When Jezebel, the Phoenician wife of Ahab reigned as queen in Israel, she killed all of the prophets of God and replaced them with 400 prophets of Asherah (Astarte) and 450 prophets of Baal. So their remained only 100 prophets of God in Israel and they were hiding in a cave with the help of a man called Obadiah who hid them and brought them food to eat.

                There was only one prophet on the loose and hiding in the wilderness in those days and that was the prophet Elijah. To this one,  God gave the task of confronting Jezebel and the entire nation of Israel that by this time was mostly been given over to the gods of Jezebel and Ahab, a rather weak king who just sort of sat back wringing his hands and let Jezebel do her thing.

                In 2016 America too hung in the balances, for a modern Jezebel and her weak Husband Ahab were all lined up to ascend to the throne of this nation… a nation that had allowed itself to be called Ichabod. (God has departed… “We are no longer a Christian nation.”)

                We take it far too lightly that God intervened and put a man in office that has defended our Christian heritage and staved off America’s plunge into the throes of tribulation. Everything was in place to bring in the gods of the New World Order and to offer up America as a living sacrifice to Lucifer.

                Most of us Christians are too blind to see the prophetic implications connected to the defeat of Jezebel in 2016 and fewer still have recognized that much of the church has continued in its downward pathway towards the false prophets of Jezebel anyway. We have not used this time to repent.

                Picture what is happening in American politics. It is like God pinned the head of the serpent to the ground and we didn’t even realize how much control the serpent had until his head was momentarily pinned down, but we see his body writhing and squirming and thrashing about. Look at the forces that have risen up in rebellion against God’s chosen leader. What main stream media is currently doing in this nation is (By every definition) treason. Treason is when you try to uproot and overthrow the legitimate leadership of a nation … and in every possible way, they are seeking to overthrow, impeach or destroy this presidency in spite of the good that he has done for this nation. By God’s help, he has literally turned this nation back from the brink of financial, moral and spiritual destruction.

                Please understand that I am not talking politics here or even about Trump per se, but about the spiritual forces of wickedness that are seeking to bring this world under its tyrannical control. We are moving ever so close to Revelation 13 and god pushed it off a bit because His timing was not yet right. Everything must be fulfilled exactly as it is written in the Book.

                But what has the church done about it? We have continued to entertain ourselves with our own false prophets. We have continued to refuse to take up the true prophetic mantle or to see what God is actually doing. In fact we have joined with the spirit of the prostitute and we have spread our legs and joined ourselves to every evil thing that Jezebel wanted to bring in.

                Today many main stream churches continue to follow her ways and to adopt the principles and laws of Jezebel rather than to stand with Elijah. The false prophets are claiming peace, peace when in fact we are engaged in the greatest battle of all time. The false prophets would rather have us blend in than to confront Jezebel and her false prophets.

                I was listening to one of a handful of true prophetic voices left in the land yesterday. He explained our situation in America and told us to pray for our president, because even though he is not perfect, God put him in place to give America one last chance to repent. He said that if Trump makes it to the end of his term, then God will give him a second term and it will mean just 4 more years of reprieve for America. But if they manage to drive him out of office, then he will be replaced by a woman who rides the beast. She will be ten times more evil than the last Jezebel that tried to run the land and her first order of business will be to kill all of the prophets of God and to destroy and remove the voice of the church from the land.

                Do we think for some reason that we are not repeating the story of Israel as it was in the days of Ahab and Jezebel? Do we not see the massive influx of false gods and false prophets? Do we not see that the generations coming up are turning away from the church in disgust and looking elsewhere for truth simply because the church has become more like the world than the world is? Today young people look at the church and they ask,” Where is the power of God that you claim to have even as you spew out your hyperbole? Where is the righteousness? Where are the true miracles? Where is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that actually changes lives… that gives its people the wisdom to discern between the holy and the profane… between truth and error… between good and evil spirits?

                Bobby Conner (one of the prophets that tell the truth) said he was ministering in a large church when he heard someone praying in tongues behind him. He said that when he heard that voice his spirit within Him, having been opened up to minister to the people, suddenly closed up within him and the Lord said to him, “Did you feel that Bobby? “ and he said” yes” and the Lord told him that this lady was a witch that had infiltrated the church. So Bobby went over to the pastor and whispered to the Pastor pointing out the lady to him and telling him that she was a witch that had infiltrated his congregation.

                To this the pastor scoffed at him and said, “You’ve got to be out of your mind. She is not a witch. She is the head of our intercessory prayer team. So the Lord told Bobbie to demand that the woman say in English what she had just spoken in tongues and with a horrible and guttural voice she shouted out: “F” you Christians and “F” your Jesus.” The pastor was flabbergasted and said to Bobby. “What shall we do? And Bobbie responded, “Well, for starters you need to kick her off of your prayer team.

                Bobby informed us that most churches have been infiltrated by witchcraft for the purpose of dividing and destroying the church and wherever possible they get into intercessory prayer teams because that is the power center of the church.

                The problem with the church today is that we no longer operate in the power and purity of the Gospel that would discern these spirits and kick them out. We have become too all inclusive. We love the gifts, but we don’t have the character and the actual purifying power that goes along with the gifts. The truth is that Satan can imitate the gifts of the spirit as well and if you operate in them without submitting to God and to His Word, a different spirit will take over.

                I experienced this same thing as Bobby one time in a charismatic meeting where the church was in prayer and many were praying in tongues when suddenly in the midst of them I heard a voice of one praying in tongues that sent a chill down my spine. That person was not operating in the true Spirit of God and the Lord revealed that to me. Friends, we need the gift of discernment of spirits.

                What the church needs today is a reformation of true godliness… a return to the Word and to righteousness and holiness. Today witches can infiltrate our midst and not even feel threatened or in danger of exposure. Much of our charismatic experience has been reduced to the level of parlor games and we think we have power but we don’t even have enough power to expose the enemy in our midst.

                Church, we need to pray like never before. We are in a spiritual battle for our lives and the false prophets keep prophesying peace and safety and great moves of God, but unless we can get on the right track we will be riding on a train to hell. We need the spirit of Elijah once again to confront Jezebel and the gods of the New Age. They are the same gods that Israel faced in days of old. They may change their names from time to time, but they are the same Babylonian gods that have ruled since the tower of Babel.

                We need to know the Word of God and the God of the Word, not just as a source of doctrine, but as a way of life, fully submitted to God and obedient in every way. We need to ask Jesus to cleanse our temples. We need to pray like David did in Psalm 139:23, 24: “Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way.”

                Because we have grown lax in our obedience to God, we have allowed Satan to sneak in and pretend to be Christ in our midst. Jesus warned about this in the last days saying: “See to it that no one misleads you; for many will come in My name saying I am the Christ and will mislead many.” Mt. 24:4-5.

                So we picture someone standing up in a white robe pretending to be Jesus, but it is much more subtle than that. Instead we just begin to preach a Jesus that no longer requires obedience or holiness or righteousness or repentance from sin. We begin to preach a bloodless Gospel. We lower the requirements so that death to self and to the world is no longer required. We begin to worship a god of our own making.

                Today we are plunging into the greatest battle the world has ever seen or ever will see. The judgments of God are in the land even as the true church shrinks into a remnant. Even nature is in on the judgments displaying record breaking events in every area… record floods, record heat, record hurricanes, record tornadoes, record volcanoes, a record animal extinctions, a record dying of our oceans, record signs in the heavens and record activity in our solar system that is heating up our planet and threatening to break us apart, record political tensions worldwide, record hatred and turmoil. Everything is pushing toward a great climactic ending and yet the church sleeps on… the true prophetic voice largely silent.

                Today, like never before God’s true people are being called out of this Jezebel system, this Babylonian kingdom that is currently seeking absolute control of our planet. Bible prophecy both in Israel and in the world is coming into its final fulfillment at astounding speed. False Israel and the false church are more visible than that which is true. We must now push into God to find our place among those who keep the commandments of God and who bear the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy.

                We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and we need to return to our first love. To us today Jesus says:

                “But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray, so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things (listen to messages and embrace doctrines) sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent and she does not want to repent of her immorality.  Behold I will cast her upon a bed of sickness and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of her deeds.” Rev. 2:20-22.

                This is where the church sits right now. God has given us a momentary reprieve. Are we going to repent and return to our first love, or are we going to plunge into the great tribulation? This is not about politics. It is about perceiving the moves and purposes of God in the world as the pages of His prophetic schedule unfold before us.


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