In 2014 the Lord spoke to Neville Johnson in a vision and told him that when the Pope visits the United States congress, it would be the beginning of the one world religion. And just one year later in the fall of 2015 at the final blood moon that fell on the Feast of Tabernacles, Pope Francis visited the United States. He spoke before congress… had a meeting with Pr. Obama and also spoke before the United Nations.       

                I don’t know how such an auspicious event passed by most of the church unnoticed, but at the foot of the Freedom Tower in New York City, Pope Francis stood up with representatives of the world’s religions and declared the formation of a global religion in which all of the religions of the world would be equal partners.

                For those of us who study Bible Prophecy, we can immediately recognize this as the global religion of the Beast of Revelation 13. We know that the New World Order will be made up of three controlling arms. Religion, Finance and Politics. These three entities working together will control all buying and selling and will enforce the Mark of the Beast upon the world.

                Of the religions that will be embraced by this global cabal, fundamental, born again, Spirit filled Bible believing Christians will not be included and neither will believing Jews there will be false Christians aplenty and false Jews too, but those who are true believers will be isolated, ostracized, persecuted and annihilated. We have seen this taking place in many countries already and it is only a matter of time before it will reach America.

                I suspect that they will either collapse our economy or embroil us in war so that in desperation we will come to them for help. Some will leave the faith and defect to the Beast kingdom rather than to suffer hunger and persecution. Some will give in and take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy food and shelter and to stay out of FEMA camps, but if we are faithful, we will not and can never defect no matter the cost.

                We sometimes think that such a situation could be years, even decades away, but think about it. One EMP bomb lit over the center of America and our entire power grid would go out. Only China has the equipment to replace the components of our power grid    and it wouldn’t be in their best interest to do so, since they desperately need more land and space for both people and crops.

                It would be in the world’s best interest to wait for one year during which about 90+ percent of Americans would die of starvation, disease, disasters and internment camps and then they can walk in and take over. There are plenty of people around the world that think that America has had more than its fair share of the wealth.

                If you listen to the vitriol and division and hatred going on in this country right now over politics and religion, it is not hard to imagine a time when huge rioting crowds of liberal Christian hating, abortion loving, sexual deviant loving people will rush in to shut  the mouths of those who believe the Bible  and preach the truth. We are the conscience of the nation and those who are bent on evil don’t want a   conscience.

                Unfortunately that part of Christianity that is defecting and embracing the liberal agenda, will be foremost in persecuting those who cling to God’s Word. Even now fundamental Christians are considered as terrorists and because of some of the things that God abhors, bibles are even now being outlawed in California and soon in other parts of the U.S.

                Christianity has had a run of popularity over the last few decades by continuously lowering its standards. But the more they lower the standards the more the world despises us and scoff at us. So those who keep on lowering the standards and the preaching of the full Gospel will eventually embrace the religion of the Beast and those who truly believe the bible and worship the true God will be left to become the objects of Satan’s wrath as Revelation 12 and 13 tell us.

                For those of us that are serious about our faith, we need to learn to stand tall for what we believe no matter the consequences. Believe it or not, when persecution comes, it will bring in a great harvest. Many people in the world are looking for something worth living or dying for and right now the church is not showing it to them. But when we stand up in the face of imprisonment or even death, millions will come to the Lord because they will finally see what truth is all about.

                When this Gospel of the Kingdom has covered the whole world, then the end will come and Jesus will take us out of here. Meanwhile, to every one of the seven churches Jesus said “To him that overcomes…” and in Revelation 12 we are told that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

                 We have spent for too much time arguing about when the rapture will take place and not nearly enough time talking about overcoming. No matter when our Lord takes us, we have to overcome by the blood of the Lamb. We see Christians all around the world giving their lives for their faith, so don’t tell them that we won’t face persecution.

                Indeed in 2 Tim 3:12 Paul says: “And indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

                The truth is, we live in enemy territory   and Satan is doing his best to extinguish the light and to reign over all the earth. HE is driven by an insane desire to take the place of Christ and to rule his own kingdom. But we have seen how destructive and evil his ways really are and we long for righteousness to rule and for the glory of the Lord to cover the earth even as the waters cover the sea.

                Bible prophecy is being fulfilled faster than most can imagine and for now we need to prepare for whatever we may have to face between now and our Lord’s return. God didn’t write Bible prophecy just to fill empty spaces. He wrote it to prepare us. Selah


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