
Showing posts from September, 2019


THE BAHAMAS                 The Bahamas are bracing for unimaginable news. This Hurricane has been unprecedented in its fury and destruction. There are 70,000 people in need of food and shelter and there are 6,600 persons still missing.                 When you look at the endless piles of rubble and the flooding and such it is easy to see why they haven’t found many of the victims yet. In the summer’s heat it is going to be a gruesome task to gather up and identify the bodies… and how does one begin when the entire infrastructure of a place including businesses and homes and churches and utility companies and police and fire and construction crews are all in the same boat? I have friends that live there, or used to. Where are they now?             ...


HAVING A PROPHETIC VIEW                 Why are there so many suicides especially among young people today? What would be so horrible that a person would actually take their own life?   What problem would be so unsolvable that a young person could not see that things do get better with time and that we just have to hang in there until we see light at the end of the tunnel?                 I think that we can live through many horrible things if there is a greater context in which we live. The bad thing we are going through right now is not the end of the world. It is not the sum total of our lives or our purposes in this life… if we have a greater context… a greater purpose than mere existence.                 I think that young peopl...


WHERE THE CROSS MEETS THE CROSSROAD                 As happens so many times I woke this morning at 3:35 from a dream where I was teaching a group of people on the subject of where the cross meets the crossroad. In my dream I was likening life to a crossword puzzle in which two roads cross at a junction where the cross and the crossroad meet.                 That is all there was to the dream and so here I am at my computer waiting on the Lord for what He will give me on the subject.                 We all know that our life is made up of many crossroads. We know where we have made wrong turns. We know where the flesh has urged us to turn left when the Spirit was urging us to turn right. In our foolishness and greed for self-will we have o...


ANOINTED TO BE A KING                 The older I get them more I understand my complete and total need of the Holy Spirit. In our youth we keep thinking that we can do something, even though Jesus says that we can do nothing. John 15:5                 David was anointed to be king in his youth and yet he had many things to go through before he actually reached the palace. We must realize that it was most likely the things that he went through that made Him a good king and it is also likely that it was his trials that caused him to maintain his dependence upon God.                 Saul was anointed as king as well and yet he fell from his anointing and began to live by the flesh rather than by the Spirit. The result was that an evil spirit...


MEMBERS OF THE BODY                 If you become sick and go to your doctor, he is going to check your vital signs. He will check your temperature and your pulse. He will check your eyes and ears and your reflexes. He will look at your tongue and your throat. He will run a blood test and he will listen to your lungs and your heartbeat. He may ask for a urine sample and ask you about your input (what you eat and drink) and your output in terms of exercise and elimination and so on.                 A church can also be examined by checking its vital signs. These vital signs would involve an inspection of the fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. When you go to your doctor, he doesn’t ask you what you believe. He is not looking for your doctrine or where you go to church, he is rather checking to see how your b...


CREATED TO BE KINGS AND PRIESTS                 You will have to forgive me if I sound like I am repeating myself here, but I am going to go over a well- worn subject because the Lord has just taught me something that has put the whole thing together.                 I have mentioned numerous times over the years the triune nature of man. Mankind was created as a threefold being, body, soul and spirit. The tabernacle of Moses makes that very clear with its three sections. The outer court represents our physical body. The Holy Place represents our soul. (Our soul is made up of our natural mind, will and emotions.) And the third compartment, the Holy of Holies is our spirit and we can see from this that when the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us He doesn’t live in our body or our mind, but He dwells in our spirit. ...


GOD SEES                 In Job chapter one, we see that the sons of God came to present themselves to the Lord and Satan came in among them. We notice right off that while Satan seems big and formidable on earth, he seems very small in the presence of God, and while God knows everything, he more or less pretends not to know where Satan has come from. It’s like God is saying, “Oh yeah, that’s right, you are that guy that hijacked that tiny little planet on the outskirts of nowhere.”                 We can also notice here that God did not greet him as” Lucifer, son of the morning.” He lost that title in the fall.   He is now known as Satan (The Adversary) the one blemish in God’s otherwise perfect creation.                 Nevertheles...


ALMOST TOTAL DEVASTATION                 Today my heart goes out to the people of the Bahamas. For them Hurricane Dorian is more than a disaster. This is he wiping out of an entire infrastructure and all that it entails. They have no place to go and no place to escape. Houses and buildings and roads and power… everything is in a shamble of twisted and flooded debris. They can’t rebuild… they can only start over.                 This is the most powerful storm to ever hit the Bahamas and even the news described it as apocalyptic.                 An anonymous government official who regularly visits the Paul Begley show has been warning us for 6 years now that these waves of energy that are coming from outer space would increase earthquakes,...