“Thus says the Lord, “Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these things, thus all these came into being” declares the Lord. “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, who trembles at My Word.”  Isa. 66:1, 2.

                Many things are taking place in Jerusalem these days. Preparations are being made to build the 3rd temple even as opposing forces fight over the land of Israel. We live in momentous times. We live in a time like Jeremiah’s. He was warning Judah of coming judgment and captivity into Babylon for their sins, but Israel was also full of false prophets in those days, saying to resist the judgments of the Lord and fight against Babylon for God would deliver them and they would live in peace and prosperity.

                But God said: “I did not send these prophets, but they ran. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people and would have turned them back from their evil way and from their evil deeds.” Jer. 23:21, 22.

                But the people of Judah did not heed the words of Jeremiah. They fought against Nebuchadnezzar and so he destroyed their city and their temple and took them into captivity for 70 years.

                But we also live in a time like that of Ezra and Nehemiah. After their exile into Babylon, God sent them back to restore the walls of Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple and they did just that with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, for their enemies that surrounded them were fighting against them and denying them the right to their own land and city and temple.

                Just so it is today in Israel. God has brought them back from all the lands wherein He had scattered them and He has put it in their hearts to build a temple unto the Lord. Still, as in days of old, they are surrounded with enemies that want to drive them into the sea.          We know that this 3rd temple must be built in order for the antichrist to commit the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel and reiterated by Jesus as a last day event.

                People will argue that this temple will not be built, because, just like our opening text, God’s desire is not to dwell in a building, but in human hearts for indeed we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. However, much of Israel has not received Yeshua as Messiah and consequently neither can they receive the Holy Spirit into their hearts. This temple then is being built as a substitute for the real thing and even though its building fulfills last day prophecy, it does not constitute God’s plan for His people Israel, for indeed, He wants to dwell in their hearts as well.

                We as Christians may look at the Jews narrowly and judge them for their blindness, but we forget that it is God who has imposed a partial blindness upon them until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. Romans 11:25 And Zech. 12:10 tells us that they will yet look upon Him whom they have pierced and will mourn for Him and Yeshua will open up a well of salvation for them at the appointed time.

                But I would like to draw our attention to something that many Christians overlook. Israel has always formed a physical template. Everything that happens spiritually in the church is first done physically in Israel. Just as the Sanctuary and the Feast Days and all of the types and shadows that God gave to Moses served as templates for God’s plans through the end of time, so this upcoming temple serves as a template for something that is about to happen spiritually in the church.

                Just as Israel is jumping the gun to build a house for the Lord, even though the Bible clearly says that it will be built by the Messiah during the millennial reign of Yeshua, just so a large portion of the church is jumping the gun in trying to form a global unity without their Messiah.

                The Ecumenical movement has joined forces to form a unity that is unholy and they have invited the Pope of Rome to draw all of the religions of the world together in a false global unity. But in order to meld with all other religions, they pretty much have to deny the Word of God and the Spirit of God and the Son of God and as such, they are being drawn into a house of Satan and his antichrist.

                In order to create such a manmade unity, they must treat all of the gods of this world as being equal with the God of heaven who created the heavens and the earth, who also sent His Son to die for our sins, who became the only way of salvation.

                This is why we see certain preachers trying to persuade us that Allah is the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in spite of the fact that Allah claims to have no son. And since Allah has always been one of the arch enemies of God’s people, what is being done right now is an abomination of desolation in its own rite.  And even though Islam was born in around 600 AD, their crescent moons  and worship of the stars, their terrorism and forced religion at the point of a sword, goes back all the way through biblical history. There is nothing new under the sun.

                So you see, even as the Jews seek to build a temple for God in these last days, even so the Ecumenical movement seeks to build a temple by denying the Word, the Spirit and the Son of God who alone can bring salvation.

                So if we want to be among God’s Remnant people who keep His commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus, we clearly cannot be a part of this profligate movement that is seeking unity through compromise. It is headed for the leadership of the antichrist even as the temple in Jerusalem will eventually be inhabited by the antichrist who will stand in the holy place and declare himself to be God. Mt. 24:15-22, 2Thess. 2:3, 4.

                Is this not an exact parallel? And because many Christians choose to be blind and tradition bound, they cannot see where we are in time, or even what the issues must be.

                God is building a temple for Himself made up of humble and contrite hearts. Even though there are many prophets today preaching peace and prosperity, we are about to go into captivity to a global antichrist regime. We can’t see it because our doctrines are wrong even as was the doctrine of the Pharisees when Jesus came the first time. Their traditions had so altered the truth that they could not recognize their Messiah even though He fulfilled every sign listed in their types and shadows.

                The Lord showed me years ago that the last great harvest would come in, not in times of peace and prosperity, but in times of calamity amidst blood and fire and columns of smoke. We have gone too far to enter into repentance, revival and reformation on any sort of global scale without calamity. Times of ease have proved that we grow lax and careless when things are going well. In some ways, I think 9/11 was a little test to see what America would do. We had a partial repentance for a few seeks and then returned to our rebellions even more strongly than before.

                The final global Babylon is forming right now. God put Trump in there to slow it down and to buy us a little more time to repent, but when that door slams shut, there will be no turning back.

                Now is the time to get into the ark. There are massive storm clouds on the horizon and indeed they are already blocking out the sun. We are about to enter a time of darkness such as the world has never seen and we can know of a certainty that God is looking for a temple to dwell in made up of humble and contrite hearts. Our first priority then is to make for Him such a home in our own hearts, so that He may come in and sup with us.

                Yeshua is speaking to His Remnant church right now saying: “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me. He who overcomes I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My father on His throne. He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev. 3:20-22.               

                How we each answer that knock will determine our eternal future. Do not delay to answer Him for He is building His house right now… a house made up of humble and contrite hearts.                   Shabbat Shalom                             


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