The principles of flight have been around forever. After all, birds have been flying ever since creation. But man’s ability to fly had to wait for oil to be discovered, then the refining process that would turn it into gas and then the invention of the combustion engine and so on. Likewise many other things that we take for granted today had to wait for the discovery of electricity, which also has existed forever in the form of lightning and such.

                So there has been a natural progression of discovery that has led to the exponential increase in knowledge and technology that we enjoy today and the most recent developments have taken place very rapidly since our grandparents could remember the horse and buggy days.

                Likewise there has been a natural progression in our understanding of Bible Prophecy. For instance, for many centuries eth church had embraced the allegorical method of interpretation of Bible prophecy. They had adopted this method simply because there was no way for certain prophecies to be fulfilled literally.

                For instance, Jerusalem had been completely destroyed in A.D. 70 and its ground plowed under and salted and the people scattered into every nation of the world. There was no way that God would gather this people back from all the lands where He had scattered them and restore their land and cause the deserts to bloom like a rose. There was no way that HE would restore their language and their culture and make Israel the 9th most powerful nation in the world, let alone causing that tiny state to become the focus of the world’s attention.  And above all, they would never rebuild their temple for a third time in order to fulfill the last day prophecies of Jesus.

                There was no way around it. Prophecy had to be a spiritual allegory not intended to be interpreted literally. So the church developed the allegorical method of interpretation and the doctrine of replacement theology. After all God could not lie about His promises, so naturally the church must have replaced Israel as God’s chosen people.

                But just like flight and the combustion engine and electricity, there has been a natural progression of events that have literally forced us in our day to see these same prophecies as literal. Israel has come back into their own land; they have risen to their current status. They are at the center of earth’s controversies, the nations are working hard to confirm a covenant with the many that will bring on the era of the antichrist and plans are well under way for the building of the third temple.

                And now, in another major fulfillment of Bible Prophecy, America has declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel,(which sets  the stage for the building of the temple), the covenant with the many is being sweated over in back rooms and plans for the rebuilding of the temple are awaiting clearance. The New World Order of the Antichrist is taking shape and a one world religion is forming that will worship the beast and his image. We are looking down the gun barrels of a third world war that may well make way for the antichrist to arise with a solution.

                There is a great falling away from the faith both in the church and in the world as people prepare to accept a global leader; along with a global religion, global governance and global money. The technologies are all in place to control the buying and selling of every individual on the planet and AI (Artificial intelligence) has developed to the point where life can be given to the image of the beast that will control the whole system.

                Amazingly, large portions of the church remain asleep and satisfied with yesteryear’s interpretations of scripture in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. They remain largely blind to the signs of the times since they have turned a deaf ear to them.

                There are a growing number of prophets, watchmen and Bible students that are waking up and beginning to shout warnings to the flock, but only a very small percentage of people actually listen to them or believe them. They even ridicule them and make fun of them and call them false prophets because their doctrines are and prophetic interpretations are different.

                On one of the prophetic messages on You Tube the other day, someone called this man of God a false prophet because he taught that the book of Revelation is yet ahead of us rather than having been fulfilled way back in history. In other words, if you teach that there is a future tribulation and a future antichrist along with all of the signs that Jesus gave to go along with it, then you are a false prophet. My, my, my, my…how is it even possible to think that way in light of all that is taking place in the world right now? Satan has blinded this person almost totally.

                Sadhu Sundar Selvarage, a Christian prophet from India, has been sent to America specifically in this year of 2018 to warn of the soon coming judgments of God upon America and the world. God told him that the church is not ready and that many will fall away from the faith because prophetic events are not going to unfold in the way and order that they have been taught.

                Many Christians have been lulled into sleep by the false impression that we will see no tribulation, and while I am not intending to argue Pre, Mid, or Post trib here, I am going to say that we have no idea how much tribulation we may face before the Lord returns. The Lord said that in the world we will have tribulation and who is to say how bad it will actually get before the day of the Lord properly begins.

                Paul says that we will be here to see the great falling away and the rise of the antichrist. Jesus also warned us not to take the Mark of the Beast, for all who take the Mark of the Beast will be lost. That means that those who don’t take the Mark will be among God’s people.

                We must remember that we are only promised escape from the wrath of God, which falls in the second half of what we call the seven year tribulation and in fact the Day of the Lord and the Tribulation proper may only involve the final 3 ½ years of that seven year time period with the first half of it being the wrath of Satan and the persecution of the saints.

                Again, I am not trying to establish doctrine here, but to get us to think. We presume many things for which we have no real biblical background and we need more than tradition to get us through the days ahead. We need the “prophetic word made more sure to which we do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in our hearts…” 2 Peter 1:19

                So Bible prophecy is not given only so that we will know and understand the future, but so that Christ may arise in our hearts… that He will arise to the position of King and Lord in our lives so that we will no longer live by the flesh but by His Spirit.

                When I speak of Bible Prophecy, some automatically presume that I am going to dig out my old bundle of charts and start plotting time lines. But it is too late for that. What we need to do now is to learn how to live by His Spirit and by His Word and to put away our flesh and to come out of Babylon. And we need to prepare for coming judgments upon the earth because we don’t know how many of them we will face. In all the floods, earthquakes and fires we see going on in the world right now we see that the rain falls on the just and unjust alike… sinners because they sin and the righteous because we did not warn them. In all of the persecution, torture beheadings and death we have seen in the Middle East we have been witnessing hundreds of thousands of Christians being martyred for their faith. Is this not tribulation?

                How is it that we think we will escape all of these things just because we are Americans? Our nation has been preserved by God to protect Israel. Obama took us from our destiny and Trump brought us back. So, whether we like Trump or not, God has used him to give us a respite as the Prophet Sadhu has said. However he also warned that during these 4 years of respite, we must drain the swamp in the church even as Trump drains the swamp of politics and even as God separates the sheep nations from the goat nations.

                We are in for a great shaking and shaking comes by judgment so that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Jesus told us this in the parable of the dragnet. Mt. 13:48-50. The net of fish was brought in and the good fish were separated from the bad. Likewise, He taught about the wheat and the tares which must grow together until the harvest and He said to the reapers:   “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.” Mt. 13:24-30.

                So there must be a great shaking in which all that is not truly of God will be shaken out. (See Hebrews 12:25-29) and a great falling away. 2 Thess. 2:3, 4 before the coming of the Lord.

                Likewise Hebrews says in Chapter 12:14: “Pursue peace with all men and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.” Sanctification is the work of the Holy Place in the tabernacle of Moses. The Holy Place contained the word of God, the Spirit of God and the intercession of prayer in which the Holy Spirit helps us to pray and mixes His presence with our prayers. The Holy Place represents the age of Pentecost which extends from the first Pentecost to the coming of the Lord.

                The most Holy Place in the tabernacle represents the age of Tabernacles when Jesus will once again tabernacle among us during the Millennium. It represents also the unmitigated presence and power of the Lord in us. So this is why, during the age of Pentecost we must learn to live by the Spirit who has been given to us in part as a down payment of that more glorious impartation comes when we are glorified at the resurrection. We must allow the Holy Spirit and Jesus to do His temple cleansing in us now so that we will be able to handle that greater glory when it comes.

                It is said that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the final harvest will be seven times greater than Pentecost. If we are not prepared for that it will be like plugging a 110 lightbulb into a 220 socket.

                We have much to pray about in these last days. If the church cleanses itself of the evil that now plagues it and our government cleans out the evil and the sinful laws we have passed, then we will live to see another term and our national destiny fulfilled. If not then America will go down in flames and another nation will fulfill our destiny.

                These are the warnings that have been given to us in 2018. God gave us one more chance to pray and to seek God’s face and to stand in our place. He has called us to revival and reformation. Will we rise to the occasion, or will we continue to mock God with our doctrines of complacency and false grace and false prosperity? God is not mocked, for whatever we sow, that is what we will reap. Gal. 6:7

                 We can’t pretend that God has given us this time for church as usual. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. We need to gear up for the harvest and that means being ready for it ourselves.

                Man I wish I didn’t have to keep giving these stern warnings. I keep asking God for peaceful, gentle and soothing messages with creative and uplifting words, but lately it always comes out the same. We have come to the end of an era, and things are about to change in a major way. It’s time to make our peace with God?

                God loves us more than we can ever know and it is because of this that He warns us and prepares us for what lies ahead. He will rescue us in the fullness of time, when He has risen to His rightful position in our hearts. When we have truly made Him our King, then He will appear as our King. Love to all my brother and sisters in the faith.


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