Jerusalem, being the central kingpin of Bible prophecy in the last days, will also be the center of the greatest deception of all time. Satan will seek to rule the world via the antichrist and as such he will reign from Jerusalem at some point. Therefore, in preparation of that time, we see the Vatican, the New World Order, the United Nations and indeed all the nations of the world converging upon Jerusalem.

                We know that the Jews will fall for this deception initially at least until the antichrist commits the Abomination of Desolation at which time believing Jews will flee. But it is disheartening to see many Christian groups joining with the Vatican and with various ecumenical groups to embrace the coming antichrist system. They are seeking a false kind of unity based on compromise rather than on the Word of God and upon Jesus Christ.

                When the third temple is being built, the Two Witnesses will come and prophesy in sack cloth warning of the deception and seeking to restore the truth of God’s Word, but most will reject their message and kill them and then celebrate their deaths.

                What all of this tells me is that the church and all those who love Israel must be very wise in what they support in Israel.  To support            everything indiscriminately would be to support many things that will be a part of the antichrist system that is being built right now in Jerusalem.

                If we love Israel and Jerusalem in particular, then it is vitally important for us to embrace God’s plans for Israel as stated in the Bible. We must by all means avoid the deception by which Satan will fool the whole world as he seeks to rule the world in the place of Christ.

                Not everything that appears to be “Christian” in Israel is a good thing, for the false prophet will have two horns like a Lamb, but will speak like a Dragon. He will look Christian, but will speak words of blaspheme against the Most High God and we literally see this happening right now as Pope Francis denies many foundations of the faith. He is working to form a global religion made up of all religions and that will never do since it makes Jesus Christ one among many equals.  And whether it ends up being Pope Francis or someone else in the end, even Catholics believe that the final Pope will destroy the church and turn out to be a devil. Many people will come out of these world systems when they see what is happening.

                Friends, there can be only one Creator, Redeemer and Savior of mankind. He alone is God and He alone can save us. Jesus Christ (Yeshua) has no peers for as John 1 says, He created the world, the universe and everything in it and He became flesh and dwelt among men. There can be only one such Savior.

                Let us focus our worship upon that One Yeshua, the true Messiah of Israel and upon His unfailing Word so that we will escape the great deceptions that will swallow up most of the world’s population because they loved not the truth. Even many churches, in abandoning a study of Bible prophecy and the foundations of our faith, are leaving themselves vulnerable to Satan’s great deception. Don’t be one of them.


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