So far in America alone this year we have experienced record snow, record rain, record flooding, record tornados (Fifty of them just yesterday in the Midwest), record, cold, record heat and record weather events. All of this while we witness the carnage of animal, fish, bird, insect and plant die-offs that threaten the extinction of over a million species over the next few years. The world stands poised for war. The European Union is falling apart. The globalist regime is staggering and in dire need of an apocalyptic event of some kind in order to gain control of the masses.

                Based on global weather patterns alone I suspect that we will soon begin to hear about massive food shortages, not only elsewhere, but in the United States. Huge tracts of our farming land in the Midwest are either inundated with flood waters, or torn up by tornadoes, unseasonable cold or heat or drought, or depleting soils so that we will soon not have enough for ourselves let alone for the third world nations that we supply. And they in turn are suffering the same kinds of weather so that they cannot supply us with the massive amounts of fruit and vegetables we buy from them.

                Our sun is at a solar minimum, but is acting erratically with things that shouldn’t happen during a solar minimum. The planets in our solar system are shaking and quaking and experiencing much the same events as we are experiencing here on earth. Even our moon is undergoing moon quakes and NASA says that it is shrinking. (Whatever that means) Meanwhile the earth’s core is expanding and heating up due to all of the solar and cosmic radiation penetrating our weakening electromagnetic shields.

                NASA is now also admitting that a foreign body of some kind is entering our solar system to fly by the earth at some undisclosed time that could literally tip earth on its side and bring about many of the events spoken of in the books of Revelation and Isaiah 24. It is waves of energy from that approaching body that are causing some of the anomalies in the magnetosphere and weather that we are now experiencing.

                In order to control us, the powers that be would like to blame all of our weather woes on the cars we drive, or our methods of farming and there is some truth to that, but the problems we see coming right now are much bigger than that. I believe we are seeing global and cosmic judgments of a spiritual nature as nation after nation falls away from God. Satan loves chaos, division, hatred, greed immorality and despair. It is in mankind’s lowest spiritual condition that he gains control and that is where the world is headed.

                The bible talks not only about the rise of antichrist, but the collapse of spiritual and moral truth so that bad is called good and good is called bad and even good things given by God like marriage and sex and family and faith, become perverted and then their perversions are forced upon us. Isa 5:20-30

                God invites, while Satan demands and controls and we are either servants of God or slaves of unrighteousness. Being a servant of God is something we may choose, but being a slave of Satan is something that we already are. We are born into slavery as children of fallen Adam. So our only choice in escaping the slavery of this world is to enter by faith into the death of our new Adam Jesus Christ, to be raised by His resurrection power and then to live by His Spirit as citizens of His kingdom.

                This and only this can offer us escape from this prison planet. There is a great divide between Satan’s kingdom and Christ’s kingdom and the only point of transfer from one realm to the other is through the cross. We have to literally die in one kingdom (This is why we must die to the Law. Gal. 2:19-20) in order that we can be born again into Christ’s kingdom, there to live by His Spirit.

                In this regard many are still- born into the kingdom, having died to the Law, but never having taken in the air of the Spirit of Christ that would give them new life. Instead they have agreed to a list of doctrines, or philosophies, or traditions… none of which can actually bring them life. A newborn baby who fails to take his first breath will not live to see another day and so it is with us and the Spirit of Christ… We must breathe in His life and receive it. And yet we make doctrine more important than life and intellectual information more important than the very Spirit who gives life.

                Jesus said in John 6:63: It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” We therefore must take in His words as being living and active and life-giving, not just intellectual information that we can argue over. It is more transformational than informational, for if His word is not changing us, then it is not being treated as life, but only information to be batted around in the halls of academia.

                As for the things going on in our planet today, the mainstream news media avoids reporting anything that would appear to fulfill bible prophecy and so they downplay all of these global events as local disturbances rather than the planetary changes we actually see taking place. Sadly, many Christians are satisfied to bask in the false security of a humanist world view. “Science will find the answers right? Humanity is evolving right? That’s what they thought in the 60s but today many are not so sure.

                It is interesting that people in the left in America hate Trump with an inhuman passion as they blame him for everything bad in our world today. They are now fighting to have him impeached. But strangely enough, the people in Europe are clamoring for change… for relief from the tax and job burdens and the refugee burden that was brought about by Obama’s Arab Spring and Europeans are holding signs of Donald trump and chanting, “ We want to make Europe Great again.” They know that this New World Order conglomeration of countries doesn’t work and they are pushing for national strength and a return to their national identities. We must remember that it was God who divided the people at the Tower of Babel and made them into separate nations and languages specifically so that they would not form a global government in rebellion against Him.

                Meanwhile the governor of New Mexico, who used to be against Trump’s Wall, has changed her mind and is now crying for protection from the massive influx of illegal aliens that are flooding her state and causing all sorts of grief in housing, jobs, benefits and crime.

                To some of us the views of the globalists and the progressives that follow them are so obviously wrong… so unsustainable over the long run. In fact the only kind of government and morality that can last over time and even into eternity is that which our Creator God has outlined for us in Scripture.

                Every great nation that has ever existed has collapsed from the inside as it was rotted out spiritually and morally. In truth Satan’s kingdoms cannot last. According to the Bible this upcoming global government will collapse almost as soon as it gets going. And we can’t last either if we give in to the flesh and fail to live by the Spirit. So if we want to survive beyond the destruction of this planet, we must build our lives on eternal things.

                It should be disconcerting to us that many of the people who claim to be Christians today are at the same time abandoning the principles of God both moral and spiritual and embracing the ways of the world… living by its political correctness… ignoring the fact that there are some sins, or some conditions in society that God can no longer tolerate… the days of Noah and Sodom being two examples.

                The Lord recently asked Steve Quayle a question. “How many Christians actually belong to me? Steve answered saying: “The fact that You are asking me this is not a good sign. The church is basking in a haze of false security somehow thinking that grace allows us to live like the world. We don’t even stand out any more and sadly we have become ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unless we are hidden behind our chosen four walls.

                God took the people out of Egypt in a few days, but getting Egypt out of the people was a far different story and we as a church living today need to ask ourselves this question. “We have been taken out of the world, but has the world been taken out of us?” The church in the wilderness died in the desert because they were not ready for the Promised Land. And so we must ask, are we more like wise virgins or foolish virgins. Are we like those who crossed over, or are we more like those who died in the wilderness? Is it therefore not possible that we need to be refined and purified as Daniel 12:10 says? Is it not possible that we have made insufficient use of the blood of Jesus and the Spirit of Jesus or even the Word of Jesus so as to be made ready as a Bride adorned for her Husband? Are we rapture ready?

                It is not by our works that we are saved. The question is: Are we living by His Works or are we simply living in the world as a citizen of the world?

                The world is on a collision course with eternity and if we want to be with Christ in eternity, we must embrace and live by eternal things through His eternal Spirit.


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