A Couple of days ago I was mowing my lawn and decided to extend it a few feet closer to the woods. (Bad idea) I ran over a yellow jacket’s nest in the ground and suddenly found myself as the center of attention in a swarm of bees. I left the mower and ran about 50 feet swatting these little demons off of me. I was only wearing shorts and a tee shirt and so they had free access to my legs and arms.

                Long story short I ended up with only 8 stings and so I went to the house and took a couple of allergy pills and mixed up a little baking soda with water to neutralize whatever acid the stings left behind. Fortunately I am not allergic to bee stings but it was hard to sleep that night and I can still feel them a bit after 2 days. I am planning revenge.

                If only sin was like yellow jackets, we would learn more quickly what not to do in life. Unfortunately some of the things we do we may not pay for right away. Sometimes we pay for our sins days, weeks, months or even years later.

                I grew up in the generation that stepped away from sanity and into sex, drugs, rock and roll, communes, eastern religions and occultism. In short we rebelled against everything that had made America a great nation under God and while some paid for it immediately in things like drug overdoses and aids, the nation in general is paying a heavy price now for what we did back then. We now have a percentage of the population made up of drug-addled liberals that hate God and hate America, who are fighting for rights to abort babies, marry the same sex and throw off every remnant of decency remaining in this country.  Their morality is so twisted that everything that God calls bad, they call good and everything that God calls good, they call bad.

                While the church was sleeping they nearly brought America to extinction until we had a president for two terms that gave them everything they wanted and a new candidate arising that was going to do more of the same. But the church woke up and started praying and voting and God intervened and God gave us a president that saw the problems and had the guts to do something about it… and I wish that I could say that all is well now, but I can’t.

                Now we have a very different problem. We now have a president who is surrounded by a whole flock of Christian advisors of a generation that knows virtually nothing about Bible prophecy. So in spite of their good intentions America is being ushered right into the heart of the global system of the beast of Revelation 13. Nearly every one of these Christian leaders has made visits to the Pope of Rome who is part and parcel of the New World Order, who has openly stated his goal in forming a global religion, who reigns over the kings of the earth and who is actually (I believe) playing the role of the false prophet, or the beast with two horns that looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon.

                The great Protestant Reformation was built on the discovery and understanding that the system of the Papacy was an antichrist system. Thousands and even millions paid for this conclusion with their lives as both Jews and faithful Christians tried to live by their convictions only to be hunted down in inquisitions and political/religious wars.  Anti as in antichrist means in the place of Christ as the papacy itself has defined it, calling the Pope the Vicar of Christ. This then from its very inception is wrong for the Bible clearly states: “For there is one God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”  1Timothy 2:5.   So to set another man up in the place of Christ is pure idolatry and blasphemy and that makes the pope, any pope, the antichrist.

                Few people realize today that the Vatican is behind nearly all of the wars if not all of them that are reshaping our planet and bringing every nation under the control of the global elite. The papacy largely works behind the scenes, using nations, bankers and the power brokers of the world to do their dirty work. On one side, the Vatican has the Muslims fighting for them against Protestant Christianity which they have nearly wiped out in Europe and elsewhere, and on the other hand, they have NATO fighting for them to destabilize the western world so as to bring the west under global power as well. And as a third leg of their power they have the United Nations trying to destroy the Jews and to bring on global governance.

                So what do you have when a big group of well-meaning Christians who have abandoned the study of Bible prophecy try to bring the world into peace? They will gravitate to the only one who seems to have enough power and influence to bring unity in the world and that is the Pope of Rome. Only he can bring the world into unity and the religions of the world into unity… and that is why preachers and presidents alike are paying homage to the pope and receiving their marching orders from him.

                Likewise, our new president means well and he genuinely wants to bring peace both to America and to Israel and as such, He is working on a peace deal that we prophecy students recognize as a covenant to be confirmed with the many that will promise peace, but will bring on sudden destruction and out of this mess the greatest world war will result and after that will arise the antichrist who will seemingly have the power to bring the world into peace. This coming third world war is going to kill about 2/3s of earth’s population and of those who remain, most will be clamoring for a global leader that can unite the remaining world and be he god or devil, they will worship him.

                The devil has done a real number on the protestant- people. He has caused well- meaning prophecy students over time to set dates for the coming of the Lord and when those dates fail, it embitters the people and when enough of these dates fail, the people throw up their hands and they don’t want to hear about Bible prophecy at all or to be associated with it. So now what are they doing? They are giving up on their protest against the Papacy and they are now seeking unity and strength under a one world religious leader. And this is the very thing that the Bible warns against.

                Paul warned us in 2 Thess. 2:3, 4 saying: “ Let no one in any way deceive you, for it (The day of the Lord) will not come unless the apostasy ( falling away) comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship. So that he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being God. “

                Notice here that Paul starts out by saying “Let no one in any way deceive you.” Jesus also started His discourse on the events of the last days by saying, “See to it that no one deceives you.” Mt. 24:4, Mark 13:5 and Luke 21:8. Here both Jesus and Paul were not talking to the world. They were talking to God’s own people. They are warning Jews and Christians not to be deceived in the last days.

                It is of particular interest that the “Peace deal” or the covenant with many ( spoken of in Daniel 9:27) is getting very close to being ratified. It is coming on Israel’s 70th anniversary and it so happens that Jesus said in essence that the generation that sees Israel reborn would be the generation that would see “all these things come to pass and to recognize that HE is near, right at the door. Mt. 24:32, 33.

                Here Jesus could not have been speaking about His own generation. If so then His prophecy was wrong. No, He was talking about the generation that would see the fig tree (Israel) blossom and all the people gather back to their own land from all of the nations where they had been scattered for 2000 years. Ez. 36:24-28, Ez. 11:16, 17, Joel 3:2

                Here in Joel 2, he has been talking about the great and awesome day of the Lord, when the sun will be darkened and the moon turned into blood and the Holy Spirit poured out upon all flesh and then in chapter 3 he continues on saying: “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem I will gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and they have divided up MY land.” Joel 3:1, 2. So he is talking about the last days and not about some previous time.

                Here God is talking about our very time when for the sake of peace we are now negotiating a land for peace deal in order to form a Palestinian state and though his name is left out of the news, this peace deal is being brokered behind the scenes by none other than the Pope of Rome. Not only that but it was the Pope that sent Trump to meet with Putin, because the Palestinians no longer want America to be the sole arbitrator of this peace deal, so the two greatest nations with 90% of the world’s nuclear power, are brokering the deal together. This time it may actually go through.

                This meeting between Putin and Trump accomplishes another thing as well. It keeps the liberals fired up about the supposed Russian interference with the elections. The New World Order people wants Christians to believe that Trump is an enemy of globalism so that they can broker this peace deal and bring the whole world under their control even as the church sleeps, or better yet, promotes the deal.

                I have been saying for some time now that God put Trump in office to fulfill both good and bad prophecies. On one hand he put off the premature death of America by thwarting the election of Hillary, but now, because the church has abandoned the study of Bible prophecy, the Christian leaders around Trump, many of them Jesuits and or men who have surrendered to the leadership of Pope Francis are leading Trump directly into the New World Order and into the global religion of the Beast. It is a frightening thing.

                This information has been confirmed to me by sources that know exactly what is going on in Israel and now I have to deal with information that I don’t even want to deal. What we have to say will undoubtedly offend nearly everybody, but if we are to be a watchman then the warning must be given.

                Jesus and Paul were not kidding when they warned us not to be deceived. We are quickly plunging into the most confusing and tumultuous time in earth’s history and we are much further advanced than most people would believe. For just when many Christian prophets are proclaiming peace and prosperity and a triumphant church, we are perhaps facing sudden destruction. We are walking into a trap from which there will be no escape but by death.

                There will be a great harvest and a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit just as Joel and Peter proclaimed in the last days, but it is going to come amidst blood and fire and columns of smoke.

                The wheat and the tares must be separated and it can only happen with a great shaking and threshing. Times of ease will not do it. We have seen that. Even 9/11 gave us only a slight pause and then our rush toward oblivion came on with an even greater vengeance than before.

                God is not going to be a loser in this 6000 year war. In fact in Revelation 7:13-17 we find a huge crowd in heaven that no man can number standing before the throne. They have come out of great tribulation and we can interpret that any way we want to, but they have come out of great tribulation and they are a huge crowd that no man can number. Likewise in Revelation 15 we see another huge group standing on the Sea of Glass having gained the victory over the Beast and again in Revelation 20:4 we see yet another group that is raised to life that has been beheaded for their faith. One is left wondering just where the pre-tribulation rapture people are in this mix.

                Any way you look at it, we are poised on the edge… no… we are in it… we have entered into, not the tribulation proper, but definitely the end times and we are looking at the  covenant that will be ratified by the antichrist that will start the 7 year tribulation. Our Lord may delay it and maybe this treaty will fall through like the rest of them did and time will go on, but either way, for those who understand Bible prophecy, even if we don’t understand it perfectly, we can see all of the signs that point to the end and it is time to get our houses in order.

                We need to stop putting our faith in politics and place our faith in God and His Word alone. I am not trying to badmouth anybody including our president. I am just saying that knowingly or unknowingly we are being escorted into earth’s final events and much of the clergy in the land think that they are doing it for God and not against Him. The Seminaries that train today’s pastors started teaching church growth methods and financial management and they left off Bible Prophecy so that most pastors today haven’t a clue where we are in time or what to expect in these last days.

                All of this is heartbreaking to say the least. Nobody wants to give out this kind of news… in fact; some of those who are telling the truth are now in grave danger.

                Did you realize that large portions of Christianity believe that the book of Revelation was fulfilled centuries ago and that Bible prophecy has no relevance to us today? They have been rendered deaf, dumb and blind to the greatest events in all of history, the climax of the 6000 year war and they are walking right into Satan’s global traps thinking that all is well.

                These are the kinds of Christian leaders that surround President Trump today and it is like the blind leading the blind. We have gotten off the path and we are walking into a yellow jacket’s nest and we don’t even know it.

                Still… God has great plans for us and even though it may not take place during times of ease, there will be a great harvest of souls and a huge crowd which no man can number from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. Every prophecy in the Bible, both the bad and the good will be fulfilled and in the end Jesus Christ will reign victorious as King of kings and Lord of lords.

                “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mixed with fire and those who had come off victorious from the beast and from his image and from the number of his name standing on the sea of glass holding the harps of God. And they sang the song of Moses the bond-servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying. Great and marvelous are Thy works O Lord God the Almighty; Righteous and true are Thy ways Thou king of the nations. Who will not fear, O Lord and glorify Thy name? For Thou alone art holy; for all the nations will come and worship before Thee, for Thy righteous acts have been revealed.” Rev 15:2, 3

                We are heading into the Fall Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles and though we don’t fully understand them, we know from Jesus’ life on earth that they will be fulfilled perfectly and literally and in order and that somehow all of the end time prophecies will be fulfilled within the framework of these three feasts. So what should we be doing?

                We must come out of the world system. Rev 14:6-11 and we must preach the gospel of the kingdom to every creature, to every nation, kindred, tongue and people and then the end shall come.  Mt. 24:14 This is why the 6000 year war must come to a climax. It will be a time of separation of wheat from tares, of grain from its chaff, of truth from falsehood. It will be a time of a great shaking when everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that what remains will be of God. Hebrews 12:26-29.

                It will be a time of blood and fire and columns of smoke, but it will also be a time when God pours out His Spirit upon all flesh and millions will come to the Lord. It will be a time of desperation and separation when people will either turn to the antichrist for peace and security or they will turn to the Lord. Even the Mark of the Beast will force people to make a life or death choice.

                In other words, it is now time for us to make choices and to make them wisely without regard for our own safety and comfort. We will either deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus, or we will accept the counterfeit and go with the crowd.

                The cross of Jesus stands at a Y in the road and we must all decide which road to take. The only way into Christ’s eternal kingdom is through the death and resurrection of Jesus and we need to be building a legacy of right choices and we need to be living by the Spirit and not by the flesh. “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14

                In the end the THINGS WE PAY FOR will either be paid for by us, or they will have been paid for by Jesus Christ our Lord.


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