In Job chapter one, we see that the sons of God came to present themselves to the Lord and Satan came in among them. We notice right off that while Satan seems big and formidable on earth, he seems very small in the presence of God, and while God knows everything, he more or less pretends not to know where Satan has come from. It’s like God is saying, “Oh yeah, that’s right, you are that guy that hijacked that tiny little planet on the outskirts of nowhere.”

                We can also notice here that God did not greet him as” Lucifer, son of the morning.” He lost that title in the fall.  He is now known as Satan (The Adversary) the one blemish in God’s otherwise perfect creation.

                Nevertheless Satan in his pride can’t help but try to needle God by claiming some sort of ownership over the earth, the very place where God has done something new in the universe. There God has created a new class of being made in His own image and Satan has somehow managed, by hook or crook to steal their authority over the earth and to take it for himself.

                I want to digress for a moment here to explain what it means that we are created in the image of God. God is Spirit. Angels are spirits. Animals are of the flesh, but in Man God did something altogether new and unique. We are first of all spirits. We are made in the image of God and God is a Spirit. But kin His creation of a new physical universe, God gave us a body made up of the elements of His creation. So man is a spirit that dwells in a physical body and yet that is not all. God has given us a soul, a physical mind that is created to be an interface between spirit and flesh. Our fallen soul tends to follow after our flesh, but our born again spirit tends to follow after the things of the Spirit. Our mind the, the interface between spirit and flesh must choose which it will serve.

                This is what we see then going on in the book of Job. In spite of all that Satan brings against Job in the flesh, Job remains faithful to God and God reckons that as righteousness even as He reckoned Abraham as righteous. So the book of Job takes us behind the scenes to see what is taking place.

                Satan doesn’t yet seem to understand how Big God is. No one has ever put God to the test before. No one has ever really questioned Him. But Satan is about to discover something about God that we too must learn.

                God used the story of Joseph in the book of beginnings (Genesis) to demonstrate this principle to us. After all that Joseph had gone through in his life, Joseph had this to say to his brothers. “And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”

                What Satan hasn’t learned yet in the book of Job is that God is big enough to take the worst that Satan can dish out and to cause it to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes,” Romans 8:28 And God is in the process of bringing many sons to glory. Heb. 2:10 and earth has become our training ground. And in this training ground we find that all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. So even what Satan means for evil, God is using for our good.

                In speaking with Satan God is not mean or overbearing. He doesn’t need to be. In God’s presence Satan can only speak when spoken to, not because God is a tyrant King, but because He is awesome in majesty and power and infinite in wisdom and understanding. Satan is suddenly very small and while it may seem for a moment that earth has been out of His thoughts, God suddenly makes known His intimate awareness by asking Satan not once but twice: Have you considered my servant Job?

                On this earth, a rogue planet in rebellion, we may feel like we are alone with our troubles and we may wonder at times why we even try. Why do we keep on believing? Why do we keep wading through the constant lies of Satan and the world and yet choose to believe that God cares and that He is well able to rescue us? Why do we continue to await His soon return?

                Well, this earth may be in rebellion and it may be on a violent course towards judgment and a fiery purging, but in the book of Job we see something. GOD SEES OUR FAITHFULNESS! He knows intimately those who belong to Him and God, as our Father, is actually proud of us. He looks at our faithfulness in the face of adversity and He says: “That’s my boy! That’s my girl! These are My kids and even though much of the world has turned against Me Satan, I have a remnant that has not bowed the knee to Baal.

                “Not only that Satan, but I am going to send my only begotten Son, through whom I have created everything and when He is lifted up He will draw all men unto Me and you can’t do anything about it but lie and lies ultimately don’t hold water and your kingdom will collapse into nothing when all is said and done. Meanwhile I am collecting jewels… precious stones tried in the fire… gold and silver refined in the cauldron of adversity and with them I am going to defeat you Satan so that they will trample you under their feet.

                “I know my faithful ones Satan. I see their faithfulness and so even though you mean it for evil I will cause it to work out for good to all who love me and who are called according to My purposes. I know my faithful ones Satan and even though you think you are turning them from me, they are learning obedience through suffering even as my Son learned it (Heb. 5:8) and they are following in His footsteps and living by His power (which by the way is My power) and they will overcome you by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” (I have put words in God’s mouth here, but every thought expressed is from the Bible.)

                Yes friends, we live in enemy territory. We are in a battlefield and it is a tough training ground. We are in a life or death struggle and the consequences are eternal and the choices we make are vitally important to the outcome of the battle. But remember this: “The battle is not ours but the Lords.”            “Power and might are in His hands.” “We are powerless against the enemy, but our eyes are on God.” “We need not fight the battle ourselves, but rather we need to stand and see the salvation of the Lord.” “Our job is to praise the Lord with a very loud voice.”” We need to put our trust in God and in His prophets.” “We need to busy ourselves with singing and praising the Lord and He will destroy our enemies. He will fight for us.” See 2 Chron. chapter 20.

                In 2 Chron. 21:7 it says that the Lord was not willing to destroy the house of David because of a covenant He had made with David to give a lamp to him and his sons forever.”

                Listen friends, we have a covenant, that if possible is even better than God’s covenant with David, even though that is impossible since Jesus is that Son of David to whom the promise was written. However we too have a covenant with God, signed in the blood of Jesus and that covenant guarantees us a place with Him in His coming kingdom.

                After Satan’s reign of terror is over and his kingdom has proved to be a house of cards that cannot endure, then we will be reigning as kings and priests unto our God and Satan will be no more.

                Satan appeared among the sons of God even though he was no longer one of them. He challenged God, by telling Him that if He removed His hedge of protection from Job, then Job would curse him and side with the enemy. But Job did not do that. He remained faithful through all that Satan threw at him. When the contest was over and Job had overcome, God doubled all of His blessings upon Job and his latter state was better than his first.

                Perhaps the most important lesson that we can learn from the book of Job is that God sees. He sees what you are going through and He sees your faithfulness. And while God doesn’t always prevent adversity (since that is how we learn to overcome) our faithfulness will be rewarded beyond all that we can ask or think. Eph. 3:20. Your faithfulness does not go unnoticed by God. In fact His eye is particularly upon those who are being faithful and He is training us to reign with Jesus upon the throne of the universe. We are destined to be a kingdom of kings and priests unto our God.

                “And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” Rev. 5:10. So when the stone is cut out of the mountain without hands and fills the whole earth we will be reigning with Christ and all of Satan’s kingdoms will have been ground into powder and blown away.

                So don’t get lost in your troubles. Look beyond them to the infinite rewards that will be yours because of your faithfulness. God sees and He knows you even down to your DNA and number of hairs upon your head. Do you know how many hairs you have on your head? I don’t… But God does and when all is said and done you will have lost nothing and gained everything. So hang in there. Our day is coming and Satan cannot do a thing about it. Our God is very big!


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