From time to time, for the sake of understanding where we are in prophetic time, I must resort to dealing with political, religious, or technical issues that will contribute to prophesied last day events. Most of the time, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth…especially where it concerns Politics. That subject seems to bring the demons out of the woodwork.

                In truth we Christians travel a singular road. Having died to the world, the flesh and the devil through the cross of Jesus Christ, we follow in His footsteps. We seek to gain His world view. We long to share in His compassion for the lost and the suffering. We hunger to reflect His image.

                The more I press into the heart of My Lord, the less likely I am to argue about temporal things. Jesus said it best when He said: ”Follow Me and let the dead bury the dead.” Mt. 8:22

                We worship a King who is not of this world. As such we seek to be humble servants of the Most High God even as we are learning to reign as His sons and daughters. We are looking for a city whose Builder and Maker is God… and while we care about the things that go on around us and the issues we face in our day, we should never allow them to pull us from our secret place in the Most High.

                God never intended for us to live for one minute in this world without Him. We were designed from the start to be carriers of His presence. Adam Lost it and Jesus restored it. What issue could possibly be more important than that one?

                Jesus said, “Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine; so neither can you unless you abide in me.” John 15:4

                Whatever else may seem important in this life, abiding in Him and He in us must certainly be at the top of the list. If we have no other goal in this life than to truly abide in Him and to bear the fruit of His Spirit we will have done well; for in this one pursuit all things pertaining to life and godliness exist.

                Especially as the issues of these last days press harder against us, we need to learn to walk that singular road.


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