Yesterday we put on our annual Christmas feast for the homeless and the poor and the lonely. The turn out this year wasn’t as big as last, but we had a wonderful time of fellowship with those in the community who are often forgotten.

                When all were served I grabbed a plate of food and went out and ate with them and there was fun and laughter and a spirit of grace and peace over the entire event just as we had prayed for.

                After everyone had left for the day, we cleaned up, stowing tables and storing chairs, rolling up all of the 60 foot long table clothes and decorations and cleaning up the kitchen and the dining room.

                It was a lot of work, but in reality I can’t remember having more fun at Christmas than we had this year. We spent Christmas Eve with a house full of family and friends, including my son Zach and his wife Jamie and our grandsons Seth and Titus and Jamie’s parents Mike and Angie and other precious relatives and friends.

                After the meal Zach brought out his guitar and I brought out my Bass and we all sang Christmas Carols for an hour or so. We left with warm hearts and warm wishes. And the older I get the more precious it is to spend time with family and friends as well as to fellowship with God’s people at church.

                I do not take for granted that the Body of Christ is being knitted together in love by the Holy Spirit and we are all being fitted together as living stones into a temple of God. Each part of the body functions as appointed by the Holy Spirit so that we are growing into the image of Christ and preparing to meet Him in the near future.

                There is a storm brewing on the horizon and so we double check to make sure our anchor will hold. As individuals we prepare to meet the Lord, but also as a corporate Body, we encourage and help each other until we all come into a unity of the faith, to the image of the fullness of Christ.

                This Christmas I am so very thankful to God for all that He has done in sending His only Son into our war torn world to bring redemption to all who will receive Him. What a privilege it is to belong to the eternal family of those who have entered His kingdom through His cross and resurrection.

                At times we lose friends or family either through death or having to move. But in Christ we never really lose each other, for our friendships are forged in the crucible of love and trials and faithfulness and proved by God, so that what we have will last forever. I lost my mom this year, but I know that she is with the Lord and that our reunion is just around the corner.

                So, Merry Christmas to all and may you have room in your Inn for the Savior of mankind. Salvation is a very intimate affair, for Jesus desires to dwell in our hearts and you can’t get any closer than that.  And that is what Christmas is all about. Blessings in the wonderful name of Jesus.


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