This article is partially inspired by the book “Quantum Glory” by Phil Mason.

                “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”     2 Cor. 4:18b

                “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast.” Psalms 33:6, 9

                “Many physicists who have been inducted into an understanding of the quantum world now recognize and appreciate that there is a non-local dimension to atoms and their sub-atomic  components. “Non-locality” means that a quantum system cannot be localized in space and time, whereas “locality” means that something can be precisely “located.” The fact is that an electron or a photon cannot be technically “located.” Locality is not an attribute of the electron or the proton or the neutron for that matter. These “particles” are now widely understood to be non-local which essentially means that they exist in another dimension other than our space/time dimension.” Phil Mason

                So what does this mean? It means that everything we see in this visible dimension is being upheld by an invisible dimension and there is a constant interaction and interchange going on between the visible and the invisible realms. In other words, in order to explain quantum physics you practically have to quote the Bible.            

                Someone once said that nothing real exists and when you look at life from a quantum level we see matter really as bundled bits of energy held together by the constant interaction of sub-atomic components from a different dimension.

                The New Age movement has adopted Quantum Physics while denying the God of the Bible who described it to us so long ago. In essence they make the quantum field a god unto itself, hence they keep looking for “God particles” that can explain the organization of all that exists apart from an intelligent Designer. To admit that there might be an intelligent designer, who thought all of these systems out and then created them, would strongly suggest a personal God that cares about His creation. But that would never do.

                IF there is a personal God, a sentient Being, an architect of all that exists, then such a God would have revealed Himself in some way to His creation… but there is no such revelation… unless that is, you want to admit that there is one Book in which this God says “I Am.“ ”I Am your Creator, I am your Sustainer. I am your Savior and King. Before Abraham was I am.” I am the alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the fullness of all in all. It was I who said, “Let there be light.”

                But oh no, we cannot accept such a thing, because to admit that the God of the Bible exists and that He spoke to us, then we have a moral obligation to hear His words and to believe His words and to obey them and to let them become the framework of our reality. After all, whoever created all of this is by nature the source of all reality.

                Man is the only creature on earth that can even so much as ponder these things and accept them or reject them. We can choose our way or His way. But God has an arch enemy, a rebel that is seeking to set up His own kingdom in defiance of God. So then, by default, if we reject the kingdom of God, we become members of the kingdom of darkness… the kingdom that is run by Satan. (Lucifer)

                But if we, amidst all of the creatures that inhabit this planet, are able to ponder these things and to choose whom we will serve, does this not make us special? And if special then we cannot be accidents of evolution…  apes that somehow learned how to build computers.

                Animals are made of flesh and though they have a certain level of instinctive intelligence, they cannot in any way contemplate God, or creation or reality or any of the things we are discussing here.

                On the other end of the spectrum, there is a spiritual dimension where angels and principalities and powers exist in spirit form, but according to the Bible, God made man the only creature that can occupy both the physical and the spiritual realms. We are a spirit that dwells in a body and has a soul that mediates between the two realms. In other words we have a soul that though fallen can be saved and reconciled to God. He breathes life into our Spirit by New Birth and then He dwells in that spirit so that if we choose to live by that spirit rather than by the flesh, we can be restored into the image of His Son.

                But this concept of salvation is rejected even by those who claim to believe in God. Some don’t believe in the Spirit of man. Some don’t believe in the New Birth. Some don’t believe in obedience.  Some Christians today are trying to disengage from the Old Covenant in which a great many of the fundamental principles of God and His creation are housed. Instead of seeing it as a foundation upon which the New Testament is built, they want to do away with it altogether and I have to wonder why.

                Is it possible that they, along with certain scientists and New Agers and Atheists want to do away with our obligation to obey God if indeed He exists? Do they not, in fact, want to do away with the foundational laws of His kingdom, thus making truth more fluid so that they can embrace other philosophies? Do they not want to meld all of the religions and gods of this world into one global religion thus making God the Father and Christ the Son and God the Holy Spirit equal with other gods?

                Do they not want to meld the God of the Bible into a non-personal quantum force so that they can deal with reality without having to face a living and sentient God? Rather than seeing Him as Lord over all of creation and Designer of the quantum field using it as His invisible means of speaking everything into existence, they want to reduce Him to an impersonal component of the quantum field. And so they keep hunting for God particles that can explain all that exists and all of the near infinite components of organization as flowing from mere chance and evolution.

                When I survey the elegant beauty of nature, the marvelous symmetry with which all things work together for the common good, I find the idea of evolution… that all of this came about by random chance, completely absurd. How many million years can an amoeba survive before it decides to grow a tail to move with or a mouth to eat with? And how does he decide to cooperate with other forms for the common good? Nature is stunningly marvelous in the fact that so many systems all interface with each other in a meaningful and complex plan. Each system is codependent upon the other; each system making the existence of the other system possible.

                Those of us who have embraced the God of the Bible have not done so ignorantly. We have weighed the evidence and found our conclusions to be inescapable. There has to be a Designer. There has to be One who says, “I Am that I am. He has to have identified Himself to us. Furthermore, He must have provided a solution for the mess we have gotten ourselves into by denying Him. And He did.

                He came into the world Himself to demonstrate what He intended for man to be. He modeled the life. He paid the ransom in order to buy us back from His arch enemy. He paid for it with His own life. And then He went back to His realm and sent His own Spirit to indwell us and to replicate His life in us.

                He is the first fruits of a harvest yet to come. He did what He did in order to bring many sons to glory. He rescued us from our downward plunge in order to restore us to His original plan. Yes, we failed, but there is redemption. We disobeyed, but there is forgiveness. We lost what He gave us, but there is restoration through the blood and the cross of Jesus.

                This salvation that He brought to us is messy business. We were in deep. We had lost everything. We had sold out to a different god… the prince of darkness. Therefore our rescue was bloody. It was in fact a suicide mission… a life and death rescue. We were without hope in the world… victims of the fall… sometimes willing participators in the rebellion. But His love and His salvation came to us in our darkest hour. He grabbed hold of us and everything changed. We know where we have come from. We know the hopelessness that gripped us before we acknowledged that He is who He says He is… and in that moment of recognition a new spark of life from above breathed new creation life into us and we became living, breathing members of His eternal family.

                Now when we behold the beauties and wonders of creation around us, our hearts rise up and give Him glory. We worship Him for He alone is worthy. The God of the quantum realm is also non-local. He dwells outside of our dimension and yet just like the photons and electrons that make up the non-local components of our material universe, He interacts with us from outside of space/time and yet  He is more intimate than the air that we breathe. He dwells inside of us and we are one. In Him we live and move and have our being.

                To obey Him is the better part of wisdom, for we have seen His works and we know that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.  For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren…” Romans 8:28, 29.

                “For this cause I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named…” Ephesians 3:14 Let your day begin with worship and the rest of the day will make perfect sense.


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