As a student f Bible prophecy it is a scary thing for me to suggest that we might possibly enter the actual tribulation this fall. I certainly do not expect anyone to agree with me and I am not forming some kind of doctrine. My job, as I understand it is to stimulate your thinking, to provide wherever possible a big picture of where we are in time, to draw us closer to the Lord and to help understand the times in which we live.

                I live with a legacy of prophetic understanding that runs deep because my Father before me was also a deep student of prophecy who created the program “Earth: Theater of the Universe”, so I grew up with his charts and papers and articles. I also have to give credit to Seventh Day Adventism, for they also had a legacy of Bible prophecy that formed a basis framework of my understanding. Many of their teachings on prophecy are coming true right before our eyes today.

                But my studies led me to understand that there is a rather large part of their understanding missing because they taught Replacement Theology as many Protestant churches do. As a result the Jews and the Feast Days and some of the framework and foundation for last day events were left out of the equation. They had categorically denied that there was any meaning to the Jewish return to their homeland even though God promised this return in numerous places in scripture. (Ez. 11:16, 17, Joel 3:2, Zech. Chapters 12 and 14 and many others.

                This led me to the Messianic movement and a whole lot of breakthroughs in understanding. I stand like a child in my footy pajamas with a teddy bear tucked under my arm and my mouth gaping open with wonder at a universe full of opening doors.

                I have known for at least fifty years that the Pope would play a major role in last day events. I have known that a huge contingent of Protestants would give up their protest and rejoin the Pope in the last days. I have known that this group would apostatize and eventually turn and persecute true Christians in trying to force them to join the global religion of the Beast. I have known that this Beast system would someday control all buying and selling on a global scale. I have also known that there would be signs in the sun, moon and stars before the great and terrible day of the Lord.  (Mt. 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21) I knew that there would be upheavals in nature and perplexities among nations and wars and rumors of wars.

                All of these things I have known all of my life because they are in the Bible for all students of prophecy to understand. But what I didn’t know in my early years was that Israel would be at the center of all of these issues, or that they still remain the framework for last day events, or that Israel still remains God’s prophetic timepiece and that the Feasts, or appointed times of the Lord were actually tuned to the sun, moon and stars so that all major events in these last days will occur on these feast days and the heavens will declare the glory of God. Like my Messianic friend Adam Jones said, the Feast Days are everything when it comes to understanding last day events.

                So, like I said, I have known about these events all of my life and like everyone else who has known about them, we had no idea how they would ever come about. How would an antichrist system ever be able to control the buying and selling of every one on the planet? How on earth would a large chunk of Protestantism defect and fall away and rejoin the Pope in his global religion. How would beheading ever be reinstated? That was an archaic form of corporal punishment highly unlikely to reappear in modern times. How would America ever become a godless nation that would do away with the Bible, with the Ten Commandments and with prayer? These things were unthinkable in the 1950s. How would we ever lose our freedoms in this great nation? How would we ever do away with our constitution? How would America ever be brought to its knees? How would the whole world ever become embroiled in war? How would signs in the sun, moon and stars ever come about and how would we know that they had any meaning. To that last question I now know that it is when they fall on Jewish Feast Days that such signs take on the meaning of the feast day they fall on.

                Over the last three years there have been many signs that have fallen on the feast days, and judgments on Shemitah years and we have some significant signs yet to happen this fall and they all fall on Jewish Feast days and so this “Jammy footed child of prophecy” simply has to shout it out. These events are screaming at us from the heavens and the Christian world is largely asleep and unaware.

                There was a big build up surrounding the tetrad of blood moons in 2014-15. The internet was filled with speculation of every kind, but the blood moons came and went and nothing happened, or so they thought. But for those of us who understand Bible prophecy, these blood moons announced a major event in Bible prophecy. On the fourth blood moon, the Pope stood before congress and before the United Nations and declared his role as the leader of the Global religion (of the antichrist.) Then he stood at the foot of the Freedom tower with religious leaders from all of the world’s religions and announced a new Global religion under the leadership of the Pope. This is huge, Huge, HUGE. He has literally declared himself to be at the very least the False Prophet who will cause all men great and small to wonder after and to worship the Beast (The antichrist and his global beast system.)

                And as for how they will enforce this global worship of the Beast, we now have the technology through a global network of computers combined with identification technologies by which they can track every person on the planet. And they now have a quantum computer that can make something like 100 billion computations per second. They can now easily control the buying and selling of the entire world, by simply going to a cashless society, which they are now seriously talking about doing.

                So, we had the blood moons all falling on Jewish Feast Days, better called the Moeds or the appointed times of the Lord. Events on earth as well as the sun, moon and stars in the heavens are all setting their watches by these appointed times of the Lord. Only an infinite God could have set this up from the beginning of creation to fulfill His prophecies at the end of 6000 years. We had the star of Bethlehem in 2016 reappearing after 2000 years. Then on August 21 we will witness a total eclipse of the sun all the way across America. This occurs on the eve of Rosh Chodesh, (Or Hodesh) which is the beginning of 9 days of awe leading up to Tish b’Av and the date for the destruction of both Temples in history. It is a time of mourning and warning for destruction and since it is crossing America this time, it is a foreboding sign of some form of destruction of our nation. It is also interesting to note that this same sign crossed America in 1776 and so it may indicate that America’s time for repentance is up.

                Next  on September 23rd we will have the once in eternity sign of Revelation 12, the birth of the Man child that will be caught up to heaven even as the 7 headed ten horned dragon seeks to devour the child. This is the same dragon mentioned in Revelation 13 as representing the Global government of the Beast that will pursue the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. These are all parts of the coming Tribulation and so with this conjunction of signs along with events on earth both natural and political, I really think that we are about to see these prophesied events happen. This event occurs during the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement, a time of Judgment.

                Israel is surrounded by her enemies and Jerusalem is indeed a cup of trembling and even though the Knesset has voted and vowed never to divide Israel again, the United Nations and the global community may force a division anyway, because the Bible says that God will destroy those in the end that divided His land.

                There are thousands of little pieces of the puzzle that make up today’s picture. Everything seems to be in place for earth’s final events to take place.

                Think about this: In spite of the fact that this Pope has declared that Jesus is not returning, that His cross was a failure and that people cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ but must only relate to God through the Mother Church and in spite of the fact that the Vatican is known to hold open worship of Lucifer as the new god of this world, yet the Protestant world is embracing Him as the leader of the global religious community. Unimaginable!

                The ecumenical movement has been pushing for global unity for even longer and this spring they gathered in Jerusalem for Mekudeshet  (A joining and reconciling of all religions into one religion under the Pope)

                We are literally witnessing the great falling away (or apostasy) of the church that precedes the rise of the antichrist, spoken of in 2 Thess. 2:4.

                WE have a large swath of mega churches and others not only joining forces with the global religion, but at the same time, abandoning the basics of the Gospel, such as repentance from sin, the atoning blood of Jesus, the cross and the  resurrection through which we are born again, the infallibility of Scripture and even the idea that we should come out of the world system to serve the Lord with all of our hearts, or to take up our cross and follow Jesus, or to live holy lives.

                We have mega church leaders saying that we worship the same God as Islam in spite of the fact that a key element of Islam is that Allah has no Son. Therefore he cannot be the same god. What on earth has happened to men’s minds? They can now be described by Romans chapter one, as they fall into the basest of beliefs and compromises. Much of Christianity is literally abandoning the faith that was once preached.

                And not only have they joined the politically correct crowd, but they have systematically abandoned the study of Bible Prophecy by which they would discover the hell bent path they are now taking.

                I honestly don’t know, nor can I predict what will happen this fall and into 2018, but there is a general feeling in the air. Those who study Bible Prophecy are seeing the storm clouds on the horizon and they look like harbingers of a storm unprecedented in human history. And while many plan to escape this coming cataclysm, some of us believe that this is why Jesus has given us the full armor of God and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and authority over the works of the enemy. It is at a time like this that Jesus Christ will trample His enemies under OUR feet.

                “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under YOUR feet shortly. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” Romans 16:20.

                 And concerning the sign soon to come in the birth of the man child of Revelation 12, it says in Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. Then it goes on to say that the woman fled into the wilderness where she was nourished for 3 ½ years.

                Is this woman the church or is it Israel? We can’t say for sure, but I think we are soon to find out. For instance the man child that is caught up could be the true church and the woman that flees, who is also described as the woman, the Remnant who keep the commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. So this remnant group is either a remnant of true Christians or converted Jews.

                There are things like this that we can only find out in the course of time and they are not small issues because they have everything to do with whether the rapture is pre-trib, or pre-wrath.

                At any rate, concerning the rapture. I suspect that there will be a huge harvest of souls via death near the beginning of the Tribulation. Right now, homeland security is gearing up and training people to handle millions of deaths. Whether it be from pandemic, natural disaster, or war, I do not know, but they are seriously gearing up for something… and part of the global agenda includes a major reduction in earth’s population. One way or the other, Bible prophecies will all be fulfilled.

                This is why we cannot be dogmatic about these things, but we must keep our eyes upon Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. If we don’t know Jesus intimately then all of our knowledge of coming events will be in vain. But God gave us Bible prophecy for a reason… to understand the times and seasons and to prepare our hearts to meet Him in the air. We want to be among the wise virgins that had oil in their lamps and were ready to go in to the wedding.

                God bless you all, my precious and eternal friends. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Yeshua. Lift up your heads, you redemption draws near


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