
Showing posts from January, 2019


THE ABORTION OF THE MAN CHILD                 As Bonnie and I sat in the VA this morning waiting for my regular blood tests, I received an article from my Son Zach, dealing with some of the atrocities that are being pushed off on the public these days in terms of Pedophilia and Abortion and other hot issues.                 Bonnie and I were discussing these things on the way home from getting my blood drawn when it suddenly hit me. SATAN IS IN AN ALL OUT WAR TO ABORT THE MAN CHILD.   So let me show you my reasoning. 1.        Romans 8:29 says that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of His son (Jesus) that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. So if there is a first-born, then it implies that there will be a second born as well, only Hebrews 2:10 tells us that this secon...


FALSE PROPHETS                 “And Jesus answered and said to them: “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name saying, ‘I am Christ’ and will deceive many.” Mt. 24:4, 5                 The King James Bible just says: “saying I am Christ.” And so here we have another one of those statements like Jesus’ promise to the thief on the cross when He says, “I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradise.” or I say unto you, Today you will be with me in paradise.” One way has the thief going to paradise that same day, while the other way contains only the promise of an eventual entering into paradise. And people interpret it according to their beliefs on the subject.                   So is Jesus saying that many will claim t...


Mt. Saint Helens                 The dome inside the mountain is growing at a rate of 5 meters (roughly 15 feet) per day and is now taller than the empire state building.                 Is it going to build a new peak or is it going to blow again? Some geologists think it is getting ready to blow, although it may not have the same level of energy that it did the first time around.                 This world is full of fascinating and sometimes scary things. Any way you look at it, our family’s cabins and property are still over 400 feet underground since they were located between the mountain and the lake.


A CELEBRATION OF DEATH                 If it is true that God gave America four more years to repent and to turn back to Him, then we have answered Him with a resounding “NO.” And while some Christians are praying for revival in our land, many are still thumbing their noses at Bible Prophecy, the very means by which God shares His overall agenda with us. We don’t want to hear it, because we have agendas of our own.                 But when New York lit up the one world trade center (The very symbol of our arrogance and rebellion against the warnings of God) in pink to celebrate the passing of a bill that makes abortion legal right up to the day of a child’s birth, we are forced to admit that we are no better as a people than Herod, or Pharaoh, or any other tyrants or heathen groups that has slaughtered babies throughout history. ...


WHEN JESUS IS IN THE BOAT                 Our church has taken to fasting and praying for 24 hours, with people covering every hour with prayer until the doors open to feed the poor on Saturday. This has made a profound difference in the smoothness of the operation, on the atmosphere of God’s presence upon the people. More of the people from the community are asking for prayer and this weekend the prayer teams were kept busy down in the sanctuary praying for those who asked for prayer.                 Two people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior and so not only is the power of God increasing in our ministry to the poor, but it is increasing in our church service as well. On Sunday morning Pastor Acres preached on the storm at sea in which Jesus revealed His sovereign authority even over the wind and the waves.  ...


THE CHURCH                 In my younger years I was sort of a Maverick. I thought of the church as a sort of babysitting station for those who wanted to be spoon fed and in some ways that may be true, but on the other hand, I believe more in the church today than I ever did in the past.                 Jesus established the church as His Body and He assigned it to “equip the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” Eph. 4:13                 To accomplish the church’s mission Jesus gave to us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. So t...


THE I AM CHAPTER                 John chapter 8 is one of the most astounding and mind blowing chapters in the entire Bible. In this chapter Jesus literally blows the doors off of all conventional thinking. For instance, in verse 51 Jesus said: “Truly, truly (another emphatic statement of truth) I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.”                 If we take this statement seriously, we suddenly begin to grab for our inflatable seat cushion because our doctrinal plane is about to go down. Well, Jesus’ statement had the same effect on the Pharisees who, like us, believed in the resurrection. But even for them this was too much and they blurted out:                 “Now we know that You have a demon. Abraham died and the prophe...