Quite often I mention Steve and Jana of Israeli News Live. We are supporters of their ministry because we believe it is of critical importance and they have become personal friends. Jana often responds to my blogs as well as to keep me informed as to issues facing Messianic Jews and Christians.

                Jana told me that when they started reporting the truth about what is happening in Israel today, they lost about half of their huge following. And I can understand the reasons. People what to think that somewhere in this world God’s purposes are being carried out unadulterated and where better than in the Holy Land?

                But friends we need to understand this one thing. There is a huge battle raging in this world between good and evil, between Christ and Satan. It is the battle over a kingdom and who will reign over it.

                I have talked before about the great convergence that is taking place in Israel and indeed Israel is in the eye of the storm. Muslims want to restore their Caliphate and to rule the world from there. Christianity as represented by the Pope intends to gain control of the whole world from there. The New world Order and all of its varied parts, plans to run its global government and religion from there. And the Cabalistic or Talmudic Jews intend to rule the world from there as well and this will be made possible when the third temple is built and the nations make it into a house of prayer for all nations.

                They, the Sanhedrin, fully intend to replace the United Nations as the world’s controlling force and to institute global Noahide Law in order to bring the world into a single religion. Every one of these groups secretly plans to come out on top, but the Bible tells us that the Ten Kings that rule with the Beast will in time turn on the harlot (Pagan religion or the Vatican) and will destroy her. Let me quote it for you:

                “And the ten kings which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having the common purpose and by giving their kingdom to the Beast until the words of god should be fulfilled. And the woman whom you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” Rev 17:16-18

                Note if you will, that for centuries now, every king and president of every country has made their pilgrimage to kiss the ring of the Pope and to get their marching orders from him. Even many Protestant churches are going back to the Pope today to join the global religion that he is forming.

                But we see here in Revelation 17 that ultimately it will be the secular global government of the beast that will rule the world. They may use the Pope to put together the religious part of their global rule, but once he has done so, they will turn on this harlot religion and destroy her because in fact Satan doesn’t want to share his glory with even a hint of Christ, be it ever so tainted.

                So right here the Bible reveals to us which entity will eventually gain global control. It won’t be the Pope. It won’t be the Muslims. It won’t be the Jews. It will be the globalist regime that is ruled by the antichrist and it is this antichrist that will enforce his worship and his government with the Mark of the Beast system, by which he will gain control of all money. In this way they will be able to support those who comply with them and freeze out all who refuse to comply.

                So pagan Christianity will do much to help unite the religions together into a global religion, but in the end she will be destroyed for she has fallen away from Christ and His Word.

                But when Christ returns then the Beast and the False Prophet and all of their globalist friends will be tossed into the lake of fire and that will be the end of it and the stone cut out of the mountain without hands will indeed fill the whole earth.

                But what Steve and Jana are trying to warn the world about both Christian, Messianic and Jew, is what is taking place in Israel as the nation rejects Christ and chooses to join with the pope, the New World Order and even the Muslims to form this one great religion of the beast and while God has a continuing plan for the Jews, it is only the remnant that will be saved and it is they that will embrace Yeshua as their Messiah and King.

                These Evangelicals that practically worship Israel and say that they are saved by a different covenant than we Christians are saved by are seriously deluded. There is only one God and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Jesus Christ. There is no other plan. And Jesus came to the Jews first as their Messiah and King, but they rejected Him. But that is not the end of the story, because as Romans 11 says: God has a plan for them called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble in which they will be refined and purified. The will indeed look upon Him whom they have pierced and as the story of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt, there will be reconciliation between Jesus and His Jewish brothers.

                But we dare not be fooled by those who say they are Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. They are Cabalistic and Talmudic Jews and not the people of the Torah and they will betray Jesus Christ once again just as they did originally. But the remnant will flee and they will be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

                So it is highly important for us to discern the difference between those who actually belong to God and those who serve in the synagogue of Satan (whether they are Jews or Pagan Christians) because their end is the lake of fire. Neither do we want to join the politically correct crowd that is now living in open defiance of God and His Word.

                We are witnessing in our day this great convergence… this great falling away from the faith… this great apostasy that Paul warned us about in 2 Thess. 2:3, 4. This is not just any old falling away, but a specific one that is being done to form a global religion and government in defiance of God… for Satan. It is our new Tower of Babel. So we need to be informed of all the spiritual issues that are involved so that we will not be deceived.

                No wonder Jesus said “Narrow is the way…” Ultimately the Pope is being used as a pawn to bring the religions of the world together to worship the Beast and when his work is done, the antichrist and his followers will destroy him. So if we want to be among God’s true Remnant people, we should not follow any of the groups that aspire to rule the world, but we must fasten our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Heb. 12:2



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