Babylon was not alone in receiving the handwriting on the wall. In fact every nation is weighed on a scale by God and we have to wonder which side of the scale is gaining the most weight. In Matthew 24, Jesus gave us a clue concerning conditions that would occur just prior to His return.

                He was talking about no one knowing the day or the hour of His return, stating that only the Father knows. Then He goes on to say: “For the coming of the Son o0f Man will be just like the days of Noah. For in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark.”

                Their actions seem pretty benign don’t you think? It doesn’t say that they were eating Pork and drinking booze and neither does it say that they were involved in same sex marriage… so why did Jesus use these as signs of His soon return?

                Again in Luke 17: Jesus said: “ It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking,  they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; but on  the day that Lot went out of the city it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.” (This sounds a little bit like God’s wrath being poured out, as soon as God’s people have been evacuated doesn’t it?)

                Honestly, none of those things listed by Jesus seem like a just cause either for a worldwide flood, or for the destruction of Sodom by fire. It sounds more like life as usual, followed by sudden destruction.

                In fact we have to go back to the history of these two men in order to find out why God brought such drastic measures upon them. Genesis 6 tells us that there had been genetic manipulation with men and animals that by the time the flood came Only Noah was pure in his generations; Genesis 6:9 says that according to his genealogy; he was perfect in his generations. In other words his DNA had not been corrupted with Nephilim blood, or the seed of the fallen angels.

                Apparently Satan had sought to prevent the coming of the Seed promised in Genesis 3:15, by utterly corrupting the human race thus rendering it no longer in the image of God and thus no longer savable by the Son of God/Son of Man. And on this note, it might be interesting to note that over a million people have claimed to be abducted by aliens as sexual acts were performed upon them. Are they trying to produce Nephilim again as in the days of Noah?

                But science is cooperating as well in that hundreds if not thousands of labs have been set up for the express purpose of genetic manipulation as well as interfaces between man and machine and DNA altering implants.

                So the Bible mentions the presence of the Nephilim that were on the earth in those days (meaning that they had come from somewhere else) and in addition it says that “The wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

                As a side note: It is interesting that God made a distinction between clean and unclean animals as if it was common knowledge in Noah’s day. This was many centuries before Moses showed up on the scene. But I digress.

                In Genesis 19 we gain some insight into Lot’s day as well. Two angels came to Lot warning him to gather his family together and to get out of Dodge, because “their outcry has become so great before the Lord that the Lord has sent us to destroy it.” The story of Lot goes on to describe how the men of the town, both young and old, were trying to force Lot to bring the angels out so that they can have sex with them and so this is where we get the word “Sodomy” to this very day.

                Some have suggested that the men knew that these were angels and so wanted to create a new breed of Nephilim, but that doesn’t make any sense. If they had wanted to give birth to Nephilim, they would have sent their women out to mix with them.

                At any rate, the Bible gives us certain clues as to what constitutes a tipping point in God’s judgment of the nations.

1.       Wholesale sodomy on a broad scale, especially militant sodomy and legal control enforcing it become national tipping points.

2.       Violence and men’s hearts being evil continually on a wide scale is also a tipping point.

3.       Isa. 3 gives some insight into the sins of Sodom saying: “And they display their sin like Sodom. They do not even conceal it. Woe to them. (Think gay parades and in your face laws that are forcing their lifestyles upon us.) “For they have brought evil upon themselves. Say to the righteous that it will go well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their actions. Woe to the wicked!  It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him. Oh My people! Their oppressors are children and women rule over them.” Isa 3:9-12. (This I believe harkens to the Jezebel spirit that is rampant in the world today, fostered by people like Hillary, where men are emasculated and women take on male roles.)Then in verse 14 and 15 it says: “The plunder of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the face of the poor?’ Declares the Lord God of hosts.”

4.       The slaying of the innocent through abortion and child sacrifice is also noted. Leviticus 20:2 clearly states saying: “You shall also say to the sons of Israel, ‘any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Moloch shall surely be put to death…”

5.       Interestingly, a couple of verses later it also warns against turning to spirit mediums.

                This is interesting because they are now touting abortion as a spiritual experience. In other words a medium is brought in to make contact with the spirit of the unborn child and to come to an agreement with them concerning the abortion, agreeing that the time is not right. Well, guess who the medium is talking with… it most certainly is not the spirit of the unborn child. It is a demon. And women can now have a spiritual experience by killing their unborn child. Which spirit is blessing them? It is the spirit of Moloch… and they are making these sacrifices for the same reasons that Israel did… for prosperity and convenience.

6.       Another scale tipping action is the worship of idols and we may think that we don’t have such things in modern America but think again. The god Moloch is honored every year at the Bohemian Grove where the nation’s presidents, politicians and power brokers join to offer sacrifices to Moloch, who, by the way is the god of prosperity and convenience.

7.       We should not take it lightly that during the Obama administration several scale tipping events happened. 1. Same sex marriage legalized 2. A declaration that we were no longer a Christian nation and 3. The abandonment of our role as protectors of Israel.

8.       But while we are still on the subject of idolatry, it should not be taken lightly that the Arch of Baal was erected with great pomp in New York City and that a monstrous picture of the god/goddess Kali was emblazoned on one of the prominent buildings for quite some time. New York City is the gateway to America and this symbolism is a much more powerful statement than most people realize. We are now being invaded by idolatry on a massive scale.

9.       Another tipping point on the scale is open and extensive witchcraft. Indeed witchcraft is the fastest growing religion in America, followed by Islam. In the 1950s most people didn’t believe there was any such thing as a real witch. It was only fairy tales and so TV shows like “Bewitched” came on to show us how innocent it all was. Today we know better. After all, witches by the hundreds or thousands are trying to cast a spell on Donald Trump to destroy His presidency.

10.   As tipping point number 10 (and I’m sure we could go on listing many more) America became the world stage for the announcement of the global religion. At the last blood moon in 2015, Pope Francis stood up before congress and before the United Nations and announced the formation of a united global religion. This is a major prophetic event, for this global religion will become the religion of the antichrist. It will control all of the buying and selling of every person on earth and it will indeed produce the Mark of the Beast.

                Well, this isn’t the most encouraging article in some ways, but on the other hand, Jesus said that when we see these things coming to pass we should lift our heads for our redemption is drawing nigh. And all I can say is that until that day comes, we need to toughen up. Cotton candy sermons will not prepare us for what lies ahead.

                We need to: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might… to put on the full armor of God that we may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” We need to learn how to operate effectively in this armor.

                David refused Saul’s armor because he hadn’t proved it in battle. So he went out to face Goliath dressed in “name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel …”

                There is an old adage that states: “Don’t take a knife to a gun fight.” Likewise we could also say, “Don’t take a gun to a spiritual battle.” We need to be honing the weapons of our warfare and learning how to use them effectively now, because when the day of battle comes, it is too late to practice.

Jesus said: “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

                We don’t talk about these end time world events in order to build fear, but to build courage. It does people no good to understate the things that are coming upon the world. Jesus and all of the prophets always told it like it is. They didn’t soft-peddle the message, but rather warned the people with weeping over their sins and the destruction that those sins would bring.

                God has graciously granted us a momentary delay in our downward fall, but it can only be maintained by true repentance and this we have not seen. Should we be calling for greatness or should we be calling for repentance? Disaster was averted in Ninevah, but in that case, everyone from the king on down repented in sack cloth and ashes. And even though our president has corrected some of the scale tipping disasters that our former president introduced, and even though He has re-established our role with Israel and called for prayer, I honestly don’t know if enough has been done to tip the scale the other way. Meanwhile the signs of our Lord’s return continue to occur. Let us now take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and let us go about the business of pursuing our destiny which is to be conformed to His image. Romans 8:29.  Selah.


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