In 2014 and 2015 we had four blood moons all falling on God’s appointed feasts. When these went by with seemingly no events, people turned with a certain amount of disdain and went back to their old ways. And yet on the final blood moon over Jerusalem the False Prophet identified himself to the whole world before the U.S. congress, then at the United Nations and again at the freedom tower as leaders of all of the world’s major religions pledged their allegiance to a one world religion under the leadership of Pope Francis, someone who is very much a part of the coming global antichrist government. Can we really say that the blood moons were insignificant?

                But another major event took place at the blood moons as well. Russia moved into Syria thus fulfilling the compliment of the nations that will soon attack Israel in the Magog war. Pressure is mounting in the Middle East as Iran and the other Arab nations threaten to wipe Israel off the face of the map. So God sent a blood moon tetrad to warn Israel of things to come and those who are wise will pay heed.

                Next, in 2016 the star of Bethlehem appeared in the night sky for the first time in 2000 years, reminding us of a very important baby that was born 2000 years ago.

                Next on August 21, 2017 we had a total eclipse of the sun over America to serve as a warning to the nations and particularly America that it was time for forty days of repentance leading to Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) Yom Kippur will begin on the eve of the 29th of September a few days from now.

                Then in conjunction with that event we had the annual Feast of Trumpets on Aug 20/21, A feast of the Lord that an announce many things besides a rapture, such as a warning of danger and war, a call to prepare for battle, the call to a Marriage, the coronation of a king as well as announcing the arrival of the Bridegroom and the awakening blast.

                Then in September 23 we saw a wonder in the heavens as the constellation Virgo gave birth to Jupiter while clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet and a crown of stars on her head. This was interpreted as the birth or rapture of the man child, while the dragon waited to consume him, but the man child (The church) was caught up to God in heaven in the rapture and then the woman Israel was pursued into the tribulation where the dragon went to make war with the woman and the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

                Now we can scoff and make fun of these sings all we want to, but they are absolutely messages from God falling on His appointed times… so if we had a great disappointment over all of these signs maybe we had ought to take another look at what they may be telling us. What if the signs disappointed us because we have tried to impose the wrong events upon them? What if we have been trying to force a pre-trib rapture onto these signs when that is not what God is telling us at all? What if we have simply placed events in the wrong order?

                I say “we” meaning the collective body of Christ because even though there seem to be some indications of a pre-trib rapture in the parable of the 10 virgins and even in the Revelation 12 sign, I have always believed in my heart that the book of Revelation more strongly points to a catching away of the saints just prior to the wrath of God being poured out in Rev, 15b and chapter 16. Nevertheless I do not disassociate myself from my wonderful brothers and sisters that are diligently watching for the coming of the Lord. The body of Christ should not be divided by various interpretations of Bible prophecy. We are a family and we all seek understanding together and we need the prophets and the watchmen that pour out their lives in search of understanding.

                But if things are not turning out as they had hoped, should we not go back to the Word to see what the signs could actually be saying?

                I think these signs are serving as a warning both to Jews and Gentiles to wake up. It is a wake- up call to the Laodicean church to depart from its pagan ways and to get back onto God’s Calendar even as the 3 angels of Revelation 14 would suggest. Much of the church has created a god that is no longer biblical and a pagan Jesus that is no longer connected to His Jewish roots and foundations.

                The Gospel has become largely distorted because it has been separated from its underpinnings. If we don’t base our foundations upon the Old Covenant in which God gave us in graphic detail just who Jesus would be and what the church would be, we are bound to drift off into a false and pagan view of truth and that is exactly what the church has done. We have misinterpreted grace, we have misread the signs, we have removed ourselves from God’s appointed times, His original Hebrew Calendar and His Sabbaths. How are we supposed to understand his signs and signals when we have created an entirely new paradigm by which to understand His Word?

                Pardon my crudeness here, but the entire church needs a proverbial enema so to speak and I believe that God is about to give it to us. (Whom He loves He disciplines) These signs are not announcing that all of us half/pagan people are ready to be caught up. These signs are announcing that we need to come out of Babylon, to honor our Creator and to stop partaking of the world’s sins. In fact the warning says in Rev. 14:9, 10 that we are in danger of worshipping the Beast and His image and if we do, we will suffer the wrath of God. WE are being called completely out of the Babylonian system. And that is the system eth church embraced when they divorced Israel in the 4th century and married the pagans.

                The remnant of her seed is identified as a group that keeps the commandments of God and holds to the testimony of Jesus. (Not the bumper sticker Jesus but the Jewish Messiah Yeshua through which His blood, death and resurrection we alone might be saved.)

                Because we have largely created a new religion for ourselves, we live in a fairytale world in which Christians have no interest in God’s agenda, or how God sees the world ending and what might be His purposes in it all.

                Hebrews 12:26, 27 says: “And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.’ And this expression “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” And then in verses 28 and 29 it goes on to say,” Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God AN ACCEPTABLE SEVICE WITH REVERENCE AND AWE; FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE.”

                Now there is that “Enema” we were talking about. It is a great shaking in which all of the man- made garbage will be shaken out of the church so that what remains is an acceptable service with reverence and awe.

                Much of what is taught in churches, in terms of the new gospel,  is not built upon eternal values. They have rejected God’s eternal laws, his eternal Spirit and His eternal Word. We trifle with these things thinking that we can pick and choose what we want and ignore the rest. We build doctrines by selecting texts that fit our preferences rather than letting the whole Word of God speak to us. The Bible has become a shallow book because of what we have left out. We now force it to say what we want it to say and God is declaring to us that this is neither acceptable service, nor does it reflect reverence and awe.

                We think we are sincerely serving God but our traditions and doctrines have long since left the track and they are going even farther off the track as of late. Now much of the church is rejecting the atoning sacrifice, the blood of Christ, the cross by which we die to self and the world and the true resurrection by which power we are enabled to follow in the footsteps of Yeshua, imitating His obedience an doing His works.

                But this is not all bad news. IN the coming great shaking which will include war and famine and unbelievable natural disasters and persecution, God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh so that we can carry the final Gospel invitation to a dying world. In this coming darkness, we are going to rise and shine for our light will have come and the glory of the Lord will have arisen upon us.

                So instead of sitting around and wringing our hands and wishing that Jesus had come, we need to begin to tune in to What God is saying to us. We need to pray for a double portion of His Holy Spirit and power so that we might finally do the works that Jesus did and even greater works. The church needs to shake off its pagan doctrines, Sabbaths and holidays and come back to the fullness of what Yeshua called us to in the early church. We need the baptism of fire that John the Baptist said Yeshua would bring. We need to lay ourselves upon the altar of sacrifice until the world is burned out of us so that we can live by His Spirit.

                We need to figure out why so many Christians remain spiritless, claiming rebirth or claiming to have the truth, while denying the power thereof. We need to ask God for discernment of spirits so that we can know the difference between the Spirit of Christ and the spirit of antichrist. We need to be able to discern the true gift of tongues (for instance) so that we stop attributing The Holy Spirit’s gift to the devil while attributing the counterfeits of Satan to God.  

                What a mess the church is in and God is about to separate the wheat from the chaff, the godly from the ungodly, the Word followers from the fable followers, the spiritless from the anointed.

                We can see the great division happening in the world right now as the armies of Christ and Satan square off. It is a spiritual war soon to manifest physically as the antichrist kingdom rises to rule the earth.

                The big question is this: Will we come fully to Yeshua and His Word or will be continue to play our games? Will we surrender all in order to become a part of Yeshua’s army, or will we continue to mumble our politically correct gospel fizz?

                Maybe we should stop trying to force our will upon God and instead diligently seek Him for answers and understanding. Israel wanted the messiah to come as Judge and King to deliver them from the Romans, but He came as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. Today we want Him to come as a Lamb, but He is coming as Judge and King to deliver us from the “Romans” and to refine us until no stain of this world remains upon us.

                Are you discouraged because yet another sign has come and gone without seemingly being fulfilled? Are you ready to throw in the towel and give up on Bible prophecy? Many will do just that and they will want to kill the messengers, but friends. Look at how much our world has changed since the blood moons. We live in a completely different world today. We live in a world where Bible prophecies are being fulfilled daily. The nations are in an uproar. Nature is setting records all over the planet. The antichrist kingdom is being formed right before our eyes. The False Prophet is gathering up all apostate religions of the world into one great conglomerate religion for the sake of peace and safety. They will give their allegiance to the Beast.

                National sovereignties are being surrendered to the global government. World finances are teetering on the brink of collapse. The sun is acting up and bombarding our planet with record setting flares and CMEs. Earthquakes and Volcanoes are increasing rapidly in both intensity and frequency. Millions of animals, birds and fish are dying month by month. Pandemics threaten our global population. There is a great falling away taking place in the church as many give up the last shreds of their Judeo/Christian faith to wonder after the pagan antichrist. Technologies are advancing rapidly as the world stands poised to implement the RFID chip.

                The Mark of the Beast is now an ever-present reality as surveillance has become ubiquitous, and facial recognition scans the crowds, and every communication is listened to and analyzed. Asteroids fly by earth almost daily, weather records are set daily around the world as record heat, record floods, record fires, record earthquakes, record numbers of volcanoes and tsunamis fill our world even as record violence and evil fill our cities.

                How can we be asleep? How can we just roll over and say, “Well, the sign didn’t happen the way we wanted it to, so forget it all?   No friends, if we believe in Yeshua and His Word then perhaps we are about to enter our finest hour. The glory of the Lord is going to arise upon those who are ready to carry Yeshua’s final message to the world. We need to begin to diligently pray for the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon our churches. Would you not rather be refined by the Holy Spirit that the fires of God’s wrath? We can be refined right now by the Holy Spirit if we will submit to His work in our lives. We don’t need to come into judgment. I ask God to judge me every day. We are on good terms because I belong to a covenant in which He has promised that what He has started in me, He will also finish. I will not need to come into judgment, but will pass from death into life. So let Him work with you now.

                Give Him your whole heart today and pray that He will make you into a mighty light in His harvest. Isa. 60:1, 2.


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