The people at Google are now in the process of combining the latest quantum technologies with robotic technologies, with artificial intelligence technologies in order to bring to us a new god. They claim that many people will quickly receive such a robot as their god and in fact they have named this new religion “the Way of the Future.”

                The reason that people will accept such a thing as their god is not surprising. As it is much of the world currently trusts science more than the Bible. They will gladly embrace for instance the theory of evolution even though it has never been proved or verified. But people will embrace anything that does not impose a moral and spiritual code upon them and this is exactly what science seeks to do…. to offer an amoral solution to life’s problems… and to hide us from the face of Him who sits upon the throne.

                We look at such a ridiculous thing as a robot that controls society on a global scale and we mock the tinfoil hat people who would even suggest such a thing, but that is because we have long ago removed any sense of reality from Bible prophecy.

                Let us try to picture for a moment what Revelation 13:15 is talking about if not some sort of robotic image or form that is given life and the ability to speak and to enforce the worship of this image. It is this image that causes all people to receive a mark on their forehead or on their hand so that no one should be able to buy or to sell unless he has this mark. Well, let’s quote it here:

                “And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.” Rev. 13:15, 16.

                What kind of entity would be more likely to want to tag everyone with an ID for convenience and for tracking purposes than a computerized robot? And what would be more likely than a robot to want to efficiently kill off everyone that refused to comply?

                With the advent of quantum computers and the development of Artificial intelligence, we now have a computer with the computing power of over 7 billion human brains that is able to reason, to learn and to instantly access the combined knowledge of this entire planet.  They are now producing robots that can walk out on stage and give a lecture, answer random questions and engage in dialogue and debate. And now we are given to understand that they are 4 generations more advanced than the one robot (Sophie) that they have introduced to the public.

                Imagine having a robot in charge that has the sum total of all human knowledge at its fingertips that is able to solve major problems without the normal emotional, spiritual or moral baggage that hampers the efforts of most political committees. How long would it be before people would have more confidence in the robot than they would have in the average weak politician?

                Such a rise of these AI robots to prominence would force us to take an ever more literal look at bible prophecy. Just a few years ago, literal prophetic students wondered over a statue that could both speak and control all buying and selling, but such a thing is no longer a mystery today no matter which way it is accomplished, we certainly have the technology to surveil, track, mark and control the citizenry of the world.

                Augustine has been known as the father of allegorical method of interpretation of prophecy and perhaps it has served the church well over the bulk of the past 2000 years, but in the mid-1800s Sir Isaac Newton, a prodigious student of Bible prophecy, predicted that in the last days men would discover Bible prophecy to be literal and would treat it as such. Newton even predicted that in order for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled literally, Israel would have to come back to their land and become a nation again and that a third temple must be built.

                Well, Israel did come back into its homeland. It became a nation again and now they are making preparations to build the third temple. But they are doing all of this in spite of the fact that Jerusalem has now become a cup of trembling.  Zech. 12:2 and indeed Isaiah asks a question concerning something he had seen saying:

                “Before she travailed, she brought forth a son. Who has heard such things? Can a land be born in a day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery? Says the Lord. Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb? Says your God.” Isaiah 66:7-9

                Well, it has happened and indeed Jerusalem is a cup of trembling… but we must by all means discover just what time period this is talking about or if we have taken it out of context. But Zechariah chapter 12 begins with Jerusalem as a cup of trembling. It also says that the Lord will save the tents of Judah first… and what does that mean other than that the Jews came back into Israel first and that too is what has happened. But Zechariah also includes a time in the near future when they will look upon Him whom they have pierced and that can only be speaking of Jesus.

                Zech. 13 talks about the Lord opening for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem a fountain for forgiveness of sin and impurity and in that day God will cut off the names of the idols in the land. This process of the purification of Israel will be no small thing for chapter 13 closes by saying:

                That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; but the third will be left in it. And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name and I will answer them; I will say, “They are My people. And they will say; “The Lord is my God.” Zech. 13:8, 9.

                Now we move on to chapter 14 where it describes how the purging will take place as He will gather all of the nations against Jerusalem and the city will be captured, the  houses plundered the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city.

                Then after the purging of the evil in Israel, it says in verse 3: “Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on the day of battle.” But again let us put a time stamp on this, for in the very next verse it says: “And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which is in the front of Jerusalem on the east, and the Mt. of Olives will be split from east to west by a very large valley.”

                This can be none other than the final Battle of Armageddon, followed by the Lord’s return with His saints to take up His millennial earthly reign from Jerusalem. And the rest of Zechariah 14 describes that millennial reign when it says:

                “Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King (Yeshua), the Lord of hosts and to celebrate the Feast of Booths.”

                The feast of Booths is also known as Sukkot, or even better known as the Feast of Tabernacles, for the Lord will tabernacle with His people for 1000 years.

                So we have put a time stamp on these prophecies and now we turn back to the technologies that are coming online that will facilitate the literal fulfillment of the book of Revelation and I believe that in 2018 and over the next few years, we are going to see astounding things take place for which we need a biblical understanding. Technology is finally catching up with Bible prophecy, but there is more.

                According to Anthony Patch, these new quantum computers are able to interface with other dimensions even to the point of receiving information on how to construct the highly technical computers that are now making last day prophecies possible. These computers are interfacing with spiritual entities of an evil nature and so we can expect Satan to interact with the AI robot not only to provide information, but to enforce his evil regime. He wants to rule in the place of Christ and he will do so with his evil trinity, the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet and there to facilitate it all will be a robotic overlord that will cause all men to worship the Beast and His image.

                Now… let’s throw one more time stamp into this mix. The New World Order was just inches away from realizing its global dreams when God stepped in and bumped Hillary off line and put in a wild card, Donald Trump. In spite of all of the evil that has multiplied in this country, America has served God well over the years. We have sent missionaries all over the world and we have been a shining torch of freedom for the huddled masses and a demonstration of the blessings that can come to one nation under God.

                A part of our purpose however, was to be a protective brother to Israel and with Obama, that role was quickly dissolving. America was about to come under a curse with a destiny of becoming one of the goat nations in the judgment.

                May I suggest that God intervened and stepped in to give us one more chance to repent and to do the right thing before it is all over? May I also predict that Trump may, like Cyrus, say: Rebuild that temple? Is that possible? I am not a prophet and don’t even want to pretend to be. I am just looking at trends here, but certainly with the advent of Jerusalem becoming the Capital of Israel; it certainly opens up the possibility. And right on que all but 9 of the nations at the United Nations either voted against Donald Trump’s declaration or abstained, which in this case is the same as voting. So Jerusalem has become a cup of trembling and we can expect to see the ensuing wars of Bible prophecy taking place over the next few months and years. And when everything turns into complete chaos, the antichrist and his colleagues and his all-wise robot will step in with unbelievably wonderful plans for peace that, according to the Bible, will end in sudden destruction.

                It will take time for all of these things to work themselves out in their final form,  but we have come to the 70th year of Israel as a nation and Jesus said that the generation that saw these things would also see His return.

                And if we are really that close, then we should expect to see outlandish things taking place. In principle many of us have known these things all of our lives… but we had no idea how they would come to past, or what kind of technology it would take to enforce it all. UP until the 1970s we didn’t even have computers, or surveillance cameras on every corner, or the internet or global networking via satellite, or  GPS or any of a thousand technologies in operation today.

                Neither did we see the nations, surrounding Israel, that would fulfill last day prophecies; nor globalism, or Idolatry, nor beheadings by ISIS… or looming global war…the list goes on and on the things that have come on line in our lifetimes.  In the 70s Islam wasn’t even an issue and neither had there been a Jesuit pope to stand up and to say that the cross was a failure or that Jesus wasn’t returning… or Luciferian worship in the Vatican. (See Fr. Malachi Martin interview with Art Bell.)

                There may yet be many surprises yet in store for us.  I am not trying to make predictions here. I am just dealing with emerging technologies and events that appear to be fulfilling Bible prophecy.  Events can take many turns and they usually do, but Bible prophecy will be literally fulfilled… of that much I am certain.

                We don’t need to be afraid of any of these things, but we do need to be informed and we do need to understand the times in which we live. God gave us all of this information for a reason. So that it might be said of us:

                “But you brethren are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us  be alert and sober… for God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us, that whether we are awake or asleep we may life together with Him.”  1 Thess. 5:4-6, 9, 10.  Selah.  



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