“As for the ten horns out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. And he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One and he will intend to make alterations in times and law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time. But the court will sit for judgment and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.” (Jesus Christ) Daniel 7:24-27

                Here we see a vision by Daniel of 4 global kingdoms, the final one being Rome and out of Rome there arises ten kings and a king that is different. It is said that he will wear down the saints of God, that he will change times and laws and that the world will be given into his hands for 3 ½ years, but then his kingdom will be destroyed and it will be given to the saints of the Most High God. This is the ultimate end of this little horn that arises, but it has been around for at least 2000 years as the religious entity that replaced the secular government of Rome after it collapsed. Pagan Rome became Papal Rome.

                The great Protestant Reformation was built upon the identity of the papal system was an antichrist system and for good reason. The Papacy had been wearing down (by persecution) the saints by the millions that refused to come under their control but that was not all. They had divorced themselves from the Jews as well as turning from their Judeo/Christian roots and they had married the pagan system thus becoming pagan/Christian rather than Judeo/Christian and in fact the whole system had become pagan with only a thin Christian veneer on it. God’s Jewish calendar had been traded in for the pagan Julian and eventually the Gregorian calendar. The Feast days of the Lord had been replaced with pagan holidays and the Sabbath had been changed to Sunday and so on. All of this to distance themselves from their Jewish heritage and to replace them as God’s chosen people.

                So the Protestant Reformers had good reason to come out of the Catholic system and to follow more closely the Word of God.

                I am not a Catholic basher. In fact there are probably as many faithful remnant people in the Catholic Church as in any other denomination, so that is why I have given this brief explanation of why I think that the papacy is that end time antichrist system. We know that Daniel is speaking of its ultimate control of the world for 3 ½ years and that it ends with the coming of Christ. The Protestants all understood this and preached this up to and including the 20th century, but from that time on, the study of Bible Prophecy began to wane and with it the  loss of Protestant convictions that the Papacy was actually the antichrist system after all.

                Now here in our day, Bible prophecy has been largely abandoned and Protestants no longer understand the issues and so it doesn’t even sound alarm bells when Protestant leaders give up their protest and fall back to Rome… But this is exactly what is predicted in scripture and we see the Papacy in Revelation 17 as the great religious whore that rides Europa the bull and reigns over the kings of the earth and persecutes the saints and virtually nobody knows who this great harlot is anymore.

                So it is this great falling away that Paul talks about in 2 Thess. 2:3, 4 that is making way for the Beast to rise and to gain control of the whole world in the final 3 ½ years that Daniel 7 talks about. Today there are probably more Catholics that understand the issues than Protestants, for they see a pope that is blaspheming God and changing long held beliefs and forming a global religion made up of all religions. Many are deeply troubled and some are leaving the Catholic faith because of it. After all… How do you make all gods equal with Jesus Christ the Creator and Savior of mankind?

                We need to understand these things so that when we see President Trump making an effort to broker a covenant with the many for one week and we see, Christian advisors making pilgrimages to Rome and we see a global religion forming under the leadership of Pope Francis, we must absolutely take note of it whether it whether asking questions is the politically correct thing to do or not.

                For some reason the world and particularly the Protestant church has become blind to the power of the Papacy and how it is still ruling over the kings of the earth. Why do you suppose that every president and king in the world, whether Christian, Communist, Muslim or otherwise goes to hold a conference with the pope? In a world that basically hates Christianity, why are they wondering after Pope Francis? Why do they see him as the man of the hour that can maybe broker a peace deal?

                Friends, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in more ways than we can imagine and we can’t see it because we no longer understand the prophetic issues. Yes, there may well be a Muslim antichrist, but if so, then Pope Francis is playing the role of the false prophet who gathers the religions of the world together to worship the Beast and to become a part of the global government of the beast.

                When Pope Francis stood before the American people in 2015 with the leaders of all religions and announced the formation of a one world religion, it was just the same as announcing that He was the False Prophet who would pull the religions of the world together into one global religion. And people don’t know it, but the Pope is pulling all of the stings in Israel as well and he is clearing the way for the antichrist to rule the world from Jerusalem from the third temple and we may think that it is a grand and glorious thing, but this temple (At least as far as the Pope is concerned) is not being built for the true Messiah. Pope Francis is a Luciferian.

                Jesus warns about this event when the people in Jerusalem and Judea will have to flee to the mountains and here is how it has been set up. Before 1967, there were no Jews living in Judea. At that time it belonged to Jordon and no Jews lived there. Now however, since the 1967 (6 day) war, there are around 850,000 Jews living in Judea, so now the situation is set up for Mt. 24:15-22.

                Jesus said, “Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place… let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…”

                In other words, that 850,000 people now living in the west bank will have to flee when the antichrist puts an end to their sacrifices and enters the temple and declares himself to be God. That will mean that the covenant with many has soured and those who understand will flee for their lives into the mountains of Jordon. And that is exactly what it says in Daniel 9:27 that the antichrist will confirm a covenant with the many for one week (7 years) and in the middle of the week He will break the covenant, stop the sacrifices and on the wings of this abomination will come one who makes desolate until there is a complete destruction of the one who made them desolate. This is why the sanctuary will have to be cleansed before any further sacrifices can be made as in Daniel 8:13, 14

                We are right on the cusp of all of these things being fulfilled and yet Satan has done a frightfully efficient job of diverting the church’s attention from these prophetic events that our forefathers understood. We can no longer understand why we protested in the first place and so we are joining forces with the very kingdom of the antichrist thinking that it will bring peace when in fact it will bring sudden destruction and the end of days as we know them.

                Most of the church has been lulled to sleep with promises that we won’t even be here when any of this stuff happens and we can only hope that is true, but we really have no idea how much tribulation we will go through since, so many people in the book of Revelation are described as having gone through the great tribulation, (Rev. 7, Rev 15 and Rev 20) and in fact the only group that is seen as having been purchased from the earth as first fruits is the 144,000 in Rev. 14:1-5

                Are these the wise virgins that made it into the marriage supper of the lamb? All I can say is that we form doctrines of last day events and then we simply ignore everything that doesn’t fit our doctrine and only time is going to tell us what we have been right about and what we have been wrong about.

                But at the very least, if we want to be among God’s faithful Remnant people, we must by all means avoid Satan’s global religion, His government and his mark by which he will control all buying and selling in which he will force all people to worship the beast and his image. Whatever that entails, we must be faithful to God and to His Word at all cost. And I might add that if you find your particular organization or denomination joining forces with the New World Order and the Pope and the global religion, you must come out of it and be separate, for God identifies her as the final Babylon, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth. Rev. 17:1-5 Read all of chapter 17 carefully and see if you cannot understand what it is saying.

                I love every one of you who read my posts and I fear that the things that I must now write will offend many, or confuse some and I don’t want to do that, but the times in which we live demand truth and honesty and meat rather than milk.


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