Today is the Sabbath day and Bonnie and I always look forward to Sabbath because it is the one day of the week when God gives us permission to do absolutely nothing. It is not a religious thing with us, but a day that we actually look forward to; when, without other obligations or distractions we can actually spend time with the Lord.

                We grew up going to church on Saturday, but because I was involved in ministry, Sabbath was usually my busiest, most stressful day. But now we can leave all of that kind of stress to Sunday so that we can actually observe the Sabbath just as the Bible describes it… by not doing any work. Oh glory!

                However, today is one of those “pull the ox out of the ditch” kinds of Sabbaths, because today we will be doing our monthly food distribution for the poor in our area and that is okay too.  In fact there is a lady now attending my Sunday school class who came in through this feeding program and she is really growing in the Lord. She was there to help unload the truck and to bag the groceries on Thursday and she came up and gave me the biggest hug… and hearing a little of her story I know that she is so happy to finally have a family and to know that she is not alone in the world.

                Taking care of the poor was a really big deal in the early church. In fact when Paul went up to Jerusalem to be examined by the apostles, Peter, James and John, they found nothing wrong with his doctrine but they reminded him as Paul says: “They only asked us to remember the poor- the very thing I also was eager to do.” Gal. 2:10

                In every city and town there is a part of the population that is destitute and poor and hungry and without hope in the world and interestingly enough, Jesus turned away from the great halls of religion in His day and chose to share His infinitely valuable treasures of truth with the poor, the lame, the sick and the common folk. In fact Jesus established His kingdom on earth by inviting fishermen from the wrong side of the tracks (Galilee) to build up these common men whose words we revere to this day.

                In fact Jesus chose only one uppity religious Pharisee to explain His kingdom in theological terms, but Jesus had to throw him off of his horse and blind him and put him through the wringer for 14 years in order to make a true apostle out of him. So Paul, when he later spoke of his credentials he said:

                “”Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision; for we are the true circumcision who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh, although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law a Pharisee; as to zeal a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless. But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” Phil.3:2-7

                Paul then goes on to say: “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish (or dung) in order that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith that I man know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings being conformed to His death in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Phil 3:8-11

                Paul basically had to unlearn everything that he had learned as a Pharisee in order to become a disciple and apostle of Jesus Christ. This did not do away with his great intellect of course, but it redirected it in humility and love, in grace and in truth as it is in Jesus.

                We would do well to pay attention to Paul’s opening statement about being aware of the dogs, the evil workers, the false circumcision. Today the very exact same people have become the ruling party in Israel. The same Sanhedrin, the same Orthodox Pharisees… the same ones that hated Jesus and His disciples in Bible times are right now even as we speak, working with the nations on a global scale to enforce Noahide laws in which being a Christian will be punishable by beheading.

                This may sound ridiculous to you, but wait and see. I must warn you of these things just as Paul did for the same false circumcision, the false Jews have taken over the leadership of Israel… they are building a temple for their god Lucifer and they are far more powerful than we might imagine. They control the banking of the world. They own and control the Federal Reserve Bank that controls America.

                The Noahide laws are on the books of the world’s 70 leading nations including America and when these laws are enforced many Christians are going to go along with it, because they have been deluded into thinking that this false circumcision… these false leaders are God’s chosen people and they are not. They are of the synagogue of Satan. Rev.3:9 and as followers of Satan, they have the same desire to wipe out Christianity that they did in Paul’s day. They pretend to like us now, because they want our tourist dollars and they need America to protect them and to fund them… but a day is fast approaching when their antichrist system is in place and we will be shocked, because we were asleep and we did not realize that all of the hatred and chaos currently going on in America and around the world is being stirred up by these global leaders.

                Like I have been saying, False Christianity and false Judaism have joined forces, along with Free Masonry, the Jesuit Organization, the Club of Rome, the CFR and countless other secret organizations are pooling resources to bring about a New World Order. Even Pope Francis has announced that the Noahide laws are to be the foundation of the coming global religion. Should we not then perk up our ears and look into these things?

                The global religion of the Beast is forming right before our eyes and much of Christianity is in full support of it today because we do not understand the prophetic issues of our day. We have bought the lies of false Israel, the false circumcision and we have ignored the pleas of true Israel, the true circumcision that stand in opposition to all that is going on in Israel today. We have placed our bets on the wrong party… and even Evangelical leaders and others are flocking both to the Vatican and to Israel to join forces with the synagogue of Satan.

                There are many true Jews of the true circumcision who do not yet know or accept Christ, but they will, because Zechariah says that at a certain point after the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, then these will have occasion to look upon Him whom they have pierced and to be reconciled to Him. But for the most part, true Jews are made up of those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and true King and they will be persecuted by the false circumcision just as we will be. We find these things in Zechariah, 12:10, Romans 11:25-32

                We must study these texts and the whole of Bible prophecy if we want to understand the issues of our day, because we are now coming into the fullness of time when all of these prophecies are literally coming into reality.

                The 5G network is being installed worldwide and in a rush, because I believe that it is one of the last pieces to be put into place to enable the installation of the cashless system of finance. This is the only way that they can control all of the buying and selling on a global scale just as the Bible describes it in Revelation 13:17. You can’t control people’s money as long as they can carry it around in their pocket and buy and sell from each other in ways that cannot be tracked. But when money is exchanged through electronic means, then every penny can be accounted for and thus controlled by the banks and the government. We are getting very close even now, for if they don’t like you, they can turn off your debit card, or block your bank account… but when cash is gone then there will literally be no source you can turn to except trading something you have for food… and how long will that go on before every stick of furniture and ever tool in your garage is gone? Not only that but you will run the risk of exposure, because most of the world will be against you.

                I am not presuming to tell you when the rapture will be, but we are on dangerous ground to presume that we will not face any of these things. Everywhere that saints are mentioned in the book of Revelation, they have come out of great tribulation and they have gained the victory over the beast and his image. So, whatever the timing of the rapture we will be here to see the great falling away and the revealing of the Man of sin (the antichrist) and we will have to choose between Christ and Satan and we may even face death for that choice.

                As near as I can tell, God only promises that we will not be here to face His wrath. (Which consists of His punishment of Satan’s kingdom.) We are promised escape from God’s wrath in many places in scripture, so that much we can count on. As for the rapture, I will not argue it one way or the other because as the bible says: No one knows the day or the hour and He will come like a thief in the night and many will be taken by surprise. So all I am saying is that we must be ready for any contingency, because mankind has been known to be wrong about its understanding of Bible prophecy on more than one occasion. (See, Romans 5:9, 1 Thess.1:10, 1 Thess. 5:9, Rev. 3:10)

                I have noticed that many prophecy teachers who once adamantly taught a pre trib rapture are now modifying it by saying that we don’t know for sure which is part of the tribulation and which is the beginning of sorrows and exactly how much we will have to face before the rapture. In fact Jesus describes many things and then says: “But the end is not yet. Read Mt. 24:6-15. These things are the beginning of birth pangs and we will be hated by all nations on account of Jesus’ name. This is very specific. All nations will hate us for loving Jesus and now we can see how this will be. That hatred is manifesting even here in America a once Christian nation even now.

                Then Jesus also describes in verse 10 a great falling away. (The same falling away that Paul describes in 2 Thess. 2:3, 4, that brings on the antichrist) and then Jesus goes right on to describe the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION as spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place.

                This is a very strong clue that a temple will be built and exist in the last days and this is precisely the negotiations that are being fought over in Israel right now. They are about to build a temple for their Messiah and it is not Jesus. (Remember that Israel is a physical template for what is happening spiritually in the church.)

                Friends, it is high time to wake up and rather than arguing over our eschatological differences we need to diligently study into these things and to prepare our hearts and lives for whichever way these things take place. Remember this: traditions are not always right.

                Our best advice then is what Jesus said in conclusion to His prophetic dissertation:  “Therefore be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” Mt. 24:42.


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