Today is our monthly weekend for feeding the poor of the community. We have food baskets for 328 families this month. Unfortunately it is pouring down rain and I hope it stops before that long line of people has to stand in the rain.

                We have had an exceptional year for rain here in Tennessee. This winter has been like a monsoon season. We live on a hill and I had to dig a ditch across the base of the hill just to divert the water away from the house. We live on six acres, most of it wooded and about 4 ½ of those acres are above the house and go all the way up to the ridge. I have hiked up there once to stand on the ridge and look into the valley below on the other side. It is impressive, but it is also a pretty steep climb.

                Still it is a beautiful spot and we love living here along the Clinch River. There is a boat ramp nearby where we can lower our Kayaks and paddle upstream in what is almost more like a lake than a river. We paddle as far as we care to paddle and then we can drift back to the boat ramp. So we are looking forward to summer and the end of this rainy season.

                We are continuing with our series on the Christian declarations of faith. It is very important that we study the Bible for ourselves and to know and understand what we believe… not second hand… but firsthand.

                Biblical faith is being challenged like never before and a great hatred is building up in the world against those who believe that the Bible is actually God’s Word and that judgments of god are beginning to fall because our nation as rebelled against God and turned to idolatry and perversion and lies.

                End time events are happening so rapidly that we can’t even keep up with it all and 2019 promises to be an eventful year in prophetic time. We are watching the kingdom of eth antichrist being built right before our eyes even as they are laying plans for the 3rd temple in which the Abomination of Desolation will take place.

                The world’s weather has gone crazy and cosmic radiation has increased in our ionosphere by 13% since 2015. This increased radiation is heating up the earth’s core to the point where we need either massive volcanoes to release the pressure, or major earthquakes will do the job. There are many vulnerable spots around the world that could give way. Rome Italy is one and New York City, believe it or not, has a major buildup of tectonic trouble brewing deep below. Of course there are the standard fault zones like the San Andreas, the Cascadia and the New Madrid/Mississippi fault lines that could give way.

                We are talking about huge forces when we talk about magma expansion. In fact it can even cause continental drift to occur and major weather changes and mass animal deaths and massive crop failures. I could say a lot more, but it is too scary, but to say the least, Bible prophecies are being fulfilled in every detail and we are entering a time unprecedented in human history.

                Even as I write, the rain outside has increased to a roar, and I pray that a dream I had a couple of years ago doesn’t come true It was a dream in which we plunged off of a mountain and landed in a lake. Fortunately this dream involved a car rather than a house, but it was very real and came almost as a warning of some kind

                I don’t’ put a lot of faith in dreams and that kind of thing simply because there are so many that don’t come true. Nevertheless Joel said that there would be many visions and dreams in the last days and so we shouldn’t ignore them completely. Dreams in the Bible were taken seriously and in fact our entire understanding of world history was outlined in a dream that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar that was interpreted by Daniel.

                That dream was very accurate and in fact we are living in the days of the ten toes at a time when the kingdom of Christ will return and grind the nations into powder and then fill the whole earth. The ten toes represent ten kings and interestingly enough the world has been divided by the globalists into ten sectors and the leaders of these ten sectors are now in the wings.

                Interestingly the globalists are expecting some sort of a major event to take place that will usher in their global kingdom. Is it a catastrophe of some kind?   A major war?   A rapture?  A grand shaking of the heavens?

                We don’t know for sure, but according to the Bible, all of the above will converge upon our planet in the days and years ahead… along with persecution. So lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near. God is still in charge. Everything is going by the Book and Jesus will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. Put your faith in Him and in His Word and you will not be disappointed.

                Meanwhile North Korea is facing a food shortage of 1.4 million tons, due to heat and UN sanctions. Insect populations have decreased so much around the world that our corps are threatened for lack of pollination. Everywhere we look we see signs of the end and we need the Lord and His Word and His Holy Spirit to guide us through this mess  and hopefully to take us out of here at some point.

                Shabbat Shalom.  Have a wonderful weekend and remember to make the worship of God a priority in your life. God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Meditate on these Scriptures today:

John 4:22-24, Jn. 5:39, John 6:54, 55, 63, John 7:38, 39, John 11:25-27


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