For those that believe in a pre0trib rapture there is hope in types and shadows. For even though I fell that textual evidence is otherwise thin, there is certainly evidence for a pre-trib rapture in many biblical patterns.

                Enoch was raptured while Noah had to go through the flood.

                Daniel was conspicuously absent when his 3 friends endured the fiery furnace.

                Jesus took only 3 of His twelve disciples to witness the transfiguration

                The wise virgins were ready for the marriage feast, while the foolish had to buy oil. So the           foolish did not make it into the wedding feast. But since they were counselled to buy oil from              those that sell, it indicates that they were saved later.

                The Philadelphia church was given an open door and told that they would be kept from the hour of testing that would come upon the whole earth. Laodicea however, being lukewarm was counselled to buy gold tired in the fire. This indicates tribulation and yet they were promised that if they overcame they would sit with Yeshua on His throne.

                There are other things such as the fact that the church doesn’t seem to be mentioned after the messages to the seven churches.

                Chapter 4 of Revelation immediately begins with, “After this I looked up and behold a door was opened in heaven; and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, “Come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.”  Does the voice like a trumpet speak of the Feast of Trumpets? Does the command to come up indicate a Rapture?  Many Bible scholars think so and many people place their faith in a pre-trib Rapture.

                I never make fun of things like this. There is, after all, some indication of a special resurrection in all of this and so we can always hope and believe that Jesus will rescue us at just the right time.

                Whatever the case may be, we are said to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord. He will never leave us or forsake us. What He has begun in us He will complete and at the very least, no harm will come to those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

                Do you trust your life to Jesus Christ no matter how it unfolds?  This we must all do. So whether we escape like Enoch or have to go through it like Noah, we will be protected by our Lord. This can provide food for thought… and encouragement for those who look forward to His soon coming.  Maranatha!.


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