In something equivalent to the arms race of the past, the nations of the world are now in a full out race to perfect Artificial Intelligence technologies. In fact, it is now thought that whoever wins this race will be the world’s leader in the near future. Related technologies such as transhumanism are involved in this as well, but what they are striving for primarily is for what they would call a singularity.

                A singularity in their eyes is an artificially intelligent entity that can handle the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of the world and to use that knowledge to solve humanity’s problems on a global scale. The powers that be realize that in order to maintain global sovereignty, they need to possess greater wisdom, power and intelligence than any one nation can produce on its own.

                For this they are creating an artificially intelligent robot, charged with the power of Satan to become the  world’s new god… and believe me, they are treating it as such.

                We as Bible prophecy students quickly realize that whatever singularity they come up with, it will most certainly form an image to the beast as mentioned in Revelation 13:15-18.Let’s read it:

                “And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for the number is that of a man and his number is six hundred and sixty six.”

                As we can see from these scriptures, the Beast is a man. So let’s assume that this man called the Beast is the antichrist. But an image is made to this Beast that can both speak and to cause all to worship the Beast and his image.

                So when we talk about a “singularity” we are talking about an image, or a statue that is human but not human. It is given breath and a mouth to speak, but it goes much deeper than that. This image also is able to control the buying and the selling of all people on a global scale. Can you see why the New World Order people want to do away with cash and to move to digital money? Can you also see why they want to create a global currency? A global currency made up of digital money would be controllable by any singularity that had the brains, the connections and the power to do so.

                So they are in a mad dash to create an artificially intelligent, humanoid sort of robot, with a quantum computer brain capable of possessing the sum total of human knowledge. And this is exactly what the new quantum computers are able to do because at present they have a computing power equivalent to and surpassing 7 billion human brains.

                So as we can see from the Bible, this image, this quantum computing robot, when energized by Satan, will be able to control the world’s finance. It would also quickly become the controller of the world because there will simply be no one to outsmart it or to make the important decisions with such lightning speed. Therefore it will quickly control the politics of the world and since it will require everyone to worship the beast it will also then control the religions of the world, forcing the nations to become one global nation and the religions to become one global religion and the politics of the world to become one global politic… and there you have it… the Mark of the beast system that the Bible describes as controlling the whole world during the tribulation. (Time of Trouble.)

                To go along with this AI technology they are also working feverishly on designer trans-humans that can interface with this AI controller and even be controlled by it. Humans will thus be designed for specific jobs, such as super soldiers along with masses of people with a new slave mentality that no longer have control over their own thoughts, but wonder after the Beast.

                Because of the large variety of Nano-particles that have been disbursed globally through chem trails, in water and food sources, in our soil and in our blood streams, we are all saturated with nanobot particles that only need one more thing to control each human being… a computer chip installed that will activate the nanobots to begin to transform us according to trans human protocols.

                I know all of this sounds wildly conspiratorial, but it is nevertheless true. Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah, so would it be in the end and what was the problem in Noah’s day? Noah and his family were the only ones left on the planet with untainted DNA. Gen. 6:9 (perfect in his generations)

                In an effort to prevent the promised seed, the Messiah from coming to save the human race, Satan had sent 200 fallen angels to mess up the human DNA and animal DNA as well. They mixed the seed of different creatures together making GMO people and animals. That’s why we see Goat headed humans and Bull headed humans and Chimeras and all sorts of strange creatures in mythological traditions. These things were a part of history which modern man has swept aside in this scientific age and yet… science is now repeating the same things that the Nephilim hybrids did in Noah’s day.

                And along with technological advancements goes a commensurate perverting of all of God’s creative purposes. As was rampant both before and after the flood, sex has been perverted, and worship has been perverted… evil is called good and good is called evil. Every one of God’s Ten Commandments is purposely broken by the occultists and secret societies of this world, from perverted gay sex to sex with animals, to human sacrifices and cannibalism, pedophilia, human trafficking and abduction for human experimentation.

                Many of these abominations are currently being exposed in Hollywood and Washington D.C. and elsewhere as God has sent the wrecking ball Donald Trump to wreak havoc on the satanic globalist community. Christians sit around complaining that Trump isn’t a good enough Christian, but maybe God couldn’t find a “good” Christian with the balls to do what Trump is doing.

                Now as to whether Trump is going to succeed in overthrowing the globalist agenda, or if he has simply bought us a little time remains to be seen. The answer to that largely depends upon our response to it. Are we going to humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways? Or are we, like 9/11, going to have a momentary revival followed by an even deeper plunge into the things of Satan?

                Did you know that the term “Conspiracy Theory” was coined by the CIA (I believe it was) in order to shame anyone who would question what they were doing? They did the same thing with the term “Hate Speech.” Suddenly anyone who truly preaches the Bible or challenges society for its moral sins is identified as a hate monger who engages in hate speech. We are shamed into silence for preaching the Word of God and look at how the churches have fallen for it. Most pastors will no longer deal with certain subjects and some churches are even lining up to embrace these perversions. Some pastors are even lining up to be the first in their states to perform gay marriages. They want to be seen as the good guys, the kind and gentle and understanding Christians of the New Age. (But I have digressed)

                What I am saying about the global singularity that is now coming close to being operational is this:  Revelation 13:8 tells us saying: “And ALL who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.

                This tells us several things:

1.       It tells us that some form of universal mind control will be achieved through these ubiquitous technologies.

2.       Rev. 17:13 says: “These have ONE MIND and they give their power and authority to the beast.” And this implies some sort of universal control over the minds of men.

3.       It also tells us that those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life have some sort of protection from this global mind control. They are the only ones who will not bow.

4.       This speaks to me of being sealed by the Holy Spirit. Refusing to bow indicates that our minds are protected in some way.

5.       We have all been saturated with the Nano-particles and Nano-bots. Whether we like it or not, we have taken this stuff into our systems in massive doses. Therefore:

A.      We absolutely need to be sealed by the Holy Spirit

B.      We must refuse the Mark of the Beast even at the cost of our lives, for one of the things that will result from the combination of the Nano- particles and the activated chip is that it will quickly begin to alter our DNA, therefore destroying the image of God in us as before the flood, rendering us unsavable.

                We may resort to our 19th century concepts of what the Mark of the Beast may be, but I am not talking about the issues involved in the testing of our faith here. I am talking about the technologies they will use to enforce the issues. One thing we can know for sure is that it will be a test of our faithfulness to God and in this the Remnant people of God are identified as those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. Rev. 14:12, and they have the Holy Spirit. Rev. 19:10,

                In case you feel that I have gotten too and far out into the fringe of reality here, listen to me. You can’t get any more radical than the Bible itself.  And even though we get used to the language of the Bible and we soften its realities with tradition and old English, the Bible is nevertheless the most radical book ever written. From being born again to being caught up in the clouds, there is nothing mundane about scripture and now, as we can see, technology is finally catching up with scripture so that things that seemed utterly impossible a decade ago are literally today’s realities.

                Isn’t it interesting that the rebellious nations and their leaders are literally rushing to fulfill Bible prophecy? Unfortunately for them, they worship a devil that is bound by God’s rules of engagement. He cannot alter the things that have been predetermined by God concerning these last days. They can’t change the truth. They can only pervert it and lace it with lies. Deception is the name of the game and deception is running rampant in the world today.

                We are being drawn to one of two singularities. Satan has his singularity in the form of a global kingdom that is controlled by the combined wisdom and information of the human race. Mankind will worship this wisdom. It is self-centered and demonic. It seeks to control every human mind.

                The other singularity is the cross of Jesus Christ; where the creator of the universe stepped down to die for us and to set us free from Satan’s singularity. The cross of Christ is the only true and holy singularity which literally divides human history. And whether before or after the cross, all men are being drawn to this vortex of truth and love. It doesn’t much matter whether they looked forward to the cross or we look back at it. Jesus Christ is the singularity at the center of time.

                We who live at the end of time need to learn how to appropriate the powers given to us for this final age. We need to use them wisely in our defense against Satan’s singularity. We have something special that those before the cross did not have. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves.” 2 Cor. 4:7.

                And this treasure that we have “Because God has provided something better for us, so that apart from us they (the Old Testament saints) should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11:40.

                No wonder we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. It is for their sakes as well as our own that we must lay aside every encumbrance and sin which so easily entangles us and to run with endurance the race that is set before us. No wonder the “anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” Romans 8:19

                We have a race to complete. The baton has been passed to our generation so that when we win the race, they win it too. No wonder the cloud of witnesses is praying for us and cheering us on to the finish line, for apart from us they cannot be made perfect. We actually have Christ living in us and so it is He in us that finishes the race that could not be finished by any generation before the cross.

                Have you ever stopped to comprehend the huge role God’s Remnant people play in the grand scheme of things? We are not just saving our own skin. We are carrying the baton of a 6000 year race to the finish line… and all of heaven has a vested interest in our success.

                “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven and to God, the judge of all and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect and to Jesus, the mediator of a New covenant and to the sprinkled blood which speaks better than the blood of Able.” Heb. 12:22-24.

                Our visions of God’s plans and purposes have been blighted by our traditions. We have often traded in God’s three dimensional view for a two-dimensional view in which we fail to see what is happening on the other side. We have lost the greater scope of our purpose in these last days. We are facing the culmination of all human history and it will be made up of only two singularities, Satan’s singularity known as the global system of the beast and his image, and the Cross of Jesus Christ through which one passes from death into eternal life by being born into His kingdom.

                Satan’s kingdom is ruled by force… Christ’s by invitation. Today is the day of salvation.



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