“And I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood BEFORE the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” Joel 2:30, 31.

                In the past 3 years we have seen many signs of the Lord’s return. There are of course many ellipses, blood moon and meteor showers, but it is the ones that occur on God’s appointed feast days or Moeds that count for true signs. In the past three years  we have seen a tetrad of blood moons and several eclipses all falling on these appointed times. We saw the star of Bethlehem return after 2000 years in 2016 and now we are about to see a total eclipse of the sun all the way across America followed by the great sign of Revelation 12 for the only time ever and these events also fall on Jewish Feast Days.

                A close friend of mine was involved in a conversation with fellow Christians concerning these signs and they waved them all of as natural occurrences without meaning. This is only because they know nothing about God’s appointed times and so they go blindly into the future completely ignorant of what God might be saying to the world.

                My friend was driving home in his car and he asked the Lord what might be the meaning of the coming total eclipse of the sun. He said," Lord you have said that Your sheep hear your voice. I want to be one of Your sheep."

                Immediately a picture formed in his mind. It was a picture of a map of the United States with the diagonal line of the path of the eclipse going across it and the entire map was inscribed by a circle. There were no words, but the picture became very clear. It looked like the circle with the diagonal line through it indicating No Smoking or whatever and the message was that America’s time was up.

                IF we stop and realize that the last time there was a total eclipse that blazed a pathway across America was in 1776, the year America became a nation, we can see that God has given America every possible blessing including time, but the signs in the heavens are now telling us that America’s time is up.

                Several of my favorite modern day prophets have also received this word from the Lord, that time will no longer be delayed. We have crossed a tipping point in history in which end time events can no longer be stopped.

                I suspect that major things are going to happen beginning this fall in both America and in Israel and in the world will come in rapid succession.  In fact, I believe that we may see the beginning of the Tribulation, the great falling away and the revealing of the antichrist in 2017-18. Everything will happen on God’s appointed times.

                Our next watch date is August 1; which is also Tish b’ Av, or Av 9. On this day in history 10 spies came back with an evil report, both temples were destroyed and other disasters befell Israel. This is why the days leading up to Av 9 are called the “Dire Straits” and the Jews always breathe a sigh of relief when Av 9 passes without disaster. This year they are surrounded by their enemies, evil people are trying to divide their land and there is rioting on the temple mount. We are all wondering what will happen on Av 9.

                On September 23 of this year the great sign described in Revelation 12 will occur in the sky for the only time in history, past, present and future. Does it represent the birthing of the man-child, the sons of God for whom all of creations waits in eager expectation? Will they be caught up to heaven while the remnant of her seed that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus flee as they are pursued by the dragon (Satan.)?

                Whatever the case may be, we must take this sign seriously as well because it too falls on a Jewish Feast Day.

                Now, given the fact that we are at a juncture of a new Jubilee and a new Shemitah and a 70 year old Israel and a 120th Jubilee and many other conjunctions, we must pay close attention to this fall, for it may indeed spell the beginning of the time of Jacob’s Trouble and the ending of the times of the Gentiles. Everything on earth and in the heavens seems poised and ready for the great Day of the Lord. We shall soon see… and if it is so, then we can expect to see many of God’s prophetic signs found in the books of Daniel and Revelation and the Minor Prophets following in quick succession.

                We must be spiritually ready for these events along with persecution and a world turned upside down. Only time will tell and there isn’t much time left if it is true. The Word of God is true and it will not fail. Our interpretations may fail, but God’s word will be fulfilled exactly.

                Once again some may ask what is the importance of the Jewish Feast Days and the answer is this: Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Spring Feasts at His first coming and so we can expect that He will perfectly fulfill the Fall Feasts at His second coming. Our future is outlined by the Feast Days of Israel. Israel is God’s template and His time piece for all events on this earth.

                “Now all of these things happened to them as an example and they were written for our instruction upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” 1 Cor. 10:11  


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