is I a desperate search for something, anything that could explain how the
universe could have come into being without God. Billions of dollars are spent
searching for God particles, developing string theories, offering up models of existence
that would allow for pure evolution to be more than a theory. Surely Darwin
must have been right. Right?
But the
evidence against our well- ordered universe just coming together by chance is
overwhelming. Our universe is so finely tuned that even slight differences in the
balance of forces, systems and properties would render life completely
impossible. Everything in our universe screams out “DESIGN!” “INFORMATION!” “PURPOSE!”
“OVERSIGHT!” “ SUSTANANCE.” And all of these things cry out for a “SOURCE,
with a big S.
pervades our culture in this modern age. Our bent towards not wanting to answer
to God has caused us to rather become fools… fools that contradict ourselves at
every turn for the Nihilist says that there is no such thing as absolute truth…
and yet he seeks for absolute proof that there is no God. To say that there is
no such thing as absolute truth, is to say that your own statement cannot be
trusted. If there is no absolute truth, then you cannot say with absolute
certainty that there is no absolute truth
So the
Nihilist ignores all facts to the contrary and builds his science on the
postulate that there is no such thing as absolute truth. If he is right then
his science will be good, but if he is wrong, then he is creating a great
delusional safe house for all who would choose to believe a lie.
understand that if they come to believe that aliens terraformed and seeded this
planet, they are only kicking the can farther down the road. Among other things,
one of the biggest most expensive machines in history (The Hadron Collider in
Cern Switzerland) is probing for answers of a godless sort. “There has got to
be a particle that answers every question. The last thing they want is proof of
a Judeo/Christian Creator God… a personal God to whom we must give an account.
My son
Zach shared a book with me as a Christmas gift called “Nihilism” by Eugene Rose,
also known as Fr. Seraphim Rose, who became an Orthodox priest after having
plumbed the depths of all things Nihilistic. Having no knowledge of
Christianity, he nevertheless says that when He embraced the teachings of Jesus
Christ and His Word, it was like coming home. There was something there that
not only answered his questions, but also filled that emptiness in his soul.
His writing is highly intelligent and
he builds a good case. In fact the modern era has largely been framed by this
Nihilistic rule that there is no such thing as absolute truth.
Today even
churches are falling for the same lies. We see it from the French Revolution and
onward. Most church members that begin to embrace some of these philosophies
may not understand what they are getting into, for most people have not read
enough to have a broad understanding. Fr. Roes in his early seeking
participated in things like the Bohemian Grove counterculture of the 1950s and
he delved into Eastern Religions and philosophies which ultimately taught that God
is impersonal. He read words of the mad “prophet” of nihilism Fredrich Nietzsche…
all of this he studied in search of truth from those who say there is no truth.
In the
end he was reduced to such a state of despair that when later asked to describe
it, he could only say, “I was in hell.”
reading his story, I am so thankful that I was raised in a Christian home,
taught from the Bible, (Which I believe to be the only source of absolute truth
and Jesus Christ who is that truth manifested in human flesh) It is the truth that
makes us free. Truth, although hated by those who also hate God and
righteousness, is for those who hunger and thirst for it, a wonderfully healing
and transformational .
And we
need not parlay around with arguments concerning truth, for the Bible tells us
what its purpose is. We are predestined to be conformed to the image and
likeness of Jesus Christ. Everything in the Bible points to Him. Everything in
creation testifies of Him. Everyone who has had a genuine encounter with Him
will tell you the same thing. Jesus is the only One with the power to save,
deliver and set free. His blood and His cross are still the two most powerful
weapons gains the kingdoms of this world and the lies they believe.
After The
father had raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly
places, the He gave Him a name that is above every name… far above all rule and
authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this
age, but also in the one to come. And He has put all things in subjection under
His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church which is His Body, the
fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Eph. 1:20-23.
Today I
am thankful that we serve such a God… that His Word is absolutely dependable…
that all of nature and all of creation stand and testify to the fact that He is
who He claims to be. All of earth’s history is wrapped up in him and all of the
Word magnifies the Lord with unequivocal certainty. He is the God of creation.
He is the God of our salvation and He is our soon coming King. Give Him praise
today for He is worthy of our praise and our worship! Let everything that has
breath praise the Lord.
beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things
concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. “ And He said to His disciples: “These
are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things
which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms
must be fulfilled.” Luke 24:27, 44. May He likewise open our minds to
understand the Scriptures today for they are a picture of Him.
after Nihilism has become a long and distant memory, Jesus will still be King
of kings and Lord of lords.
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