There is a feeling in the air and many people are beginning to voice this feeling. Both in the secular world and in the Bible believing world, there is, among those who are sensitive and or aware of world situations, there is a growing sense of urgency and apprehension.

                A Christian lady who has worked with FEMA for years now as a secretary is suddenly thrust into a massive training program for dealing with millions of dead bodies. Something catastrophic is coming down this fall and they won’t say whether it is a war, or a natural disaster, a pandemic, or the crashing of the economy. Any of those events on a wide scale would have the same results… massive deaths.

                Something is coming in which all of our conspiracy theories will become reality, from FEMA camps, to millions of staged caskets, to underground cities for the elite, to agreements between the government and Walmart to quickly become staging areas. Walmart, at its distribution centers has acres of freezer space and they will be quickly cleared out to house the dead like cord wood.

                No one wants to set dates including me, but there is a general consensus of feeling especially among the prophecy students that we may be engaging in a tangible way in the prophesied apocalypse this fall. Whether it be the tribulation or the beginning of sorrows we can’t say, but I think we are about to see the rise of the antichrist and the falling away of the false church.

                Those who are putting these things together in their minds, are beginning to take the blood moons and eclipses, the star of Bethlehem, the coming total eclipse of the sun across the whole of America and the following astronomical sign described in Revelation 12 as indeed being the signs in the sun, moon and stars prophesied by Joel and Peter and Jesus to be the signs that come immediately before the great day of the Lord.

                Did you know that the last time a total eclipse of the sun blazed a path all the way across America was in 1776, the year America was founded?

                Throughout the whole of the Bible you can find references to the Day of the Lord. In most of those references it is not describing a church picnic. Isaiah, for instance, described it in chapter 13 saying.

                “Behold the day of the Lord is coming, cruel with fury and burning anger, to make the land a desolation; and He will exterminate its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not flash forth their light. The sun will be dark when it rises and the moon will not shed its light. Thus I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless. I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold and mankind than the gold of Ophir. Therefore I will make the heavens tremble and the earth will be shaken from its place.” Isa. 13:9-13

                And verses 15 and 16 say: “Anyone who is found will be thrust through and their little ones also will be dashed to pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished.”

                Zechariah chapters 12 through 14 describe these same events. Joel describes the signs in the sun, moon and stars that will occur immediately before the great and terrible day of the Lord in terrible detail and Amos as well.

                I am not saying that we should be afraid. We who are in Christ know that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Either way we win. But what we are saying right now, about having no fear, will be severely tested because it is easy to say we will not be afraid now as we sit safely in our houses and go to the market for our groceries.

                I do not fear for myself, even though I freely admit that my heart would be pounding if a bunch of troops pounded on my front door and came in guns blazing. But my real fear is for those whom I love and those Christians who have taken the Bible lightly, who have never really contemplated these things and learned how to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I fear for my children and grandchildren, for they have grown up in churches that have not prepared them for what lies ahead.

                I suspect that there is no sector of society more blind and asleep than that part of Christianity that is currently falling away from the full Gospel. Millions of Christians, if they think about it at all, expect to just waltz into heaven unchanged, never born again, taking no thought to holiness without which no one will see God. Hebrews 12:14.

                Yesterday I mentioned Satan’s imitation of Christ and he has been pictured as looking like and acting like Christ and doing miracles and speaking gracious words to the people, but I don’t believe that will be the case. The antichrist is going to be a terrifying dictator that will demand the world’s respect and obedience because of his awesome power and promises for peace amidst total chaos. He will be worshipped by the world, yes, but by those who also are saying; “Who can make war with the Beast.?”

                No… Satan’s imitation of Christ is going on in many churches today as they have relied upon the power of the soul rather than the power of the Spirit.  They have not discerned the difference between the spirit of Satan and the Spirit of God. Many Christians have not been truly born again and as such their religion is based upon soul power rather than Holy Spirit power. We have relied on intellect rather than unction…information instead of inspiration. We have been informed without being transformed. We have been converted without dying and we have followed Jesus without having taken up our cross.

                 Many are Christians in name only. So how will they survive, or in the case of the rapture, how can they expect to stand before a holy God? His robe of righteousness is not just a good luck charm. It is a way of life that can only be lived by those who have been crucified with Christ so that they no longer live, but Christ lives in them and so that the life that they now live in the flesh, they live by faith in the Son of God who loved them and gave His life for them.

                We cannot wear the robe of Christ’s righteousness casually. It requires repentance and turning away from sin. It requires death to what went before, and a new life lived by resurrection power. The new birth is a complete change of kingdoms. We die as citizens of the kingdom of this world and we are born again into Christ’s kingdom. This is more than conversion. It is infinitely more than merely accepting a special set of doctrines. Our new life can only be found in the heart of Jesus Christ. (Yeshua)

                So, what can I say? Spectator Christianity is about to come to a screeching halt and all people will be left with is whatever real Christianity, whatever real truth has transformed them.

                In that day, they will tend to follow the spirit or Spirit that has been operating in their lives and I must warn you that the spirit of antichrist is very much alive in the world today and he doesn’t care about sinners, his focus is on the church and he is about to destroy it.

                Revelation 13:7 says: “And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.”

                Yes, Jesus did say that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Mt. 16:18. But this was based upon the revelation that was given to Peter that flesh and blood did not reveal to him, but the Father in heaven. The true church then is built upon that which flesh and blood cannot reveal. We must be Spirit filled and blood bought and born again or we won’t be able to see it. It is this core true remnant church that Satan will not be able to conquer, even if we die in the process.

                Okay, I have gone on long enough. For some of you I am preaching to the choir, but I cannot hold back that which God puts on my heart. All I can say is if you have not truly been born again then ask the Lord for it. Tell Him you want to be born again and Spirit filled. Tell Him you want to live by His power and not your own. Tell Him you want to be ready when He comes… to be transformed by His indwelling Spirit and by the Word as only the Holy Spirit can make the Word become flesh in us.

                This transformation is something that we cannot do. Only Yeshua can do it. And so we must lay it all down… even the part of us that we think is good, is trying, is acting… and ask Him to do the impossible in you.

                What will happen this fall, I do not know, but I suspect that whatever it is, it will change everything. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.


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