As Bonnie and I sat in the VA this morning waiting for my regular blood tests, I received an article from my Son Zach, dealing with some of the atrocities that are being pushed off on the public these days in terms of Pedophilia and Abortion and other hot issues.

                Bonnie and I were discussing these things on the way home from getting my blood drawn when it suddenly hit me. SATAN IS IN AN ALL OUT WAR TO ABORT THE MAN CHILD.  So let me show you my reasoning.

1.       Romans 8:29 says that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of His son (Jesus) that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. So if there is a first-born, then it implies that there will be a second born as well, only Hebrews 2:10 tells us that this second born son is really a corporate son called “many sons.” And it states that God’s plan is to bring many sons to glory say that both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason HE is not ashamed to call the (us) brethren.

2.       Romans 8:19-23 tells us that all of creation is anxiously waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. All of creation is suffering the pains of childbirth waiting eagerly for our adoptions as sons, the redemption of our body.

                So if we put these two facts together, then we can quickly understand that Satan is in an all- out campaign to abort the man child and he is hitting it from every possible angle.

                To me, the liberal agenda as it has developed at this time can only be explained by a mass demon possession of a whole lot of people. The absolutely and irrationally hate everything that God created or intended for the human race.

1.       They are in an all-out attack on manhood

2.       They are in an all-out attack on womanhood

3.       They are in an all-out attack on the family

4.       They are in an all-out attack on children… their worth, their value, their education, their training in truth, honesty and integrity

5.       They are in an all-out attack on our God given gender

6.       They are now promoting Pedophilia… A couple of decades when they started promoting Homosexuality we said at the time that it would eventually lead to pedophilia and bestiality and the scoffed at us in great derision… and yet those things are being promoted openly today.

7.       They are in an all-out genocidal rampage against the unborn, allowing the butchers to cut them into pieces and extract them up until the day of birth. How can they ever rationalize that this is not murder?

8.       They are in an all –out war against all things biblical including our U.S. constitution or anything reflecting in any way, the God of the Bible

                But now that we understand that all of this hatred and irrationally demon infested war against all that is true is really Satan’s attempt to abort the man child as described above, then we realize with horror that the devil has entered the church as well. No hear me out here.

                If indeed God’s plan involves the man child becoming conformed to the image of the first child Jesus, then we can also recognize that the teaching of false grace represents Satan’s in house attempt to abort the man child.

                That is to say that if god’s goal for us is to be conformed to the image of His Son, then any teaching that would say that we don’t need to repent, or turn from sin, or to overcome by the blood of the Lamb, or to walk in righteousness and holiness, are all abortive messages that will prevent the birth of the man child.

                Romans chapter 11 lets us in on some major secrets concerning God’s plans.

1.       We didn’t replace Israel, but were grafted in to Israel making us Abraham’s seed and heirs according to promise. In other words, this grafting in somehow includes us into the forming of the man child, for it is through Abraham that the first man child Jesus received the seed of promise and thus the first Son.

2.                       Secondly we are told in Galatians 3:16 that all of the promises in the Bible were written to one Seed… that is Christ. So then we receive the promises as we receive Christ and that is what makes us Abraham’s seed and heirs according to promise.

3.       The next secret is that God is waiting for something called “The fullness of the Gentiles” and it tells us in verse 26 saying: “For you are all sons of god through faith in Christ Jesus. It tells us that the Law was our tutor to lead us to Christ, and now that we have come to Christ we are no longer under a tutor. This is very important because it is right here that we stop our training as servants under the Law, to become Sons, by the very Spirit of Christ dwelling in us. So we are now in training to be sons and joint heirs. The Law simply couldn’t do this.

                So what this tells us is that we are under Holy Spirit training to become the sons of God that all of creation is waiting for and that sonship includes being conformed to the image of Christ. So when false grace comes along and tells you that you don’t need to be on that program, that it doesn’t matter what you do… that you don’t need to be conformed to the image of Christ, or to be born again, or to  walk by His Spirit, or to overcome sin or to walk in righteousness… Satan is using that message to abort the man child just as surely as the spirit of antichrist is seeking to destroy the man child from outside of the church.

                It is not only possible that we have reached the days of Noah and the days of Lot and but we have surpassed them? And when we see the atrocities that are being promoted in the world today, should we even question God’s motives in unleashing His wrath upon the world?

                Saddest of all is the fact that the two nations that are called by His name are the leaders in these atrocities. This is why judgment will begin at the house of God. Come out of her My people.


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