What is the real message of Revelation 12? Traditionally our understanding of it has been quite limited. It has been argued back and forth as to whether it represented Mary giving birth to Jesus, or Israel giving birth to the church. I’m sure there are elements of both of these in there, but in truth it is presented in the book of Revelation as a future event… as something within the flow of end time events that carries us into the very kingdom of the Beast and to the coming of the Lord.

                Nowadays a new interpretation has been popping up that is altogether different. Because of technologies that now exist; we can trace the formation and placement of the sun, moon and stars both forward and backward for thousands of years just like turning the hands on a giant clock. So you add to that our restored awareness of God’s appointed feast days and significant prophetic patterns in the sun, moon and stars and suddenly something comes up that could never have come up in previous history.

                There is a coming configuration in the sun, moon and planets and stars that exactly fits John’s description of the virgin giving birth to the man child as in the constellation of Virgo (the virgin) Jupiter actually spends 9 months in her womb (going back and forth in retrograde) and then on the 23rd of September Jupiter is born out of the womb of Virgo on this one exact day. And if that isn’t enough, the moon will be at her feet, and she will be clothed with the sun, and even rarer, three planets,              (Mercury, Mars and Venus) will come into perfect line in the constellation of Leo to form a crown of 12 stars over the virgin’s head. This exact configuration has never happened in the 6000 years of earth’s history and is not slated to happen for thousands of years in the future. And to make these events even more rare and significant: they line up with the appointed times of the Lord.

                But what clues would we find in scripture that would make us think that this could be a sign in the sun, moon and stars to begin with? Well, let’s begin to read Revelation 12 for clues.

                “And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Wow! How could we have missed that? The sign appeared in heaven (the sky) and it involves the sun, moon and stars. So are we going to assign this sign to the nebulous cloud of allegorical method, or could it just be literal as John described it?

                Well, Joel can give us a clue because he said: “And I will display WONDERS in the sky and on the earth blood, fire and columns of smoke. The SUN will be turned into darkness and the MOON INTO BLOOD BEFORE the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.”

                So Joel says that God will display WONDERS in the sky and Revelation 12 says: “And there appeared a great WONDER in heaven.

                Now in Matthew 24, Jesus talks about signs in the sky that will come at the end of the tribulation saying “The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” So it sounds like the great day of the Lord (The Tribulation) will be bracketed by signs in the sun moon and stars.

                The Gospel of Luke also repeats Yeshua’s words saying: And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars and upon the earth dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” So this celestial event comes just prior to the second coming.

                The point to be made in this first part of our explanation is that we are not off the wall in seeing these signs as actually being signs in the heavens. Whatever else these signs may signify, I believe that this sign coming up on September 23rd may well tell us that the time for this event has come. In other words, the signs in the heavens will point to something about to happen on the earth.

                According to some Bible students this sign is telling us that we are about to enter the tribulation. Judgment is coming and because of the total eclipse across America beginning on Elul 1, America is in God’s cross hairs. Historically speaking there can be no doubt that we have indeed entered a 40 day period of repentance leading to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) September 23.

                And we will need to discuss the Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) that comes just 7 days before Yom Kippur. These events derive their meaning from the feast days that they land on and so we will have to consider all of these things and that is why I am dividing them up into sections.

                The main point right now is that this is a time of repentance before God so that our hearts are right, our sins forgiven and our lives under the blood of Yeshua before the judgments of God fall.

                Will this be the real thing? Who can say? But I will say this: These signs that we have seen starting with the blood moon tetrad and leading to the total eclipse and on to the sign of Revelation 12 will never happen again in this order. In fact the celestial sign described in Revelation 12 will never happen again forever.

                Do we really want to ignore them? I say that as God’s people we dare not ignore them. The wise men discerned the Messiah's birth even as the entire nation of God’s chosen people slept on. The wise and foolish virgins fell asleep waiting for the Bridegroom to come. Only half of them had extra oil and only half of them entered into the marriage. The other half had to go into the dark night to buy oil from those who sell. Likewise Philadelphia was given an open door and promises to be kept from the hour of testing that would fall upon the whole world; while Laodicea was counselled to buy gold tried in the fire.

                As these days draw near, should we not take a new look at all of these parables and prophecies?

                Please notice that I am not making predictions. I am only dealing with “What ifs” here and though I may tell you what I think it might mean; each person must go before God and His Word and seek its meaning for yourself. All I can say is that we want to be ready in any case.

                In part 2 we will discuss the possible meanings of the man child and in part three we will discuss the dragon and the woman he pursues.


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