Every one of us that lives on this planet was born here on this planet as natural flesh and blood children.  We are all from the seed of Adam, and since Adam is a fallen man, all of us are born into a fallen race.

                As people born into a fallen race, we share something in common with Satan. We belong to His kingdom and because we belong to his kingdom we also, by nature, share his destiny.

                In Matthew 25:41 Jesus talks about those who will share the devil’s fate saying: “Then He will also say to those on His left, “Depart from Me accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.”

                So we see from this text that Satan’s eternal destiny will be in the lake of fire. But since we are born as natural flesh and blood people into a kingdom that chose Satan from the beginning, we have a very natural problem. Paul stated this problem in 1 Cor. 15:50 saying: “Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.”

                I need to make this point and to make it well because there is a huge slice of Christianity that is falling away and as they fall away, they are giving away essential parts of the eternal Gospel. The essential and vital truth of the Gospel is that we are born fallen and in order to escape the death sentence into which we are born, we must be born again… into a new Adam… into Jesus Christ, the Creator and Redeemer of this world.

                When you hear someone teaching that there are many paths to heaven, you can know right then for certain that:

1.       They do not understand the Gospel and why it is that Jesus came to save us.

2.       They have abandoned the Gospel to once again choose Satan as their king.

                Jesus stated it as clearly as can be stated when talking to Nicodemus saying: “Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I say to you, you must be born again.” John 3:3, 5-7.

                In these few sentences Jesus twice said “Truly, truly. This means that He is making an emphatic statement… a foundational statement and He follows it by saying that you MUST, you MUST be born again.” And Jesus tells us why saying: “That which of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” This goes all the way back to creation when God breathed His Spirit into Adam and Adam became a living soul created in the image of God. Adam had God’s Spirit in him and lost it by choosing another god.

                So when Adam chose to believe the words of Satan, he in effect chose a new king and a new kingdom. Therefore the Spirit of the true God departed from him and the spirit of Satan took over.

                This is the fallen world and the fallen race into which we are born.  Jesus came into this world to supernaturally deliver us from this doomed kingdom of darkness and we can see the infinite price that Jesus paid to secure our ransom. The Creator had to die in our place.

                So when we become Christians, we are not just taking on a new lifestyle. We are not just changing our ways. We are not turning over a new leaf. We ARE in fact dying to Satan’s fallen kingdom and we are being born again of supernatural SEED into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

                There is nothing natural about the Christian life. It is a supernatural life, born of supernatural Seed. And it is not until we are born of that supernatural Seed that our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life and as Revelation 20:15 says: “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

                There is no such thing as casual Christianity. We are either born of the supernatural Seed of Christ or we are born of natural seed and if we are born of natural seed, then we are doomed to share Satan’s destiny in the Lake of fire.

                The youth at our church put on a play this weekend that dealt with this very subject. The play was offered as an alternative to Halloween observance and the community was invited.  It begins with a group of “Christian teenagers sneaking out to a bar to drink and to party when a mass murderer came into the bar and mowed everyone down with machine gun fire.

                The whole stage was set up with a huge rear screen on which the backdrops could be changed. I had a part in the program because our worship team band played as a rock band in the bar and when gunfire erupted we escaped off stage where we were transformed at the end into the worship team that sang and played the call songs at the end of the play.

                The youth were alternately dressed up as demons or angels, saved or lost and the story follows one of the teenagers standing with an angel and watching his parents weeping over his casket at his funeral and he is asking why he didn’t make it to heaven. So various scenes of his life were re-enacted in which he turned down opportunity after opportunity to come to the Lord.

                A lot of work and creativity went into the play. It involved several real uniformed police officers from the community and real EMT shirts and a real recorded 911 call dispatcher pre- recorded along with a real casket, flashing police lights and sirens.

                We did our first show on Friday night and then 4 shows back to back on Saturday night and one final show at church time on Sunday. Some of the most powerful appeals I have ever heard were given by youth leaders within the context of this play and at every show many people from the community came to the front to give their lives to the Lord. Many were saved and some were healed and quite truthfully, it was almost like being in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

                All of the church’s prayer teams were up ministering to those that came forward and there were hugs and tears and ministry going on as we continued to play powerful salvation music. This was a weekend to remember as some of the very realities of the Gospel were displayed with unforgettable images and drama, by the youth of our church.

                I came home exhausted from the effort that went into so many shows and laid down for a nap. AS I slept I had this dream about supernatural seed and I realized as I awoke that it applied directly to the show we had just put on.

                There is a very important reason why we put so much emphasis upon being born again. Unless we have the supernatural Seed of Christ in us, we are only of natural seed and natural seed produces only flesh and blood and flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Ergo Jesus tells us emphatically that we must be born again and He does so against a back drop of dead religion. Nicodemus presumed to have a conversation with Jesus as equals, teacher to teacher, but Jesus cut him off mid- sentence and told him the truth.” Nicodemus, in spite of your religion and your high position in the Sanhedrin, your life so far has added up to less than zero. You must be born again, or you will never see the kingdom of God.”

                We must be born again of incorruptible supernatural seed if we are to escape the fate of Satan’s kingdom and only Jesus Christ can plant that seed in us and only then can our names be found in His book of life.

                None of us knows how many days, hours or minutes we have left in this world. Anything can happen at any time and when we are standing before the judgment seat of Christ it will be too late to change our destiny.

                Like Nicodemus, I grew up in church, in the very center of church activity. I thought I was saved. I thought everything was okay. After all, I was involved in leading others to Christ and yet I was 40 years old before I had the personal encounter with Jesus that kicked the devil out and brought me into the true New Birth.

                So don’t be satisfied that you have the right church, the right doctrine, and do all the right things. Make sure, above all else, that you have truly received Jesus Christ into your heart. Make sure that you have received His supernatural SEED that alone can produce eternal life in you. Then learn how to live by that seed and not according to the flesh, for the flesh will not inherit the kingdom. You MUST be born again.

                Paul had a similar experience when He had his encounter with Jesus Christ. He suddenly realized that everything in his religious life up to that point had only been rubbish when compared to receiving Jesus Christ as His Savior and Lord.

                Too many people are simply playing religious games and presuming that their “good” activities are gaining them points for heaven. But the bottom line is that we must come to our death in Satan’s kingdom through the cross of Jesus Christ and we must be born again through His resurrection power and then we must learn to live by that resurrection power and not by our flesh.

                The good news is that Jesus never leaves us alone to figure it out for ourselves. HE has given us His Holy Word. He has given us His Holy Spirit and…”WE have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves and … we always carry about in our bodies the dying of Jesus so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” 2 Cor. 4:7, 10.    Don’t settle for anything less than the real thing.


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