We owned a nice little home in Vancouver Washington. We had paid cash for it and it was debt free. But after living there for maybe a year, the Lord told us to sell it and to move out to my sister’s property to help her take care of our aging mother. So we did as instructed and ended up living in a tiny loft apartment over a three car garage.

                But crammed in as we were, it was a place of beauty and rest, for our apartment faced a wooded area and we had chickens and a country environment.  I was able to help my brother in law with his manufacturing business that was on the property… we were able to help with upkeep around the property, to grow gardens and to help take care of Mom.

                Our years there were years of blessing and learning for us. It was there that we were led to Rehoboth, our Messianic Jewish fellowship, to become involved in making quilts for holocaust survivors and Bonnie sewed many little dresses for Ethiopian refugees fleeing persecution and coming back to Israel with nothing but the tattered clothes on their backs.

                It was while we were there that the Lord taught us so many wonderful lessons as well as to understand something of the framework of the Lord’s appointed Feasts and how they apply to Bible Prophecy.

                But then one day while working in the garden, the Lord spoke into my heart about moving to Tennessee to be a father and grandfather to my children and grandchildren in Tennessee. I didn’t say anything to Bonnie because it seemed grossly unfair to her to move so far away from friends and family including her daughter. But the next morning she came out telling me that she had had a dream and she thought we were supposed to move to Tennessee. Well that was a double witness and so without further ado we began the monumental task of moving 2600 miles.

                I have told you about our move numerous times and so I will not go through it again, but you see, these moves represent milestones in our walk with the Lord. They are milestones in hearing and obeying Him. These milestones are markers on the road of faith and we learn to build on them one marker at a time.

                Come to think of it, the Bible is full of stories of being called out… out of Ur, Out of Babylon, out of Egypt, out of slavery, out of bondage, out of Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth. It seems that God is always calling us out of what was and into a new place of blessing and purpose.

                Being in Geo-synchronicity is being in God’s place of blessing and purpose. It means living under an open heaven. It is very important to hear and to obey because our place of blessing is in the place of divine appointment.

                Hearing God’s voice isn’t always easy. He often does the unexpected. For instance, we were fully intending to go to a Messianic fellowship in Tennessee. Instead the Lord led us to a relatively small Pentecostal church (With maybe 150 in attendance) and yet within a month or two, I am on the worship team playing bass and singing, I am teaching a Wednesday night class on the Feast Days and helping with food distribution to the poor and last but not least, doors have opened up to produce and record and publish music that the Lord has given me to leave sitting on a shelf. That which I could never seem to do, the Lord is now doing, because I am in His chosen place of blessing and purpose.

                Bonnie is now involved in the kitchen and in loving, hugging and blessing and praying for people and visitors in the congregation. So God has plugged us both in to places of purpose and blessing and we know that we are right where God has guided us to be. That is Geo-synchronicity.

                Many people have a hard time hearing God’s voice simply because they are not used to obeying His promptings. Of course, His promptings don’t usually involve getting up and moving across country. Sometimes He prompts us to give to someone in need, or to pray for someone, or to volunteer or to change our attitudes about something, or whatever. Sometimes He prompts us to spend more time in His Word and in prayer. After all, if we won’t listen to His voice through His Word, how can we expect to hear His voice in our hearts? And how will we know that it is His voice and not someone else’s  if we don’t know His Word?

                For the most part we have simply gotten too busy to hear from God. We have our lives all lined up according to our own plans and we really don’t have any room for God’s plans. In face, sometimes God’s plans for us lie in direct conflict with our plans and we are left to choose which road we will follow.

                It is important to understand that God honors the desires of our heart and that many times we can be blessed whether we take this road or that one. God is not a dictator. He gives us choices and often times we make right choices simply because we live according to the principles of His Word.

                But the supernatural life of living by divine appointments is more than that. If we want to be conformed to the image and ministry of Christ then we must enter into a different realm. Jesus did only what He saw the Father doing and said only what He heard the Father saying and this kind of supernatural living comes from long hours of fasting and prayer and being filled with His Spirit and walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

                We need to understand that we are in training. Life is not just a long line of random events. If we belong to Christ, then we are being trained, not only to reign with Him in the very real world of the coming millennium, but to take a supernatural role in the coming harvest. All of this we are preparing for by what we are doing now.

                How do you view your life? When troubles come do you complain to God saying “Why me Lord?” or do you understand that as overcomers, we must learn to overcome?  Mountain climbers do not practice on flat ground. They practice in the mountains.

                Jesus said in Mark 11:22-24: Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says is going to happen, it shall be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them and they shall be granted you.”

                I’m not sure that Jesus was referring to literal physical mountains in this text, although in the end times every mountain is going to be removed from its place. Maybe that is God, finally answering all of those prayers we dared to pray.

                But more than likely He is talking about the obstacles that we must overcome in this life. After all, in His messages to the seven churches, Jesus made all of His future promises to those who overcome.

                Clearly we are intended to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil in this life… not by our own strength, but by learning how to live in His strength. This is what living life in the Spirit is all about. We learn how to apply His victory to and through our lives.

                But this is not a passive victory as some have made it to be. We don’t just sit back and say,” Jesus won the victory for me so I can just sit back and ride this train to glory.” If this were true, then Jesus would not have equipped us with the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, The full armor of God, along with the call to discipleship.

                If this was a passive ride to glory then the Bible would not have been packed with instructions on how to grow, how to serve, how to love and how to overcome. Likewise, if we had no need to understand end time events, then He would not have given us such an extensive outlay of His end time prophecies. Who did He write these things for if not for us?

                Paul explains in 1 Cor. 10:11-13: “Now these things happened to them as an example and they were written for our instruction upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but WITH THE TEMPTATION will provide the WAY OF ESCAPE also, that you may be able to endure it.”

                The troubles and trials, the attitudes both good and bad and all that Israel went through, was recorded specifically for those of us living in the last days. Why? If we don’t know why, then we will be missing the entire point of the coming tribulation and harvest? Harvest separates the wheat from the chaff.

                Notice in the text above that the way of escape, was not removal from the trouble, but a means for enduring it and as Revelation chapters 2 and 3 tell us…”Overcoming it.”

                The life of faith is not for wimps. God never intended for us to “get saved” and then sit back on the couch and gorge ourselves on creampuffs until He comes. His instructions are given to make us battle ready. Our armor must be tested… our faith tried… our weapons sharpened and ready.

                Not everyone is going to reign with Christ… only those who have overcome. Likewise not everyone is going to be protected by Psalm 91… only those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

                We have got to move away from passive Christianity. Our nation has largely gone down the toilet because of passive Christianity. We never stood our ground. We never spoke up when prayer and the Bible were removed from our schools. We never called our churches back to the Word, when our pastors, coming out of seminary, began teaching us psychology rather than the Gospel… when they began leaving out parts of scripture because they were politically incorrect, or when they offended the big money donors.

                Instead we joined Christian gossip clubs and called them prayer meetings. We created a hundred man pleasing programs to replace the fact that we no longer were baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. We started entertaining our children with Sesame Street entertainment so that they can no longer endure sound doctrine. In fact, we have been engaged in a massive dumbing down of Christians so that they no longer understand the principles of right and wrong much less how to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh.  And the subject of Bible Prophecy has become taboo in our Christian culture so that very few Christians understand the magnificent flow of God’s purposes from beginning to end any more.

                Instead of training to reign, we are now preparing to submit to global authorities and to compromise for the sake of unity… to keep silent for the sake of peace and safety.

                Yeah, I know… I have stumbled into my usual big picture application, but the truth is, learning how to live in Geo-synchronization with God by walking in His Word and in His Spirit is how we prepare to play our part in the big picture. There is a huge harvest yet to bring in and there is a magnificent outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will bring with it unprecedented power. And yet God can’t pour this out until He has a mature people that can handle such things without falling into past mistakes. This is the final round and we dare not fail again. Do we really want to be turned back into the wilderness again after coming this close to the Promised Land?

                It is time to come into Geo-Synchronicity with God so that we can hear His voice and to walk in all that He has predetermined for each of us to do.


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