called him King Cyrus at first. He was to break trail, clean the swamp, open
the doors of Christianity and restore America
to its identity as one nation under God. He was to reverse the damage that has
been done to the cause of Christ in America and in the world. I put President Trump
in place to upset the tables of the money changers… not to bring peace, but a
sword. He is My agent of apocalyptic change.
the church will not fully understand why I brought Donald Trump to office. What
he has been called to do could never have been done by a “died in the wool
Christian apologist.” It could not have been done by a politically correct
pastor of the padded pew. I needed a wrecking ball… someone brutally honest,
non-political, called and anointed like a prophet, not a ladder climber who has
made his way to the top with bribes.
Trump is going to do will blow every Christian mind and unseat every common
thought. In the end the complacent church will regret that they ever knew him.
Since he first took office every demon in hell, every slimy sleazy gutter rat,
every vermin infested, snake charming witch and wizard and Satan worshipping
progressive, has been flushed out of the woodwork. They flood the streets. They
fill the news agencies,( the great propaganda machines that have duped the
people for so long.) They are being exposed in the halls of congress. They are
the Luciferians of the New World Order… the foot soldiers of the antichrist and
his false prophet.
the nations are rising up against this audacious light beam that exposes them
for what they really are. The church has refused to sound the alarm and so I have
imposed upon the world a front man… brash and hard-nosed… sharpened on the
anvil of the deal… He now does what I called him to do… to force a separation…
to throw down the gauntlet… to identify people and nations for what they really
are… to bring on My judgments, not only upon other nations, but upon America and
the church as well. Have I not been sending you my warning signs in the
This is
the time of the great shaking and President Trump is My front man. You must
pray for him, for my extended period of grace only lasts as long as he is in
office. His enemies can’t call him a
Bible thumper. They can’t call him a church man. He is none of those things. He
is a called man… an anointed man. He comes out of nowhere… He wields a sword of
repentance… He wields a sword of truth and justice…but not in the way of man’s
choosing. He is dangerous, but he is not alone.
the mighty convulsions of nature you see a physical display of what is going on
in the spiritual realm. There is a writhing convulsion of nations, of churches,
of people. Everyone is being forced to come down on one side or the other. This
is the great shaking and in My fury I shout from the pages of Hebrews: “YET
MAY REMAIN. I have heard the noise of battle and My love has become a consuming
fire.” Hebrews 12:27-29
who refuse to enter into a full and deep repentance and new birth through My
Son will be shaken out. They will side with the world. They will seek security
in numbers and unity through compromise. They will fall for the lies of the
enemy. They will persecute those who remain true to the Word, true to Yeshua
and filled with My Spirit. The demons in all walks of life will be flushed out
into the open. No more hiding behind a three piece suit and a Bible. No more
hiding in the halls of justice. No more hiding the privacy of your secret sins.
Your time of neutrality and carelessness
is over. Either you will become the real thing or you will side with the enemy.
This is
not a time for the timid. It is not a time for politics and policies,
committees and board meetings. The hammer of judgment is coming down and it
will fall on every creature great and small. I have removed My hand of mercy. My protection from now on is only for those
who dwell in the secret place of the Most High… who have an anointing and a
purpose. Do you know who you are?
would have dreamed that your well tamed God would have called a guy like President
Trump to force a division between light and darkness, righteousness and evil?
Who would have thought that your God of placid sermons would have used such a
man to separate the wheat from the chaff? It is not Trump, but Me, you
understand. I just needed a man with the shoulders to do what I said and to take
the blows. The chips will fall where they will and you are going to see some
mighty big chips.
But in
the middle of all of this chaos and tumult and natural disaster, I will cause
My harvest to come in. As millions of pampered Christians file out, a rag tag
band of intrepid believers, sidelined by the hypocrisy of a lukewarm church,
will finally find something worth living for… worth dying for. After all, not
many have been willing to die for an institution, or even for a fifty million
dollar church. But they will die for the Mighty One of Israel…the Lord of
salvation… the coming King of kings, unveiled as I will be from the trappings
of religion.
knows that persecution always brings revival, but he can’t help it. His hatred
is so strong that all he can think about is revenge and annihilation. It
trapped him when he put My son on the cross. And now, he is once again driven, obsessed
with a seething desire to have his global kingdom… to be like the Most High.
And so he will reign with the
kings of the earth for one hour… and then it will all be gone… destroyed by the
brightness of the My coming…shaken to the ground by the shouts of heaven’s
armies. “Ride on King Jesus. Ride on O King of the nations. For the kingdoms of
this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.”
Just how
long time will last is not to be revealed. Be satisfied to know that you have
entered the final showdown. The final battle has been engaged. My total eclipse
over America announced 40 days of fasting and repentance. On Yom Kippur the
books will be closed for another year, but My mercy will linger. Is your name
written there? Have you been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? Have you
repented of your sins and turned to Me?
be deceived. From this point forward, a decision for Yeshua will cost you. “And
indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
2 Tim. 3:12. The only reason you have not been persecuted in America is because
most Christians are still a part of the world. They have not stood out. They have
not been righteous beacons in a dark world. But now the tide will be turned. The
same issues that are flushing the demons out into the open will soon flush My
true believers out into the open as well. Are you ready to stand your ground?
Are you ashamed of the Gospel of My Son, or are you ready to defend your faith
when everything you stand for is hated and mocked? Are you ready to face
torture and death? Some things are easy to say in times of peace, but not so
easy say in times of war.
brothers and sisters over seas have been mowed down, beheaded, raped, tortured
and killed for their faith even in the last year or two. Did you care? Did you
prepare to face the same? You will be blamed for what your President is about
to do. Unbelievers never see the hand of God. They never admit to divine
judgment… they only seek to kill the messenger. Even many churches now worship a god of their
own making… a god who never judges… a god who has no quarrel with sin.
now you rich…weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you. Your
riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten. Your gold and your
silver have rusted; and their rust will be a witness against you and will
consume your flesh like fire. IT IS IN THE LAST DAYS THAT YOU HAVE STORED UP
YOUR TREASURE!” James 5:1-3
out of her My people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may
not receive of her plagues, for her sins have piled up as high as heaven and
God has remembered her iniquities.” Rev. 18:4b
He who
overcomes I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame
and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev. 3:21, 22.
Do not
be dismayed at the things that must soon take place. Have you not believed that
I am in control of all things? Then believe it now. The time for the marriage
super of the Lamb is fast approaching and My Son is looking for a Bride that
has made herself ready. Do not neglect the things that I have told you, for the
testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy.
I come quickly and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to
what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Aleph and the Tav, the first
and the last, the beginning and the end. Can you not see that all things will
happen according to My will? Blessed are those who wash their robes that they
may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter into the gates of the city.”
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