
Showing posts from June, 2018


TWO BAPTISMS                 “For I do not want you to be unaware brethren that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.” 1Cor. 10:1, 2.                 Perry Stone makes mention of the fact that Israel went through two baptisms in their Exodus out of Egypt. First they were baptized in the water of the Red Sea and then they were baptized in the cloud. One baptism was of earthly origin while the other baptism was of heavenly origin.                 This point must not be lost to us, for it is one that is carried over into the New Testament church. The baptism into the Red Sea corresponds to our baptism in water which is also called John’s baptism. But the baptism in...


THE GOSPEL IN GENESIS                 Abraham sent his oldest and most trusted servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. He sent him to a far country to find a bride after his own kind. So when the servant arrived in the land of his relatives, He asked God for a sign and that sign came in the form of a beautiful young woman who offered him water at the well and then offered to water his ten camels as well. She emptied jar after jar into the trough and then ran back to draw more water. Camels drink a lot of water.                 When she had finished, the servant gave her a gold nose ring and two golden bracelets after which time she offered him a place to stay at her father’s house and food for the camels. There the servant told her family of a son of Abraham who was looking for a bride of his own kind.    ...


THE WAYS OF THE LORD                 Even as I agreed to teach a class this fall on the feast days of the Lord; I find myself quickly overwhelmed by the enormity of the subject. Everything God does is infinite in scope. One of the problems is that the feast days are intimately tied to the Sanctuary and its services, and here again we run into the exhaustless energies and attributes of God.                 He took just two chapters in the Bible to tell us about the creation of the world, but He spent fifty chapters describing the building of the Sanctuary. One suddenly gets the idea that it was much easier for God to create the entire universe than it is to redeem lost humanity. With creation He spoke and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast. Psalms 33:9. But with mankind, He speaks and it is not done, He commands and we ru...


THE FALL FEASTS                 I have been asked by the pastor of our Pentecostal Church of God here in Clinton Tennessee to conduct a series of Wednesday night teachings on the feast days of Israel. Some of our friends at Rehoboth (Our beloved Messianic congregation back in Vancouver) may laugh. Bonnie’s and my involvement there was centered around running the kitchen (Me scrubbing pots and pans) and sewing and quilting projects to be sent to Israel to Holocaust survivors and Jewish immigrants returning home from distant lands with nothing but the tattered clothes on their backs.                        So while attending Rehoboth, we experienced the feast days first hand, but am I qualified to teach them? Absolutely not and yet I have been given an opportunity to share these wonderful feasts which ...


FOR THOSE WHO LIKE IT SHORTER                 I am grabbing this excerpt from my recent article on the sovereignty of God. I feel that the Holy Spirit was giving me some important thoughts on faith that should not be buried by a longer article. In this passage the Lord was teaching us the difference between faith and fatalism. In fatalism we sit and wait for God to do something… but in real faith we must actively engage with God in all that He offers. For instance, the Word of God is there for everyone to see, but it only benefits those who read it and apply its principles to their lives.   So it is with all of the attributes of God.                 If we want to benefit from the immediate presence of God we need to engage with Him by faith. Air is everywhere but it only benefits those who breathe. Water is everywhere but it...


SURRENDERING TO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD                 Yesterday I was working in my shop. Years ago I used to build these miniature rustic seacoast villages as works of art. They are made to hang on the wall or set on a shelf. They are fairly detailed and take time to build. My son Zach has one on a wall in his living room and was offered $800.fFor it, but wouldn’t sell it, being a family heirloom and all.                 So, for old time’s sake I decided to try another one… not so much for the artistry’s sake, but to get my mind off of my present frustrations and in the silence of it all, to find my purposes in God.                 So I was working away on the particular makings of one of the seacoast houses when the Lord spoke rather loudly into my s...


MARSHALLING THE FORCES OF THE ANTICHRIST                 If Christians would only bother to look behind the scenes, they would be shaken to their knees. Here in the USA antichrist forces are finding their focus in a war against president Trump. It’s not because he is an exemplary Christian or any of that, but because God put him in place to temporarily bock the final formation of the global government of the antichrist.                 I say “temporary” because much depends upon the spiritual state of the church and whether or not Christians will come to understand the times we are in, or if they will simply get political for a while and then go back to sleep. Revival and reformation are required for the harvest.                 This war against Trump i...