wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where
it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
John 3:8
is talking to Nicodemus here and explaining to Him what it means to be born
again. But as we look at this definition, we find ourselves wondering what kind
of people these are that come and go like the wind. We picture them drifting in
and out of church, as impossible to pin down as a wave on the sand and unpredictable.
We ask ourselves, will he show up as promised? Will she do her part? Can we
count on them for anything or will they just sort of blow in and blow out?
could look at a Spirit filled, spirit led person as being sort of an
administrative nightmare when it comes to running a church. But in truth it isn’t
like that at all, for as parts of the Body whose head is Jesus and whose
functioning unity is in the Holy Spirit, the hand faithfully does what hands
do. The feet faithfully do what feet do. The eyes do what eyes do and ears do
what ears do and all of the body parts being orchestrated together by the Holy
Spirit as administered by Jesus Christ are working together in love and unity.
The problem
with most churches and organizations is that they actually usurp the Holy
Spirit’s role in making the church into a living entity, a living Body and so
they seek to do through administration what only the Holy Spirit can do in love
and Holy Spirit administration of every heart.
quickly find ourselves serving men rather than God. We build a hierarchy of
authoritarian leaders and a chain of command that often doesn’t have Christ at the
top of it or the Holy Spirit giving it life. Such a church has become a dead
corporation rather than a living Body. It is a corporation in which people are
clawing for position and power and prestige and even if they practice foot
washing as a tradition, nobody is in fact washing each other’s feet and they are
more concerned about who will sit on the left and who will sit on the right
hand of the throne.
politics can be as ugly as any politics anywhere and driven by the same
ambitions and having grown up in the back stage of evangelism, my young heart was
crushed by what I sometimes saw as the underbelly of the beast.
So when
I come into a church body that is actually functioning by the Holy Spirit like
a living entity, it is such a relief. I can let down my guard a little and
allow the Holy Spirit to animate my life as well. We do not need to claw for
position, for the anointing of the Holy Spirit enables us and places us
according to His will and we do the thing assigned to us by Him as He gives us the
anointing to do so.
thing I respect about the Pentecostal movement is that by and large, they
understand and know when a person is being moved and motivated by the Holy
Spirit, and when he or she is striving for positions for fleshly reasons. The truth
always reveals itself. Squabbles arise where two people are fighting for the
same position and one or both of them are in the flesh rather than in the
Spirit. There is no such conflict when the Holy Spirit is truly orchestrating
the Body.
and strife in the Body grieves the Holy Spirit. Paul’s instruction is very
important in the Body of Christ and we must submit to the words of the Holy
Spirit if we want to maintain unity. Paul said:
“Let no
unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for
edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to
those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were
sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor
and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one
another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has
forgiven you.” Eph.4:29-32.
If even
one person in the Body of Christ holds a grudge, or refuses to forgive and to
be reconciled to another member of the body, it causes a blight, a dark spot in
the body and the Holy Spirit is grieved by this because His ability to bless
the congregation with His presence is thusly limited.
Do not
think for one moment that the hatred in your heart is hidden from the Holy
Spirit. Your unwillingness to forgive and to reconcile is like a sore thumb in
the body and you know that a sore thumb will draw the attention of the whole
body to it. For instance, if you smash your thumb with a hammer, you don’t tend
to say, “Oh well, it is only a thumb.” No, your entire body for that moment is
fixated upon your thumb and its throbbing pain has captured the whole of your
attention. Yes, it may be just a thumb, but for the moment it is hampering the
greater purposes of the Body as it seeks relief from the pain in the thumb.
churches are full of church politics and competition and back biting and ladder
climbing and that is just the way it is because the Holy Spirit is not in
charge at all. You have this faction and that faction… the blue paint people
and the green paint people… the blue carpet people and the red carpet people
and everyone is fighting for one position or another… or it can be just the opposite
where nobody wants to do anything, so the Pastor is juggling five different
jobs from preaching to teaching to cleaning the bathrooms.
point is this. We are rapidly approaching the final harvest and Jesus is
looking for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. The Holy Spirit is brooding over the
church even as He brooded over the waters at creation and He is waiting for
word from the Lord to yet once more shake not only the earth but the heavens as
well. And this expression “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things
which can be shaken, as of created things in order that those things which
cannot shaken may remain.” Hebrews12:26, 27.
little squabblers in the church that have grieved the Holy Spirit with their
unforgiveness and strife He will shake out of His church. Those who have played
politics at the expense of others, He will shake out. Those who have failed to
seek the Lord for the true anointing of the Holy Spirit… who have remained in the
flesh even in the midst of a Spirit filled congregation, He will shake out.
to the “right church” or having the right doctrine, or even keeping the right
day or feast is not going to help you if your heart is not right. Man looks at the
outside, but God looks at the heart. Should we not therefore lay our hearts
bare before the Lord and ask Him to judge us now? Should we not invite Him to
cleanse our temple and to remove the money changers and the noise and clamor
from us and to restore peace?
This is
so important to God that He said: “ If therefore you are presenting your
offering at the altar and there remember that your brother has something
against you, leave your offering before the altar and go your way; first be
reconciled to your brother and then come and present your offering.” Mt. 5:23,
Jesus Himself is telling us that our prayers and our worship are of no value as
long as we have unfinished business with someone else. If we can’t forgive that
person then He can’t forgive us and with the measure that we judge others we
will be judged. Have we forgotten how much God had to forgive us? Has He now
made us the judge of others?
Why did
God set it up that way? Why do I have to make things right with my brother or
sister before God can forgive and bless me?
answer is that when even one thumb is smashed, the whole body suffers and we
think the secrets of our heart are hidden from the body, but the Body suffers
anyway because the Holy Spirit cannot function in our midst as He wants to as
long as there is strife and unforgiveness.
It is
time for the Body of Christ to become a living Body. We need to stop being tumors
and start being organs. We need to stop pulling apart and begin pulling
together. “For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any
two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both
joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
Heb. 4:12.
Do you
really want to be one of those that the Holy Spirit has to shake out because you
have refused to forgive and reconcile with others? Do you think you are spiritual
as you gather up all of your facts and proof texts, but cannot be reconciled to
your brother or sister?
Did you
ever stop to think that Jesus never established one doctrine? His entire ministry was based upon our
relationship with God and with each other. It was about kingdom living… about
being born again by His Holy Spirit and thus becoming a living and functioning
Body. It was about receiving power to be His witnesses… to make disciples out
of all nations. It was about His kingdom coming to earth and His will being
done on earth as it is in heaven.
cleansed the temple twice… once at the beginning of His ministry and once again
at the very end of His ministry. This is a pattern for the church. Likewise Israel
was circumcised before the Exodus and again just before they crossed over
Jordon into the Promised Land. This too is a pattern for the church.
Jesus gave this parable of the wheat and tares saying: “Allow both to grow
together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers;
first gather up the tares and bind them
in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into My barn. “ Mt. 13:30.
Before the
coming harvest Jesus is going to judge the house of the Lord first and He is
going to remove the tares from it so that He can bring the wheat into His
kingdom. This is that great shaking that
will shake out everything that can be shaken. Everything manmade that has not
come forth from the Spirit of God will be shaken out.
This is
really not a time to argue doctrine or even the timing of the rapture. It is
rather a time to make our hearts right with God… to learn how to love and
forgive one another… to learn how to live by the Spirit rather than by the
flesh… to be conformed to the image of Christ… to learn how to operate as sons
and daughters of God. We have majored in all of the minors and now it is time
to major in the majors. We need to love God with all of our heart and soul and
mind and we need to love our neighbor… our fellow church member… our brothers
and sisters in Christ with the supernatural love of Christ… even as much as we
love ourselves.
This is
something we cannot manufacture. Only the Holy Spirit can produce this kind of
fruit in us. “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons
of God. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children
of God.” Romans 8:14, 16. And we have been predestined to be conformed to the
image of Jesus so that He might be the first-born among many brethren. Romans
We must
set new goals for ourselves as we seek to become living members of the living
church… the Body of Christ.
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