If Christians only understood what God is calling us out of and what He is calling us into, it would rock the Christian world. God called a man named Abraham out of the Kingdom of Nimrod to become the father a new and chosen people.  In time, He then called Israel out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses to establish in them a foundation of truth that would set them free from the Babylonian matrices of Nimrod, which also ruled Egypt.

                So God established a kingdom on earth that would operate apart from the other nations, apart from the pantheon of gods that now ruled this Gentile world under Satan. To this day, the pagan matrix of Nimrod rules the nations. WE see it in governments and religions and in the power structures of humanity. If you don’t want to be a part of Satan’s matrix, you have to come out of it and the only way out of it is through death… and that death is through the cross of Jesus Christ alone. Satan’s matrix was set up over all the earth at the same time that Adam lost his dominion over the earth. We live in enemy territory and I think that many Christians have lost sight of that. We begin to think that we can live in comfortable compatibility. It is a lie.

                The religion of Moses stands in direct opposition to the pagan religions of the world.  The Old Testament represents God’s call out of Satan’s matrix along with the establishment of a kingdom of light within the kingdom of darkness that defied all that Satan stood for. So when Yeshua came into the world, He built His kingdom upon these foundations for His kingdom continued to stand in direct opposition to and apart from the matrix of Nimrod’s global network. This is why Yeshua, in teaching His disciples the meaning of His purposes summed up His mission in this way:

                “And beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” Luke 24:27

Here then is the platform of the New Covenant and if we remove that platform, we become once again vulnerable to the gods of Nimrod who rule the world to this day. Christianity must absolutely stand upon the foundations established by God in the world, or Christians will become vulnerable to the lies and enticements of Satan’s kingdom.

                Throughout history they have ruled with a three pronged control… Finance, religion and Politics. We see it throughout world history and we see it in our day as Nimrod’s final Matrix is being formed by way of the New World Order. This Matrix operates by the power of Lucifer and it will produce Lucifer’s protégé in the end, the antichrist.

                Unfortunately, in Constantine’s day, the church was separated from its Mosaic and Abrahamic foundations and placed instead upon the pagan foundations of the Nimrod matrix and men and women of God have been trying to come free of that system ever since. Yes, we live in a New Covenant born out of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Indeed the Law brings us to the foot of the cross where we die to the law, and are born again into Christ to now be led by the Holy Spirit. But that new life will still be built upon the foundations that God established as our defense against the matrix of Nimrod.

                 But because much of the church today has abandoned both the Torah and the study of Bible prophecy, they are becoming more and more vulnerable to the influx of Satan’s matrix doctrine.  Satan, appearing as an angel of light, is infiltrating his way right into the heart of Christianity.

                Today most Christians have no deeper appreciation for Bible prophecy other than to try and figure out when Jesus will return (pre. Mid or post tribulation.)

                The timing of Jesus’ return is the least of our concerns really, for Satan is preparing a giant and all-encompassing network of control and deceit, the final capstone on the pyramid of Nimrod’s Babylon that will deceive if possible even the very elect… and dare I say that this elect will be made up of those who understand God’s prophetic belief system founded on Moses and the prophets along with the apostles, with Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone?

                Today, the church has become so shallow in its doctrine that most cannot any longer discern the spirits of antichrist from the Spirit of God. They can no longer make political decisions based upon the sound principles of God.  They are swayed by racial and gender issues. They have bought into the lies of the enemy. They are now dupes of the matrix media. They are fully invested in Nimrods money systems, his political systems and his religious systems so that many Christians will gladly embrace the coming antichrist and think they are doing God’s will. They will even turn and persecute God’s true Remnant people, thinking to purge the church of its Judeo/Christian influence.

                God’s last call to His people is a dramatic call out of the Babylonian matrix. It is a matrix that infiltrated and indeed took over the church in the fourth century by changing calendars and times and laws. It brought in pagan replacements for God’s appointed times. It introduced a pagan calendar so that God’s all-important signs of the end time could no longer be seen. It broke down every safeguard that protected us from Nimrod’s matrix. Today, much of the church neither understands the underlying issues or what God is calling us out of and what He is calling us in to.

                Returning to the prophetic foundations of our faith is not a return to legalism. It is rather a return to the true understanding of why Yeshua came into this world and what it is that He intended to establish and how His kingdom sits perfectly upon the Abrahamic/Mosaic foundations and how this prophetic understanding alone will give us victory over the Beast and His image.

                It is not enough to merely return to Jewish traditions, which they observed and yet completely missed Yeshua’s first coming. What good is it to legalistically do away with Christmas and Easter if we then fail to walk in the powers of the Gospel of the Kingdom that Christ brought us?

                The Lord desires men and women to walk with Him like His patriarchs and prophets did. They had no support systems, not liturgies, no bylaws and no buildings. Their faith was in God and God alone. They heard His voice and they obeyed, no matter the cost.

                Today we have begun to put our faith in systems, rather than in Him. We serve the system rather than Him. Our trust and our security are founded upon men rather than upon God and His Word. We can no longer hear His voice because it doesn’t fit our pagan ideas. We have institutionalized our faith in such a way that we dare not listen to the voice of God. If we do, then it will stand in stark contrast to our systems even as Jesus stood in stark contrast to the Pharisees. We have made void the Word of God with our traditions. We can no longer recognize His voice.

                Paul said something astounding in talking about the communion service. He said: “… but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself, if he does not judge the body rightly. For this reason many among you are weak and sick and a number sleep.” 1 Cor. 11:28-30.

                What does he mean by this? Why are we so weak and sick today? And what does the communion service have to do with anything? Well, for one thing, we carry on the traditions of communion, but we no longer live by the covenant it represents. This communion service contains, or represents four elements.

1.       Passover… which represents our call out of Egypt (Babylon, the world matrix) It is made possible by the blood of the Lamb, but also by the eating of the whole Lamb, taking Christ into ourselves    for power and strength to walk out of Egypt and to defeat our enemies. But many Christians “Saved” today without any knowledge or concept of coming out of the pagan matrix that rules this world. WE simply add Jesus to our already busy lives.

2.       Unleavened Bread… which represents removing all leaven from our lives. This means doing away with sin and kicking out everything that belongs to the matrix of Nimrod. By this we reject Satan’s kingdom with its control over religion, finance and politics and we walk in the kingdom that Jesus Christ brought us and paid for with His blood. But again, many Christians today are a part of the world system. They maintain a secular world view rather than a biblical world view and as such they are no longer able to discern the difference between truth and lies.

3.       First fruits… mean that we have been made holy by Yeshua. Our lives now belong to Him and not to ourselves. We have renounced the power of the flesh so that we now live by the Spirit and not by the flesh. Do we have any idea what it means to be led by the Spirit rather than by the flesh? Are we learning to live by divine appointment, or are we just pretty much like everyone else?

4.       Pentecost… means that we not only now have the sanctifying power and presence of Christ operating in our lives; we also have an anointing of power to represent Christ in the world. Having been made like Him and empowered by Him, we are now His ambassadors in this dark Babylonian matrix. We are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. We are now charged with bringing that light and that salt into every corner of the devil’s domain even as the devil flees from the power of Christ in us.

                This is the covenant that we now live in and this covenant gives us power over sickness and disease and demons and over the power of the enemy. It confers upon us the legal right to speak in the name of Yeshua. This is both a great privilege and a great responsibility. For unless we walk under the authority of the One who gave us this authority, we take His name in vain. This is why Jesus did only those things He saw the Father doing and said only those things He heard the Father saying.

                Even though He was the Son of God, he did not go off doing what He thought was best. He never put any faith in His humanity, but only in His Father. Today you see TV preachers and others flippantly throwing around their supposed authority, doing whatever comes to mind to do and by it, the church is being deceived because much that tries to pass itself off as God’s power today is Satan’s matrix power, pulling the church back into Babylon.

                We must learn how to work by divine appointment. We must learn to sever all faith in our flesh. We must also learn to recognize in church institutions that which is of the Spirit and that which is of the flesh. Even the good things of God are bad if we do them in the flesh rather than by His Spirit. It is human nature to seek to replace the move of the Spirit with the works of the flesh.

                Paul addressed this in Galatians 3:3 saying: “Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit are you now being perfected by the flesh? Even keeping the Law is an abomination to God if we do it in the flesh rather than by the power of His Holy Spirit. We have deceived ourselves greatly in this. Only His Holy Spirit can actually change our hearts. Everything else is just playacting and or legalism.

                God is once again calling for rugged and authentic Patriarchs and Prophets to walk before Him in integrity of faith. He will not share our hearts and affections with another. He will never allow us to find our security in anything but Him. He will even be jealous over our churches if we find our security in them instead of in Him.

                Most of all we need to realize that the great shaking spoken of in Hebrews 12 is coming our way and with it God is going to shake everything out of His church that smells of Nimrod, or Egypt or Babylon. He is going to sever His people from the coming global matrix so that we will stand alone… and in that soon coming day, we will need to be standing in Christ alone, for everything else will be shaken out. Even our good intentions will crumble into dust.

                Only that which comes forth as fruit from His Spirit will stand the test of time.

                So both those who believe in keeping the Law and those who do not believe in keeping the Law are wrong. The issue is not Law verses grace. The issue is flesh verses Spirit.

                “And those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you, but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. And if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. So then brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh; for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”  Romans 8:8-16.

                To this we must add one more guiding factor. In Jeremiah 1:12 we read: “Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over My Word to perform it. The Holy Spirit will only guide us according to God’s Word, for when God said, “ Let there be light” it was so… and like Jesus, the Holy Spirit only does those things which He sees the Father doing and he says only those things that He hears the Father saying. The words that God has spoken to us are spirit and they are life.

                Coming out of the matrix then is a very big deal and it is God’s final call to His people. See Revelation 14:6-10and Revelation 18:1-24.


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