world.

                With nature and politics and religion all writhing and shifting and heaving against the restraints of normalcy, we need to re-evaluate our faith and to make sure that our anchor will hold in the coming storm. It is bound to be a doozey.  Hang in there.


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