
Showing posts from May, 2019


TRADITION             When I speak as I often do against tradition and or doctrine oriented lives, it is not as you would suppose it to be. Tradition is good if it is a good tradition.             My son Zach, seeing the abuses and phoniness that is inherent in much of modern Christianity, joined an Eastern Orthodox congregation. Their traditions and teaching have remained unchanged over the past 16 or 17 hundred years so that what they practice now is exactly what they practiced in the early centuries of Christianity. They maintain a strict regimen of times of fasting and prayer and various observances and I find it rather refreshing to hear their deep insights that have endured the test of time. For those who are observant these traditions are just as vital and alive with meaning as they were many centuries ago.        ...


A RUNNING COUNT                 So far in America alone this year we have experienced record snow, record rain, record flooding, record tornados (Fifty of them just yesterday in the Midwest), record, cold, record heat and record weather events. All of this while we witness the carnage of animal, fish, bird, insect and plant die-offs that threaten the extinction of over a million species over the next few years. The world stands poised for war. The European Union is falling apart. The globalist regime is staggering and in dire need of an apocalyptic event of some kind in order to gain control of the masses.                 Based on global weather patterns alone I suspect that we will soon begin to hear about massive food shortages, not only elsewhere, but in the United States. Huge tracts of our farming land in the Midwest a...


END TIME EVENTS                 That the coming of the Lord involves 2 separate events I have no doubt. The two events are completely different from each other. So to compare the two events we must call one of them the “Rapture” since that is the Latin word for being caught away and the other event we will call the 2 nd coming of Christ, also known as “The glorious appearing.”                 I want to discuss this today, not as a doctrinal argument per se, but as a warning to two groups of people… namely those who believe in the rapture and those who don’t believe in the rapture.                 As for the pre tribulation rapture people, I would have to say that I have never seen so much confidence over a doctrine that has so little biblical sup...


ISAIAH CHAPTER 2                 Ladies and gentlemen, I am sad to announce that we have run out of Tuesdays. From now on the week will only be 6 days long. The good news is that the work week has now been reduced to only 4 days. The bad news is that you will reach 80 years old much quicker.    Just kidding.                 Isaiah chapter 2 starts out with good news for Israel. In fact it is describing the millennial reign of Christ for it says concerning Judah and Jerusalem:                 “In the last days, the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it and many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mou...


GRADING ON THE CURVE                 I don’t know how they do it today but in my day some teachers would grade on the curve. That is to say, if the test, because of its unusual level of difficulty, caused the general grade of the class to be lower, the teacher would grade according to the mean level of the scores. If the highest score was only 70%, then everyone below the 70% would look a little better with their score.                 I think that method served to make sure that the test was not unreasonably difficult. After all, any teacher could throw together a bunch of questions, or even trick questions that could cause nearly everyone to fail. So grading on the curve keeps the tests fair and reasonable.                 So when it comes to...