“And so we have the prophetic word made more certain (sure) to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.”2 Peter 1:19

                Here in this text Peter equates the study of Bible prophecy with Christ arising in our hearts, or rather He offers the study of Bible prophecy as a means of having Christ arise in our hearts.

                But there is more to this story, for his statement is couched in a revelation that only he and James and John were privileged to see. Peter wants us to know something. Not all of the disciples were chosen to write books in the Bible, but the three that had this experience wrote extensively in the Bible… books that are foundational to our faith.

                Peter said in 2 Peter 1:16: “For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.”

                It was during the feast of Tabernacles and Jesus had taken Peter, James and John up to a “Holy Mountain” where evidently the three disciples had fallen asleep. It seems that they often did this as Jesus went off to pray. But on this occasion they were suddenly awakened by a scene which Peter later called ‘The Majestic Glory.” There Jesus was standing transfigured and glorified before them and Moses and Elijah (The Two Witnesses) were standing on either side of Him.

                Peter, knowing something about the Feast of Tabernacles and Old Testament prophecies thought that Jesus was now taking up His millennial reign.  At last Jesus was going to fulfill their deepest desires. The Feast of Tabernacles was now being fulfilled, or so Peter thought, and so with great excitement Peter blurted out a suggestion that they build three tabernacles, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah.

                Peter was right. The feast of tabernacles does portray the millennial reign of Christ here on earth. It is spoken of profusely throughout Old Testament Scripture and alluded to in the New Testament as well. This was the great hope of Old Testament saints that the Messiah would come and set up His kingdom, overthrow the Gentile nations and rule and reign from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King. So, Peter knew what to look for, but his timing was off.

                And the disciples never gave up on their expectation of Yeshua’s millennial reign, even right up to the very last minute, for in Acts 1:6, just minutes before Jesus ascended into the clouds, they asked Jesus:    “Lord is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?”

                Jesus answered that it was not for them to know times and epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority. Jesus did not deny His coming millennial kingdom, but in effect He told them that they had a job to do first. They were to receive power from on high and they must become His witnesses to Jerusalem and Judea and to the whole world.

                Well, the doctrine of the millennial reign of Christ has been used and abused throughout church history. It has been misunderstood by the Catholic Church who thought that they were to bring in and enforce the kingdom under the rule of men. This is why they persecuted everyone who refused to comply with their authority. They thought that Jesus had left them with a mandate to gain control of the globe and this thought still pervades even now in the Kingdom Now movement for indeed many Protestant churches are going back to Rome in the hopes of gaining control of the whole world for Christ right now.

                The ecumenical movement, the Exist movement, the globalist movement toward a Global kingdom is fueled by this idea of men ruling in the place of Christ. Unfortunately, this misapplied fervor has led them to seek another power source. They have chosen Lucifer as their new god and Lucifer is more than glad to comply since it has always been his goal to usurp the throne of Christ and to rule as God.

                This is the issue behind the Abomination of Desolation that Daniel spoke about and Jesus also warned about in the last days. Satan would use misapplied prophecy to bring about His global kingdom under the authority of men rather than Jesus Christ. Such an arrangement has always proved to be a disaster. It has always resulted in pogroms, inquisitions, in murder and mayhem and horrendous loss of life simply because men have taken the kingdom of Jesus Christ onto their own shoulders when in fact the everlasting kingdom will be upon Jesus’ shoulders. Isa. 9:6 7

                Jesus will return and He will set up His earthly Millennial Kingdom and He will reign on earth for 1000 years just as His disciples anticipated. But it will happen when Jesus comes in the clouds with His saints. He will defeat the armies of the antichrist and He will set foot on the Mt. of Olives, which will split into a large valley and He will ride into Jerusalem on His white horse and He will take up His millennial reign. See Zech. 14 for starters and Revelation chapters 19 and 20.  Those two chapters show Jesus returning with His saints and reigning on earth for 1000 years and Zechariah 14 and many others of the Old Testament prophets give extensive detail concerning this coming time.

                But we need to know what to look for and we need to know it well, because even as we speak, the whole world is being swept into Lucifer’s great delusion. He is building a New World Order, a Global Kingdom, an antichrist kingdom, based upon the powers of men and demons rather than on the righteous and holy supernatural power of the one and only Jesus Christ.

                We need to understand why Peter said what he said. He said that we have a more sure word of prophecy to which we need to pay close attention and he warns that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was made by an act of human will, but that men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” Scripture must interpret itself! Peter presumed something that was partly right and partly wrong and He warns us to study prophecy carefully not just making it up as we go.

                So why did Peter bring up the Mount of Transfiguration in connection with Bible prophecy? It is because he knew the prophecy of Christ’s millennial reign, but he did not know the timing. Peter knew the Feast days that anticipated Christ’s millennial reign, but he didn’t know the timing. He wanted Jesus to take up His millennial reign right then and there and that is why the disciples had argued over who would sit on His left and right. They were jockeying for positions in the kingdom… but Jesus had a much bigger picture in mind… He wanted to save the whole world. He wanted His Gospel to go to the Gentiles too and to the uttermost parts of the world and then He would come. For this reason He had come into the world as a suffering servant and as the true Lamb of God first. When He returns He will then come as reigning King.

                This right understanding of both the signs and the times is crucial even in our day, some 2000 years later. It is because of man’s misapplication of these prophecies that the whole world is now being drawn into the global kingdom of the Beast… and guess who is right in there helping to set up the global religion? It is the same Catholic or universal church that has been trying to do so throughout church history and now, they are getting close because, having given up on Jesus; they are now operating under the power and expectation of Lucifer.

                Even now, the Papal system is under the control of a renegade pope and a satanic cabal is drawing the world including many Protestants into a global religion. Religious leaders are they are falling for it because there has been a studied effort by Jesuit infiltration to steer the church away from a study of Bible Prophecy and now their program is paying off. Now they have a Jesuit pope and a satanic- controlled papacy as well and much of the church along with many of the world’s religions are falling for it all hook line and sinker.

                If we don’t know and understand the agenda of the antichrist we will be sucked into his millennial aspirations. We will be lured and seduced by the spirits of antichrist into a false unity with the damned, because we had not a love of the truth so as to be saved. We no longer search the scriptures to understand the signs that Jesus and John and Paul and Peter and the Old Testament prophets told us would accompany the true return of Christ.

                Like Peter on the mount of transfiguration we presume we know what is coming next. We presume that anything that looks like the millennial reign of Christ must be the millennial reign of Christ, but Jesus has given us specific signs and prophecies and He has warned us of great deceptions that would precede His coming and the antichrist movement that would seek to fake His global kingdom.

                So it was at the end of the 4 blood moons in 2014 and 2015 that nearly everyone threw out everyone’s speculations and conspiracy theories and wrote off the blood moons as a meaningless fluke. They did not pay attention to the fact that on the very day of the final blood moon, Pope Francis stood up with leaders of the world’s religions and declared the formation of a global religion made up of the world’s religions.

                Ever since that announcement; religious leaders and government leaders from every country and protestant denomination on the planet, have been beating a path to Rome to kiss the ring of the Pope and to join forces with his global religion. Even evangelicals, who once knew better, are now joining in on what will soon become the kingdom of the Beast of Revelation 13.

                Yet Pope Francis has been saying such outrageous and blasphemous things that even God fearing Catholics are fleeing the fold. There is great consternation among Catholic leaders as they see heresies being spoken and compromises being made and ecclesiastical offices being taken over by Luciferian, Jesuit, Masonic and other political powers to bring in the New world Order.

                This is why the Pope and his motley cabal are working feverishly to gain control of Israel and Jerusalem.  HE will yet sit in the Holy Place of the third temple and commit the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will proper until the indignation (tribulation) is finished, for that which is decreed will be done.” Daniel 11:36, Mt. 24:15

                Do you understand the time? Do you understand which things you are supporting? Do you understand your expectation enough to know the difference? Are you searching the Scriptures in order to sort out what is real from that which is false? Do you know Bible prophecy enough to separate the real from the counterfeit?

                Most of the church did not know what to look for when the tetrad of blood moons came and since they didn’t know what to look for, they walked away from the many signs in the sun, moon and stars, given in coordination with God’s appointed times. (Moedim) And yet, one of the most monumental Bible Prophecies took place on that last blood moon. The False Prophet of Revelation 19:20, 21 made his announcement of the formation of the global religion that will force everyone to worship the Beast and His image… that will enforce the Mark of the Beast and who will cause all who are not written in the Lamb’s book of life to wonder after and to worship the Beast.

                We have entered into that great specific era of time spoken of by all of the prophets and Jesus Himself, and yet most of the church is asleep because they don’t know what to watch for. Do you?


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