“And there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, ‘Rise and measure the temple of God and those who worship in it. And leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it for it has been given to the nations and they will tread underfoot the holy city for 42 months. And I will grand authority to my two witnesses and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days clothed in sack cloth.” Revelation 11:1-3.

                There is a great de3al said in Revelation eleven concerning the third temple which will be built in these last days and if we put together what we have learned from other texts, we understand that Israel has been formed as a nation once again. The people have flooded into the land from every nation wherein they have been scattered. They have built their third temple in hopes of bringing back the Messiah, but as we know from Jesus’ comments in Mt. 24: 15 that a false Christ, an antichrist will instead enter the temple and commit the Abomination of desolation after which the true Jews who have listened to Jesus’ warnings will flee the city in haste.

                But here in Revelation 11 we are not quite at that point yet. We can tell from this chapter that the Two Witnesses will come on the scene and prophesy (many believe) during the same 42 months that the temple is being built and sacrifices are being offered.

                But there are other pieces of information given here and elsewhere as well. First of all we see that there will be no room for the outer court, for that part of the land has been given to the nations        (The gentiles) and this would indicate to us that in spite of the controversy of where the original temples were built, this third temple will indeed be built on the current temple mount, but the Muslim shrines, including the Al Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, will remain in place.

                We also see that this event happens within the confines of the famous 42 months or 1260 days of literal time and so this fits into the final week of history as found in Daniel 9:27. The temple will be built as a result of a covenant that has been ratified or confirmed by the antichrist himself and this covenant is one that has included “the many” possibly meaning with the 70 nations for which they are currently seeking approval.

                We can also see on the daily news that this spot of land and its coming temple are hotly contested as people from every nation and religion seek to rule the world from Jerusalem. The Muslims envision the return of their Caliphate and the arrival of their Mahdi. (A person that perfectly fits our Biblical description of the antichrist.) The Vatican envisions ruling the world from Jerusalem as well and so apostate Jews and the Vatican are working together to establish Jerusalem as the center of all of this.

                But the globalists as well, are seeking control of the temple mount, simply because they are Luciferian and Lucifer wants to rule over mankind in the place of Christ. So what we see here is a grand convergence of the world’s powers and religions even as Jerusalem become a cup of trembling as escribed in Zech. 12: 1

                But there is more, for the Two Witnesses will be hated by all of them and at the end of the 1260 days, they will be put to death  and they will lay dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days.

                Today we tend to glorify Israel and ignore what she has become. We all, Christians and Jews alike have messianic fever and we don’t much want to know what God thinks of it all, but He tells us in verse 8 that Jerusalem has become like Sodom and Egypt and God reminds us that this is the very place where the Lord was crucified.

                Let us not, in our romantic notions and sentimental thoughts, forget that the Jews want to rule the world from Jerusalem. They want to do away with the United Nations and rule from Jerusalem. They want to institute the Noahide laws globally and this is part of the negotiations they are making with the 70 nations to do so.

                I have often stated that I believe God set up President Trump to do exactly what he has done so far. He is setting the world up for the antichrist and the tribulation, because I believe that time has come and God has pushed a button that has set us on a course in which there is not stopping end time events. WE are moving from birth pangs, to the birth itself and the Jews and the globalists and the Vatican all think they are about to enter the glory days of a global utopia, but God has brought them all together for judgment rather than glory. He has brought them together for the final time of Jacob’s Trouble.

                We are also told a little secret in Revelation 3:9 that a large portion of those who say they are Jews are not Jews in God’s eyes, but are of the synagogue of Satan.

                In God’s eyes a true Jew is one that has accepted the rule and reign of Israel’s true king (Yeshua) and everyone else is an imposter. So in rejecting their legitimate King, they have become mere rebels and in fact we know that they are no longer Biblical Jews because they no longer follow the Torah, but instead live by the Talmud and practice the Cabala and in their satanic rebellion they have re-established the Sanhedrin… the very court that condemned Jesus to death 2000 years ago and with their Noahide laws, they intend to force every Messianic Jew to renounce Christ and every Christian everywhere to do the same… and for this reason they have become married to the globalists and the Vatican and they are currently seeking covenant with the Muslims as well so that the temple that they build will be house for the antichrist and his prostitute woman the Vatican.

                Because the Christian world and even the Messianic world has stopped studying Bible prophecy, they are walking into the very traps that the Bible warns us about and Jesus warned us about that would deceive if possible even the very elect.

                If Christians and Messianic Jews alike actually knew what was about to happen in Jerusalem, they would stop waving their blue and white flags and they would fall on their knees, weeping between the porch and the altar for what is about to happen. The biggest holocaust of all time is just ahead and about 2/3 of those who call themselves Jews are going to be slaughtered in the coming wars and tribulation. And this judgment is not for Jews only, but for all who have rejected our legitimate King.

                We have chosen to be ruled by evil and satanic men, over Jesus and proof of this is found in the many denominations that are now abandoning the foundational principles of the Bible. They have rejected God’s prophetic outline of end time events and they are seeking conformity with Satan’s moral codes and antichristian globalism over the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ as He reigns in our hearts.

                All of these horrible events are described in Scripture. There is a great falling away of both Jews and Christians that is clearing a path for the rise of the antichrist and it is absolutely astounding to see how much of Christianity is “adjusting” its beliefs in order to welcome the antichrist, (Our Barabbas) in the place of Christ.

                There are no anti-Semitic slurs intended here. Jews and Christians alike are falling away and entering into great apostasy. They are choosing Satan to rule over them and a great number of them will receive the Mark of the Beast and be eternally lost because they have had not a love of the truth so as to be saved.

                This formation of the globalist kingdom is a sad day for Jew and Gentile alike. Just like He brought them out of Egypt in Moses’ day, God brought them out of the many nations wherein they had been scattered, but just like God’s people of old, they have turned their affections upon a golden calf and have given credit to the gods of this world for their deliverance. History is being repeated and this time around the consequences will be eternal.

                Make no mistake about it. The Noahide laws call for the death of all idol worshippers… and unfortunately our worship of Jesus as God, is considered as idol worship and so this gives a new twist to Revelation 20:4b where it says: “And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God and those who had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

                I am convinced that this persecutor of all who are faithful, is not just Jews, or just the Vatican, or the globalists, but the Beast of Revelation is a great conglomerate, an in describable Beast made up of, the apostate Zionist Jews, and the Vatican and the New World Order crowd and we as citizens of this world are right now in the process of deciding which group we will belong to.

                Are we going to be a part of the Remnant of God which keep the commandments and bear the testimony of Jesus (which, by the way, is the Spirit of prophecy, which much of Christianity is now rejecting: See Rev. 19:10) or are we going to join the global crowd as it calls good evil and evil good, which passes laws in defiance of God’s Word and offers a man- made peace in the place of the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ?

                In a sense we need to take our eyes off of our arguments as to when the rapture will happen. The truth is we must be ready at all times for we are always one heartbeat away from eternity.

                Zechariah carried the burden of the Lord concerning Israel. He said: “Thus declares the Lord who stretches out the heavens lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. Behold I am going to make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the peoples…

                We are in for a rough ride regardless of when the rapture happens, for we don’t really know how many end time events and persecutions will take place before the Time of Jacob’s trouble formally begins; but Zech. 12: 10 speaks of a reconciliation between Yeshua and His faithful Jews and in chapter 13 God says: “ IN that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for impurity… and God is going to erase the names of all of their false gods and all those who have prophesied falsely and here is where we learn of the slaughter of 2/3 of those who are unfaithful to God for it says in Zechariah 13:8, 9:

                “And it will come about in all the land, declares the Lord, that two parts in it will be cut off and perish; and I will bring a third party through the fire, refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name and I will answer them; I will say, “They are My people and they will say, “The Lord is My God.”

                Daniel speaks of this same time period and this same refining in Daniel 12:9-11 where it says:

                Many will be purged, refined and purified; but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.” (Now pay close attention to the timing here for Daniel says) “And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1290 days. This then speaks of the period of time after the abomination of desolation has taken place in the temple and the true Jews have fled to the mountains. God will be with them and purge them and purify them. So this 1290 day period represents the second half of the tribulation which is extended first to 1290 days and eventually to 1335 days.

                I believe we are on the brink of seeing these events happen and we must seek the Word diligently to make sure that we are on the right side of things and in the right kingdom and that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord of our lives and our coming King. Our faith is soon to be largely discredited and the Bible abandoned by many and persecution will be levied on those who continue to believe and obey God’s Word. To receive the Mark of the Beast we will have to renounce Jesus Christ.

                It is time to walk in the Spirit and the Truth. The Spirit is the very Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and the truth is God’s Word in its entirety… not as it has been chopped up to say whatever men want it to say, but as it is in the big picture of God’s eternal plans and purposes for us. From Genesis to Revelation His story unfolds for us to paint a picture of Jesus Christ our coming King.

                In Bible prophecy, God has given us a portal through which to peer into the future and to prepare for it.


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