Donald Trump is pro- Israel. This is good. Most Christians breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe America won’t become a cursed nation after all.

                However, since both Trump and his evangelical advisers are largely ignorant of Bible prophecy, they are about to make the biggest mistake in human history apart from the fall of Adam. They are about to make Pope Francis the moderator of a new peace in Jerusalem. But the Papacy has been trying to secure control of the Holy Land ever since the Crusades and God has not allowed that to happen until the end of time. But why?

                It is because the pope, any pope, is by definition an antichrist, or Vicar of Christ. He stands in the place of Christ and that is the true definition of “Antichrist.”  But now for a quick history lesson:

                What most Christians do not understand is that Satan has been trying to build a New World Order ever since Nimrod. But just like Nimrod, he wants to build it in defiance of God. He wants to build a global government over which he can reign as God.

                Daniel, by divine inspiration outlined for us a series of New World Order attempts. Each one of these empires stood in opposition  God and to Israel and they were all used by God to punish Israel when Israel strayed from their calling. These New World Order empires were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome and we have to wonder why the Bible did not go on to mention succeeding world empires like say the British Empire that ruled the world neaarly as extensively as did Rome.

                But in God’s eyes, Rome was the end of the line and in God’s eyes, when pagan Rome collapsed, it was succeeded by Papal Rome and in God’s eyes, this is the empire that will stand in opposition to both God and Israel in fulfilling last day prophecies.

                What Satan could not accomplish through various pagan or atheistic conquerors such as Hitler who was sponsored by the Vatican, Satan is now going to accomplish through an apostate global church. That apostate church is called in Revelation 17 the woman who rides the beast. She is a religious system that rides on the back of the New World Order and she, either directly, or indirectly will commit the abomination of desolation in the temple as spoken of by Daniel and Jesus and John the Revelator.

                The Papacy is called the mother of harlots and that is because in the last days, her protestant daughters will come back to her and they will all join in persecuting God’s true Remnant people, both Messianic Jews and Christians.

                If only people understood Bible prophecy they would somehow not make the huge blunder that they are about to make. But can you see now why I am so exorcised over the blood moons of 2014- 15? They announced the onslaught of events leading to the tribulation that can no longer be stopped… and true to form, Pope Francis at the exact time of the fourth blood moon, stood up before the world and announced himself to be the head of the prophesied global religion of the last days. It is this religion that will enforce the Mark of the Beast. It is the religion of the antichrist.

                And now, true to Biblical prophecy, Protestants, being ignorant of Bible prophecy, are abandoning their protest and rejoining the mother of harlots in droves. We are watching 2000 year old prophecies coming to pass in our day and to me, this signals that we are truly entering the period of the tribulation. Everything, religious, political, financial, technological and every other avenue, is coming together like clockwork and just as predicted by the Old Testament Prophets like Zechariah, Jerusalem is right in the middle of it and has become a cup of trembling. And God said concerning this that: “And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; and all who lift it will be severely injured. And all nations of the earth will be gathered against it.

                Now, how could Zechariah have predicted that Jerusalem would be the center of all issues in the last days, especially since Israel did not even exist for nearly 2000 years. So that is why honest Bible scholars began to re-examine their understanding of Bible prophecy when Israel became a nation again in 1948. Israel is still in play just as predicted and now, America and her apostate protestant Christians along with the Mother of harlots the Vatican, are about to bring “Peace” to Jerusalem by dividing her between the Jews and the Palestinians and the Vatican will gain control and even ownership of all of the holy sites, thus preparing the way for the rebuilding of the temple and the abomination of desolation that will follow.

                Now be sure to understand that when I talk about either the papacy or the apostate protestant denominations, I am not talking about the people, but about religious systems. God’s people are in all of these systems and denominations including Catholics and Orthodox and Protestant believers.         But when these systems join forces to form the final global religion of the antichrist, it will become what God calls “Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.”  

                When this happens… and it is happening now and will be completed soon, God is going to send forth a call to His true believers saying: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great. And she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird.”

                The Vatican has been infiltrated by and is now run by a Luciferian cabal. After hundreds of years of struggle, the Jesuits have finally gained control of the church and Satan is worshipped in the Vatican. And it is not hard to see that the Vatican rules over the kings of the earth… after all, every king, president and religious leader makes a pilgrimage to the Vatican to get their instructions.

                Listen friends: to those who know and understand Bible prophecy, we are startlingly close to the final fulfillment of all of these things and these events have reached a tipping point where they can no longer be stopped. And true to form, the feast days and Jubilee cycles of Israel are poised for these events to happen this fall. I don’t know how it could be otherwise.

                This is why we have seen blood moons and signs in the heavens. This is why a total eclipse of the sun is going to blaze its path across America. This is why the sign of Revelation 12 is appearing on
September 23rd of this year, for the only time in history or eternity. Just as God told us, there would be signs in the sun, moon and stars before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, that is what we are seeing right now.

                So, it is time for us to lay aside our memberships to any of these systems that are now joining forces with the Pope of Rome and it is time to cling to Christ and Christ alone. Institutional Christianity is coming to a close and God is saying, “Come out of her My people.”

                But in defiance of this call, the Pope has brazenly announced that we cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We must relate to Jesus through the mediation of the institution. But the truth is Jesus Christ is our Mediator. No one comes to the Father, but by Him. The Pope is and always has been an imposter. And institutional religion has always sought to take the place of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

                With these understandings in mind, I invite you to prayerfully read Revelation 17 and 18. Everything is happening just as the Bible says. Also keep in mind that Revelation 12 is about to be fulfilled this fall, not only in the stars, but in reality as the man-child, the Remnant is formed and the dragon comes immediately to devour it. This dragon is described Revelation as having 7 heads and ten horns and again in Revelation 13 as the global religion of the antichrist who will bring on the Mark of the Beast.

                During creation God made the sun, moon and stars and said, “Let them be for signs (Moeds) and seasons. Moeds refers directly to the feast days of Israel that outline earth’s final events and that is why God has brought to the fore the feast days of Israel in our day. Everything has its reason and we must now take notice even to the saving of our lives, for the hour of His judgment has come.

                Let us no longer be sentimental about the religious systems and institutions of this world, but let us cling to Jesus Christ and His Word and let us be filled with His Holy Spirit so that He will walk us through this most complex of times. And even as the world abandons the word of God, let us choose to live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The bible is much more accurate than the daily news and it is telling us that we are at the end. We are indeed in the most precarious of times and the decisions we make concerning these things are a matter of life and death. Selah.


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