I occasionally like to throw around big words and technical terms, but in truth I do not own them. So when it comes to keeping up with the latest in technology I must rely on friends like Anthony Patch to tell us what is going on. And even then it only grabs my attention because in the technologies that are emerging today we see science finally catching up with the Bible. In other words, the Mark of the Beast system by which they will control every person on the planet is now being perfected.

                Have you ever looked up into the blue sky and seen jet contrails that seem to last all day? I remember when these contrails dissipated and disappeared shortly after the jet passed by. But today they have added something to jet fuel so that certain chemicals and Nano particles are released into the atmosphere. These take a long time to diffuse. They gently fall to earth where they infect our soil, our food supply, our water supply and the air we breathe. WE are now saturated with these particles.

                So put on your tinfoil hat because there is a reason for what they are doing. They are preparing us to interface with the 5G network. And more than making us conductive and interactive with the 5G network ( which is not to be confused with your 7G smart phone, but related) they are actually preparing, or should I say, planting the seeds of change in us that will alter our DNA by actually constructing a 3rd strand of DNA in us.

                All of this is being done to create a new evolved human model 2.0… a human model that has all of the knowledge of the world at his fingertips simply because he is connected to the internet and to the hive mind reminiscent of the Borg in Star Trek. Unfortunately, only the elite will fully benefit from this interfacing while the common man will be reduced to a serf class, most of whom will be discarded as “useless eaters.”

                If you have read the Georgia Guide Stones then you will realize that they plan to reduce earth’s population to 500 million, which means that they will use various means such as war, famine, plagues, disease, sterilization and manipulations of nature to eliminate the vast majority of us. Sort of sounds like the book of Revelation right?

                We can scoff at these “conspiracies” all we want to, but if we are watching the exponential increase in radical weather patterns, in gathering wars, in plagues and famine and in globalization we can literally watch the book of Revelation taking shape right before our eyes and prophecies which seemed outlandish and impossible only a few years ago, now look like reality.

                Just yesterday we heard of blinding snow storms in Hawaii, along with 80 degree weather in Colorado in the winter time and we can either shrug our shoulders and call it an anomaly, or we can put it together with all of the other anomalies that are taking place globally. We should be wide awake as Christians, because we are literally being infiltrated and saturated with the coming technologies of the Beast system and the only thing that will render us impervious to the changing of our DNA and the mind altering war that is being raged against us is the Holy Spirit and the full armor of God.

                In other words, just playing church will not protect us from what is coming and what is already a part of our physical being. We now live in a sea of conductivity that is poised to gain the control of every human on the planet. All that remains is for us to willingly take the Mark (whatever that may be) and the 5G network will be activated in us. Once we agree to take the Mark, our free will will be gone forever and chances are we won’t even know it. It will somehow trigger the altering of our DNA so that like the Nephilim before the flood, we will no longer be made in the image of God and thus unsaveable. Satan is out to steal our souls or to render them inert.

                This is why Revelation 13 warns us saying: “And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, every one whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.” Rev 13:8, 9.

                Much of the church has rendered Bible prophecy as being allegorical simply because it seemed too outrageous to ever come to pass. It couldn’t possibly be literal. And for most of the last 2000 years this has been true, but not anymore.

                Do you know why they forced us away from the incandescent lightbulb and into the new LED lighting? It is because LED lights are literally YFI devices. Read it on the package if you must. They now know when your lights are on and when they are off, when you are awake and when you are asleep and which room in the house you happen to be in. Doesn’t it kind of make the Christmas song spooky when it says, “He knows when you are sleeping… He knows when you’re awake?”

                Suddenly, wearing the Full Armor of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit seems like a good idea. There are also good reasons why we should be studying Bible prophecy and tracking Satan’s advances toward the Mark of the Beast. Most of the church is sound asleep and unaware that we are literally being saturated with those technologies that will make us victims of the Mark if we do not have the protection of the Holy Spirit.

                “And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him…. And he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell; except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Rev. 13:7, 17.

                Our only defense against these things is the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Revelation 12:11 says: “And they overcame him (the antichrist) by the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony and they did not love their life even to death.” These things that Jesus Christ has offered to us as a blood covenant are very real. His death and resurrection literally enters us into death to the world and a new life in a new kingdom, called the kingdom of God. This then is the only way in which we are taken out of the reach of the enemy. But we have to enter into it. We have to be born again. Being a church member is not enough.

                So call me a wild eyed conspiracy theorist if you want to, but as a watchman I am here to tell you that whether we fully understand it yet or not, Bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled literally and we are now seeing the technologies that are going to be used to gain control of the whole world.

                According to Anthony Patch the only thing that is preventing the full implementation of these things right now is the Holy Spirit. He equates this to 2 Thess. 2:7 where it says: “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who how restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming.”

                One of the most diabolical things that Satan has done in our day is to have diverted the church away from a study of Bible prophecy. Most Christians live under the delusion that Bible prophecy is antiquated and unequal to the times. But the truth is Bible prophecy is pulsating with the realities of our present day and God is still ahead of the curve by a long shot.

                When we talk about Bible prophecy most Christians look at us, sort of cross-eyed as if we just crawled out from under a rock. It is almost as though the fog of mind control has already rendered them impervious to God’s warnings. To these sleeping Christians God’s words of warning are ringing out. “Babylon is fallen… come out of her My people. Rev. 14:8

                Well, I didn’t use any big words after all, but let me suffice to say that between Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, neural networking (Which is the 5G system) and crypto currencies, we are seeing the final phases of the Mark of the Beast system being put into place. These quantum computers are now interfacing directly with other dimensions so that Satan himself is now directing the operations of the global system. We can expect to see every bit of the Book of Revelation to be literally fulfilled in these last days. We need to upgrade our own thinking… to realize that Bible Prophecy is not stuck in the Dark Ages. In fact it is just now coming into its own. We can watch it unfold right before our eyes in real time.


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